二十笔实用成语 975

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二十笔实用成语 975

帖子 royl » 周四 6月 10, 2021 5:08 am

二十笔实用成语 975

01. shortly thereafter
定义: 之后不久地.
例句: We obtained the permits for the interior remodel of the house on April 9th and construction began shortly thereafter. (四月九日我们取得了房屋室内装修许可, 之后没多久便开始施工)

02. short-term fix, a
定义: 头痛医头, 脚痛医脚之类的临时性补救措施. (注: 意指不是长久性的解决办法)
例句: Providing famine relief is only a short-term fix. We should be looking at stopping the food shortages from happening in the first place. (提供饥荒的物资救济只是一个临时性补救措施. 我们应该着眼于当食物短缺问题一开始发生便加以遏止)

03. a shot in the arm
定义: 激励, 鼓舞; 一剂强心针.
例句: Our chief's unexpected praise really gave our floundering project a shot in the arm. (我们主管突如其来的赞许给我们深陷困境的工作项目打了一剂强心针)

04. shot to hell/pieces, be
定义: 被毁坏; 被用坏或毁损; 情况很糟.
例句: After dropping my phone so many times, the screen is shot to pieces. (我的手机历经许多次掉在地上之后, 它的显示屏遭到了严重毁损)

05. shot/stab in the dark, a
定义: 瞎琢磨, 瞎猜; 成功机会不大的尝试.
例句: It was really just a shot in the dark when I tried to fix our washing machine, but I was actually able to get it working again on my first try! (虽然成功的机会不大我仍旧试图修理我家的洗衣机,但我居然在第一次尝试中能够将它修复!)

06. shotgun marriage/wedding, a
定义: 因女方怀孕而被迫结婚; 被迫结盟.
例句: After finding out she was pregnant for months, Gina and Tom had a shotgun wedding. (发现了她已经怀孕几个月之后, 吉娜和汤姆因此被迫结婚)

07. shots fired
定义: 有人开枪. (注: 经常用于警察通报中)
例句: Attention all units, shots fired at 1500 block of Oak Boulevard. (所有单位注意, 橡树大道1500号街区有人开枪. 注: 这句话显然是一则警局对其所属单位发出的通报)

08. should have + ... (PP过去分词)
定义: 原本该做的事. (注: 意指使用于与过去事实相反的假设或应当原本该做的事; 例如: You should have finished it ye​​sterday. (你昨天就应该把这件事做完)

09. should have stood in bed
定义: 今天很不顺利, 早知如此, 还不如赖在床上不起来.
例句: Today is not my day, I just can't do anything right. I should have stood in bed. (今天很不顺利, 我做什么都出错. 早知如此, 还不如赖在床上不起来)

10. should not let our guard down
定义: 不应该放松戒心; 不可掉以轻心.
例句: COVID-19 lockdowns have helped us in containing the spread of the virus. So we should not let our guard down. (新冠病毒的居家令曾帮助我们遏阻病毒的扩散. 因此我们不可掉以轻心)

11. should take an hour at the longest/most
定义: 最多不超过一个钟头. (注: 这里的一个钟头只是一个例子, 你可以换成其他时段)
例句: It's only a 12-mile drive from the airport and should take 30 minutes at the most to get there. (这里离飞机场只有十二英哩的车程, 开到那儿最多不超过三十分钟)

12. should you wish to...
定义: 如果你想要或愿意... (注: should在此表达一个假设状况)
例句: Should you wish to report an error or seek a correction, use this form to submit your request. (如果你想要举报一个错误或者寻求更正, 请使用这张表格提出你的要求)

13. far to seek, be
定义: 达不到, 想不到; 差太远.
例句: The reason is not far to seek and is apparent from the beginning. I don't understand why people just don't get it. (这个道理并不是人们想不到的, 它从一开始就很明显. 我不明白为什么人们就是想不通这件事)

14. shoulder the blame, to
定义: 承担责任或谴责.
例句: The manager agreed to shoulder the blame for the error? Yeah, sure! (这名经理愿意承担这个错误的责任? 鬼才信! 注: 这里的Yeah, sure!并不是给予肯定的意思, 它乃是以反讽的语气来表达对此事的不信任)
人们经常使用Yeah, sure!反讽语气来表达不信任

15. shoulder to cry on, a
定义: 可以诉苦的对象; 给予关怀与慰藉的人.
例句: It's kind of you to offer me a fatherly shoulder to cry on, Ryan. (很感激你给予我有如父亲般的关怀与慰藉, 莱恩)

16. shoulder to shoulder
定义: 肩并肩地, 齐心协力地.
例句: We all must work shoulder to shoulder if we want to achieve our goal. (我们都应当齐心协力地打拼如果我们想要实现我们目标的话)

17. should've known better
定义: 当初应该知道, 早应该明白.
例句: I should've known better not to trust a total stranger. (我早该知道不可信任一个完全不认识的陌生人)

18. shout down, to
定义: 大声喊叫或嘘声来压制, 高声制止.
例句: Annie brought up a very important suggestion, but Bob shouted it down. (安妮提出了一个很重要的建议, 但鲍伯却大声制止了她的发言)

19. shout from the rooftops, to
定义: 公开宣布.
例句: I was ready to shout that we'd be having a baby from the rooftops, but my wife wanted to wait for a while before we made the news public. (我正准备要公开宣布我们家将要迎来一个宝贝的消息, 但我妻子想要等一阵子再发布这个喜讯)

20. shout the odds, to
定义: 愤怒地, 威胁地, 或争论地叫喊.
例句: The whole debate consisted of the candidates shaking their fists and shouting the odds, there was very little actual debate at all. (整场辩论除了后选人挥舞着他们拳头和愤怒地叫喊之外, 真正唇枪舌剑的辩论却是少得可怜)



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