二十笔实用成语 981

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二十笔实用成语 981

帖子 royl » 周三 6月 30, 2021 11:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 981

01. sign (someone's) death warrant, to
定义: 给某人带来灭亡或灾难.
例句: His knowledge of the gang's financial practices essentially signed his death warrant when he chose to leave the organization. (由于他对这个黑帮财务操作的通盘了解, 如果他选择离开这个组织的话, 基本上将会给他带来灭顶之灾)

02. sign out, to
定义: 签退, 签名以表示离开; 登记借出某物; 退出网站.
例句: I was reading the discharge summary and as I got to the end, it said the patient signed himself out against medical advice. (我在阅读这份出院摘要报告, 当我读到最后的部分, 它说这名病患不遵循医生的劝告自行签退离开医院)

03. sign over, to
定义: [法律术语]合法的将财物, 产权转让给别人.
例句: He signed over his car to his son on his 21st birthday. (在他儿子二十一岁生日的那一天, 他把他车子产权转让给他的儿子)

04. sign up, to
定义: 登记, 申请以便取得某物, 做某件事, 申请加入某团体或活动.
例句: I've signed you up as a weekly volunteer at the nursing home. (我已经帮你申请加入了那家养老院每星期来一次的义工活动)

05. signed, sealed and delivered, be
定义: (文件)正式地签名盖章密封并送交; 正式批准并验证; 正式地完成.
例句: Once the contract is signed, sealed, and delivered, we'll send a team of technicians to your house to install a new solar panel system. (一旦这份契约被签署, 批准并验证之后, 我们将会派遣一组技术人员来你家里安装一组崭新太阳能板发电系统)

06. significant other, the
定义: [尊重语气]自己的配偶或爱侣.
例句: Before you make such an important decision, you should talk it over with your significant other. (在你做出这项重要决定之前, 你应当跟你的配偶仔细地讨论这件事)

07. significantly higher than, be
定义: 明显地高于. (注: 这个片语只是一个例子, 你可以依需要更换中间的比较性形容词)
例句: Mulberry, the luxury handbag maker, has said profits will be significantly better than previously expected after a bounce back in sales. (销售出现反弹之后, 莫伯里, 这家豪华手提包制造商, 宣称其盈利将会明显地多于其原先预期的数字)

08. silence is deafening, the
定义: 极度的安静; 冷漠, 毫无反应.
例句: Her silence was deafening, and a far cry from the screaming that made her red in the face mere moments before. (她冷漠的反应与她仅仅片刻之前所发出的面红耳赤尖叫的态度截然不同)

09. silence is golden
定义: [谚语]沉默是金; 保持沉默是睿智稳重的; 保持沉默以免言多必失.
例句: I would be careful around all those reporters if I were you. Remember, silence is golden. (成为所有这些记者所关注的焦点, 如果我是你的话我会谨言慎行. 记注, 保持沉默以免言多必失)

10. silent majority, a
定义: 沉默的大多数. (注: 意指那些不以游行示威来表达自己意见的多数民众)
例句: If he talks about a silent majority in favor of this, I think he is mistaken. (如果他谈论到沉默的大多数民众都赞成这个想法的话, 我认为他错了)

11. silver bullet, a
定义: 神奇的解决办法, 解决难题的妙方. (注: 经常使用在否定语气上去驳斥这种一厢情愿的空想)
例句: There's no silver bullet that will solve the homelessness crisis. The way to make progress is through deliberate, logical discussions around the issue. (解决流离失所这个危机根本就没有什么神奇妙方. 经由深思熟虑以及诉诸理性地全面探讨这个问题才是取得进展的方法)

12. silver lining, a
定义: (困境中的)一线希望, 一丝安慰.
例句: There could be a silver lining to getting laid off – you might find a job you actually like! (被裁员所带来可能的一丝安慰 – 你可能会找到一份你真心喜欢的工作!)

13. silver spoon, a
定义: 继承来的财富, 累积下来的财富; 银汤匙; 出身富贵之家.
例句: After hundreds of years of slavery, racist public policies and discriminatory labor practices, Black families do not have the silver spoon of equity to pass on. (历经数百年的奴役, 种族主义的公共政策以及歧视性的劳工操作, 黑人家族根本没有累积的财富可以传承下去)

14. similar in size to, be
定义: 与...大小相仿.
例句: Venus is similar in size to Earth, which earned it the title of Earth's twin. (金星和地球的大小相仿, 也赢得了地球的孪生兄弟头衔)

15. simmer down, to
定义: 趋于平静, 冷静下来; 小火慢炖.
例句: We've been crazy busy the last few months, but things are finally starting to simmer down a little. (过去几个月我们忙得快疯了, 但情形终于开始平静下来一点)

16. simple as that, be (as)
定义: 就那么简单.
例句: Yeah, but it's not as simple as that because nothing is as straightforward as it seems. (是的, 但是事情没那么简单因为它并不是你所看到的那么直接了当)

17. simply put
定义: 简单地说.
例句: "What the heck is a cholecystectomy?" "Simply put, it's the surgical removal of the gallbladder. Don't worry, we'll take good care of your son." ("什么是胆囊切除手术?" "简单地说, 它就是以外科手术方式将胆囊切除. 别担心, 我们会悉心地照顾你儿子.")

18. since that time
定义: 从那时起.
例句: I met Tim in grade school. We have been best friends since that time. (我小学就认识提姆. 从那时起我们一直是最好的朋友)

19. since the dawn of time
定义: 从黎明开始; 自古以来, 亘古以来.
例句: Scientists believe these microorganisms have existed on Earth since the dawn of time. (科学家们相信这些微生物亘古以来一直都存在地球上)

20. since the year dot
定义: 长久以来, 一直都是这样.
例句: My grandmother always says that she's loved cooking since the year dot, but my grandfather is quick to point out that she hated cooking when they first met. (我奶奶一直说她长久以来一直都热爱烹饪, 但我爷爷却迅速地指出他们刚认识的时候她很厌恶烹调)



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