二十笔实用成语 976

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二十笔实用成语 976

帖子 royl » 周六 6月 12, 2021 6:27 am

二十笔实用成语 976

01. shout yourself hoarse, to
定义: 喊到嘶哑; 声嘶力竭地呐喊.
例句: I go to sports events with my family and friends to root for my favorite teams; however, never in my life have I shouted myself hoarse like I did at last game. (我都是跟着我家人和朋友一起去看运动比赛为我喜爱的球队加油打气; 但是, 我这一辈子从来没像上次比赛那样的声嘶力竭地呐喊)

02. shouting match, a
定义: [俚语]双方互相叫骂的争论或吵架.
例句: For a moment I thought the meeting was going to become a shouting match. (一时之间我还以为这次会议将要演变成一场骂战)

03. shove it up one's ass, to
定义: [粗俗语]去他的; (负气, 不耐, 厌倦的口气)你爱怎么处置它都可以, 反正我也不在乎了.
例句: I've taken enough of the boss's crap. He can shove this job up his ass! (我已经受够了老板的恶气. 这个烂工作老子不干了!)

04. shove it, to
定义: [粗俗语]去他的; (负气, 不耐, 厌倦的口气)你爱怎么处置它都可以, 反正我也不在乎了.
例句: "The boss wants that report now." "Yeah? Tell him he can shove it." ("老板说他现在就要那份报告." "是吗? 告诉他我才不甩他.")

05. shove off, to
定义: 离开; 把船推向水深处.
例句: Shove off! Stop bothering me! (走开! 别烦我!)

06. shove someone around, to
定义: 对某人颐气指使, 呼来唤去, 欺人太甚.
例句: Don't let Tom shove you around like that. Stand up for yourself, or report him to HR if you need to. (别让汤姆对你那样地颐气指使. 勇敢地跟他抗争, 逼不得已的话,向人事部门举报他)

07. show a clean pair of heels, to
定义: 脚底抹油; 跑掉, 逃之夭夭.
例句: He showed the mugger a clean pair of heels, skittering down a side alley and escaping out of sight. (他脚底抹油逃离那个抢匪, 蹑手蹑脚地溜入一条窄巷, 转眼之间他消失得无影无踪)

08. show a leg, to
定义: [英国]起床.
例句: Come on, you lazy bones, show a leg! We have to get on the road soon. (快点, 你这只懒虫, 起床啦! 我们必须马上出发上路了)

09. show a thing or two, to
定义: 露两手. (注: 意指某人熟稔某个技艺或知识)
例句: In fact, I believe his son said the last person he showed a thing or two on the banjo ended up playing with the Charlie Daniels Band. (事实上, 我相信他儿子说的是他最后向人展露两手斑鸠琴艺的那个人最终在查理丹尼尔斯乐队里演奏)
以演奏南方摇滚, 乡村及蓝草音乐闻名的查理丹尼尔斯乐队

10. show around/round, to
定义: 引导别人到处走一走, 看看有趣的事或物; 随便向人展示某物.
例句: This is where you'll be working, but let me show you around the rest of the building. (这里就是你将要工作的地方, 但是让我带你到这栋大楼其他地方走一走)

11. show business
定义: 演艺业; 演艺界.
例句: While trying to break into show business, you still have to keep your day job because it can take years to achieve your goal and you'll need money to live. (当你试图打进演艺业的时侯, 你还是必须保住你的固定工作因为你需要几年时间来实现你的目标, 在此同时你也需要赚钱过日子)

12. show little sign of ..., to
定义: 没有什么...迹象; 显示不出...迹象.
例句: He's showing little sign of improvement, his mom said. Tom has struggled with alcoholism for the past 15 years. (他母亲说, 他并没有什么改善的迹象. 汤姆在摆脱酗酒恶习上已经挣扎了十五年.注: 意指汤姆在摆脱酗酒恶习的挣扎历程中时好时坏, 并没有取得决定性的胜利)

13. show me the money, to
定义: 先给我看钱; 提出财务证明; 证明你出得起钱; 拿出钱来证明你的承诺决心.
例句: President Obama told BP, the company responsible for a massive oil spill, "Show me the money," advising that BP should put billions in escrow to pay for claims. (奥巴马总统告诉这家应为大量泄油污染负责的英国石油公司, "拿出钱来证明你们的诚意," 建议该公司应拿出数十亿美元存入第三者保管帐户来赔偿损失)

14. show me the proof, to
定义: 把证据拿出来.
例句: Talk is cheap. Show me the proof with real results. (口说无凭. 把实际成果拿出来给我看不就好了嘛)

15. show of force, a
定义: 展示军力, 展示实力.
例句: The march by union organizers is intended as a show of force to politicians threatening to weaken their bargaining powers. (工会组织者所主办的示威游行乃是用来向政客们展示他们的实力并表明他们具有削弱政客谈判能力的报复意图)

16. by a show of hands
定义: 以举手来表决. (注: 举手表决多用来作为非正式或临时性的表决)
例句: Bob wanted us to vote on paper, not by a show of hands, so that we could have a secret ballot. (鲍伯想要我们使用投票表决而不是举手表决, 如此我们便可以举行秘密投票)

17. show off, to
定义: 卖弄, 炫耀.
例句: She wears tight-fitting jeans today to show off her compact figure. (她今天穿了一件紧身牛仔裤来炫耀她匀称坚实的身材)

18. show one's cards, to
定义: 摊牌, 公开自己的计划, 表明自己的意向.
例句: In business negotiations, it's important that you don't show your cards right away, or you might risk losing out on the best deal possible. (在商务洽谈上, 不立即表明自己意向是重要的, 否则你将会冒着失去最佳交易机会的危险)

19. show one's face, to
定义: 出现, 有意让别人看到你; 去某处虽然你感到尴尬.
例句: With the way my kids behaved there last time, I can never show my face in that restaurant again. (有了上次我孩子们恶劣行为表现的前车之鉴, 我真没脸再去那家餐馆吃饭)

20. show one's hand, to
定义: 摊牌; 公开自己的计划; 表明自己真实的意向.
例句: We have to be careful not to show our hand to our competitors. (我们必须要小心谨慎, 别向我们的竞争对手泄露我们的真实意向)



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