二十笔实用成语 986

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二十笔实用成语 986

帖子 royl » 周五 7月 16, 2021 12:28 am

二十笔实用成语 986

01. slap (someone) on the back, to
定义: 给予别人鼓励, 同意, 表扬, 恭贺.
例句: The boss slapped us all on the back after we completed the project early and under budget. (由于我们的花费低于预算并且提早完成这个工程项目, 老板给予了我们赞扬)

02. slap and tickle
定义: [名词]打情骂俏; 情侣的亲吻和拥抱.
例句: My roommates were having a bit of slap and tickle in the living room when I came home last night. It was awkward, to say the least. (昨晚当我进屋的时候, 我的室友正好在客厅里亲吻和拥抱. 毫不夸张的说, 情况真是尴尬. 注: 这里所提到的室友很可能是一对恋人)

03. slap down, to
定义: 强制性地压制或约束; 拍击, 掌掴, 打倒; 制止, 挫败.
例句: You've slapped every one of my suggestions down, so I don't know what else you want me to say. (你已经否决了我所有的建议, 所以我不知道你还要我说什么)

04. slap in one's/the face, a
定义: 挨了一巴掌; 羞辱人的行为; 令人难堪, 失望或气馁的行为.
例句: It was a real slap in the face when she got promoted over me, especially after the amount of work I did on that last project. (当她升职而我却还在原地踏步的滋味真是不好受, 尤其想到了上个工作项目我投入了大量的努力更令人气馁)

05. slap on the back, a
定义: 鼓励, 同意, 表扬, 恭贺.
例句: He gave me a slap on the back and said "Good job!" (他给我一个表扬并说, "干得漂亮!")

06. slap on the wrist, a
定义: 轻微的责备; 薄惩.
例句: Criminals these days only get a slap on the wrist. This is nothing compared to what we did to criminals in the past. (现今的罪犯仅仅受到薄惩. 跟过去我们对待罪犯份子的手法根本不能比)

07. slap together, to
定义: 仓促, 粗糙地做出来.
例句: "This dinner is delicious!" "It's nothing special. I just slapped together a few different leftovers we had in the fridge." ("这顿晚餐很可口!" "其实也没什么, 我只是把我们冰箱里剩下的一些食物仓促地整治出来.")

08. slated for, be
定义: 计划于, 预定于.
例句: They had me slated for a promotion and a pay raise, but downturns in the economy has put that on hold for now. (他们计划要给我升职和加薪, 但是经济的衰退迫使这个计划被暂时搁置下来)

09. slave driver, a
定义: 驱使部下工作劳苦的上司.
例句: I am not a slave driver, I only expect to get a fair days' work from my employees. (我不是一个奴役部下的老板, 我只指望员工们每天诚实地给我干一天的活就好了.注: 美国有一个至今仍常用的形容词, gung-ho, 其意为强烈或过度地热诚; 我估计这个单字出自于我们中国的"干活"一词)

10. slave over, to
定义: 辛勤努力地工作.
例句: Kids, I spent nearly three hours slaving over a hot stove getting this dinner ready, so by God, you're going to eat it! (小朋友们, 我花了将近三个钟头在这个燥热厨房里辛勤地整治出这顿晚餐, 所以你们一定要吃完! 注: 这里的by God本身没有意义, 它只是用来加强说话者的语气以表示他/她的坚决心意)

11. sleazeball, a
定义: [俚语]卑鄙, 猥琐或令人厌恶的人.
例句: I know what that sleazeball is doing. He's making a fortune off of his supporters. (我晓得那个卑鄙的人想要干什么. 他在利用他的拥护者来发大财. 注: 美国有许多人利用现代化科技的募捐网站来筹募款项, 虽然大多募款人的目的是纯正的但也有不肖份子利用募款来敛财或自肥)
本身是无辜的募捐网站, 端看募款人的目的是否是纯正的

12. sleep around, to
定义: 到处乱搞男女关系, 行为不检点.
例句: Harry was sleeping around before his wife divorced him. (在他妻子跟他离婚之前, 哈利到处乱搞男女关系)

13. sleep away, to
定义: 以睡觉来打发时间.
例句: I was so rundown from the flu that I slept the whole day away. (受到了流行感冒的拖累我的身体非常不舒服, 我睡了一整天觉)

14. sleep in, to
定义: 在雇主处过夜; 睡过头.
例句: Don't call me until after lunch tomorrow. I'm going to sleep in. (别在明天午餐之前打电话给我. 我准备要睡过头)

15. sleep like a baby/log/rock/top, to
定义: 沉睡, 熟睡.
例句: Last night, I had a quick dinner and then went straight to bed and slept like a rock for ten hours. (昨晚, 我匆匆地吃了晚饭, 然后直接就去睡觉, 我舒服地熟睡了十个小时)

16. sleep off, to
定义: 睡一觉后感觉舒服(例如酒醒, 头不疼); 睡一觉来忘掉烦恼.
例句: She went home early to sleep off her headache. (她提早回家利用睡眠来治头疼)

17. sleep on, to
定义: 无法欣赏...; 不马上作决定, 争取一点思考时间.
例句: I will have to sleep on it tonight but I will give you an answer tomorrow. (我今晚必须要好好地考虑这件事, 但我明天肯定会给你一个答覆)

18. sleep out, to
定义: 不在雇主处过夜; 不在家过夜.
例句: I will be sleeping out tonight, so don't wait up. (我今晚在外面过夜, 别为我等门)

19. sleep over, to
定义: 在别人家过夜.
例句: The kids are going to sleep over at Jill's house. (这群小朋友准备在姬儿家过夜)

20. sleep rough, to
定义: 在公园或无遮蔽的户外过夜.
例句: It makes me so sad when I see young people begging or sleeping rough on the streets. (让我难过的是当我看见在乞讨或在街上过夜的年轻人们)



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