二十笔实用成语 965

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二十笔实用成语 965

帖子 royl » 周日 5月 09, 2021 12:01 am

二十笔实用成语 965

01. set one's face against, to
定义: 强烈反对.
例句: Many people in our small town set their faces against that big construction project, and I think you'll have a hard time changing their minds. (这个小镇有很多人都强烈反对这个大型建设项目, 我认为你要改变他们的想法将会有困难)

02. set one's hand to, to
定义: 着手, 从事; 尝试; 签署, 签字.
例句: I'm pretty good at any sport I set my hand to, except golf – my swing is still terrible despite lots of practice. (我所尝试的任何运动我都很擅长, 但是高尔夫球是个例外– 虽然我勤练它, 我的挥杆动作还是拙劣不堪)

03. set one's heart/mind on, to
定义: 渴望, 决心要.
例句: When I was a little boy, I set my heart on becoming a fighter pilot. (我从小就渴望成为一名战斗机飞行员)

04. set a/the/one's price, to
定义: 定价; 开出价钱出售.
例句: If you want to sell it quickly, set your price lower than the others. (如果你想很快地出售它的话, 你就把价钱定得比别人都低)

05. set one's seal on, to
定义: 签署, 授权, 批准, 同意; 展现某人独特风格, 影响或诠释.
例句: Be sure to look over the fine print of the agreement before you set your seal to it. (在签署这份协议书之前, 你务必要看清它的限制或对你不利的小字条款)

06. set one's sights on, to
定义: 着眼去追求某事或物; 决定以某事或物为目标.
例句: She set her sights on winning an Olympic gold medal. (她决定以赢得一片奥运金牌为目标)

07. set one's teeth on edge, to
定义: 令人非常恼怒.
例句: Nothing sets my teeth on edge like seeing these motorcyclists run every red light in town! (没有什么比看见这批骑机车的人一路硬闯镇上所有的红灯更令我恼怒!)

08. set (someone or oneself) up for (something), to
定义: 为了某个结局安排某个情况或设好一个局; 供应资金给某人去购买某物; 供应某人充分资金安享生活; 供应某人充分营养.
例句: With the way they slashed our budget and pushed our deadline forward, the company was setting us up for failure from the word go. (利用删减我们预算和推前我们完工期限等手段, 这家公司从一开始便设了一个害我们失败的局)

09. set out for, to
定义: 启程, 着手, 动身去(某处), 开始路程.
例句: I'm setting out for Dallas tomorrow to attend a business meeting. (我明天动身去达拉斯出席一场商务会议)

10. set out, to
定义: 有系统地安排及展示; 有系统地计划; 详尽地说明, 描述或回答问题; 开始一个急切想要达成的工作; 着手工作; 开始一个旅程, 路程, 生涯.
例句: We accomplished what we set out to do. (我们实现了我们当初急切想要达成的任务)

11. set priorities, to
定义: 决定事情执行的优先顺序. (注: 意指从事情的轻重缓急程度来决定处理的顺序)
例句: We don't have enough time to do everything, so we have to set priorities. (我们没有足够时间做完每件事, 所以我们必须决定事情执行的优先顺序)

12. set sail, to
定义: 启航, 开始一个海上航程.
例句: Dad rented a yacht, and we're about to set sail for the Caribbean. (爸爸租好了一艘游艇, 我们即将要启航去加勒比海游玩. 注: 这里的Caribbean是指加勒比海及其周边海岸和域内岛屿并包括岛屿上的土地和居民等等一切的总称)

13. put/set someone in the pillory, to
定义: 将某人挂在颈手枷上; 公开羞辱, 嘲笑某人.
例句: Put him in the pillory for a few days and let others take note of the lesson. (把他套上颈手枷上挂个几天, 给其他人作个警示并引以为戒)

14. put/set someone on edge, to
定义: 令人紧张不安.
例句: Something about his tone put me on edge. (他对我说话的那个口气教人不安)

15. set someone up, to
定义: 设局栽赃某人或诬陷无辜的某人.
例句: I don't believe that I lost that money honestly. I believe that I was set up. (说实话, 我不相信我遗失了那笔钱. 我觉得我是被人设局陷害的)

16. set something on foot, to
定义: 开始着手某件事.
例句: Many projects have been set on foot for the expansion of Chinese solar energy into the global markets. (为了扩张中国太阳能产品进入全球市场, 许多工程项目都已经开工上路了)

17. set something on its ear, to
定义: 由于事件引起轰动或震惊.
例句: She set the racing world on its ear by winning several major races. Natural talent like hers comes along only once in a generation. (她赢得了几场重大赛车冠军, 引起了赛车界的轰动. 像她这种罕有的天生禀赋在一代人中只出其一)

18. set the bar high/low, to
定义: 提高或降低标准或要求.
例句: "At this point, I'm willing to go out with just about any guy, so long as he isn't living in his parents' basement." "Don't you think you're setting the bar a little low ?" ("到了这个地步, 我愿意跟几乎任何男子交往, 只要他不是住在他父母家的地下室就好." "妳不认为妳把妳的标准降得太低吗?")

19. set the pace, to
定义: 竞赛中领先; (由领头人来)制定步调, 速度, 标准, 或品质要求.
例句: With their dedication to quality and beautiful design, they've been setting the pace in the industry for the past decade. (由于他们致力于高品质与出色的设计, 他们过去十年来一直是业界的龙头)

20. set the scene/stage for, to
定义: 布置场景; 为...奠基; 为...铺路; 做好准备; 创造条件.
例句: The initial meeting set the stage for further negotiations. (这次的初步会面是为了更多的谈判铺路)



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