二十笔实用成语 989

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二十笔实用成语 989

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 24, 2021 4:07 am

二十笔实用成语 989

01. slippery as an eel, be (as)
定义: 滑溜溜的, 捉摸不定; 狡猾的, 闪闪躲躲的, 不光明正大的.
例句: Companies like this are slippery as eels, coming up with all sorts of elaborate means of getting around regulations. (像这种狡猾无比的公司挖空心思想出了各种逃避法规的办法)

02. slippery customer, a
定义: 狡猾的, 诡计多端的, 躲躲闪闪的, 不可信任的, 滑头滑脑的人.
例句: You're working for Tom? Watch out, that guy's a slippery customer. (你在汤姆那儿工作? 你要小心, 那个人诡计多端, 不可信任)

03. slippery slope, a
定义: 危险之路. (注: 尤其指逐渐地步入灾难性道路)
例句: Starting with shoplifting, he was soon on the slippery slope towards a life of crime. (从商店内扒窃开始, 没多久他便逐渐地步上全面性的犯罪生涯)

04. slog/sweat/work one's guts out, to
定义: 埋头苦干, 拼命地工作.
例句: I slogged my guts out for a few years as a court messenger for a legal firm while I finished up my law degree, and they eventually offered me a job as an attorney. (几年来, 我在一家法律事务所受雇为法律文件快递员, 我一直埋头苦干并同时取得了我的法律学位, 他们最终给了我一份律师工作)

05. slop about/around, to
定义: 溢出, 洒出; 踩在泥浆上, 溅出; 玩得一身脏透或湿透.
例句: The boat was rocking so badly in the waves that my drink kept slopping around at the table. (这艘船被风浪摇晃得太厉害以致我的饮料不停地溢出到桌子上)

06. slope off, to
定义: [英国俚语]偷偷溜走.
例句: Jack and I sloped off to escape the dreadful party and grab a bite by ourselves before we went home. (杰克和我偷偷溜出逃离这个令人生厌的派对, 我们自行在外面吃了一些东西然后就回家了)

07. sloshed to the gills, be
定义: [俚语]醉得糊里糊涂的.
例句: I hate being in New Orleans during Mardi Gras – an appalling number of people are sloshed to the gills! (我很不喜欢在狂欢节的时候去新奥尔良市 – 大量的烂醉如泥人们!)

08. slot in, to
定义: 安插, 安排, 挤进, 插进.
例句: "Doctor, when can I have an appointment?" "I can slot you in on Thursday, at 9 am." ("医生, 我什么时候可以跟你预约?" "我可以把你安排进星期四早上九点的时间段.")

09. slough of despond, the
定义: 极度沮丧, 失望的状况.
例句: While everyone is having a blast I am sinking into the slough of despond. (当大家都玩得很开心的时候, 我却陷入极度的沮丧)

10. slough off, to
定义: 剥下, 刮下, 除去; 忽视, 忽略, 不当一回事; 拖延, 逃避; 把事情推给别人做; 偷偷溜走.
例句: I could see that the remark had hurt her feelings, but she just pretended to slough it off. (我可以看出来那句话明显地刺伤了她的心, 但她却装着不当一回事的样子)

11. slow and steady wins the race, to
定义: 慢而稳当才能赢得竞赛. (注: 出自龟兔赛跑典故)
例句: Look, I know you're eager to get all this data entered so you can move on to the next stage of the project, but slow and steady wins the race, OK? (听我说, 我知道你很急切地想把这些数据打入电脑然后你便可以继续做这个工作项目的下一步, 但是慢而稳当才能赢得竞赛, 好吗?)

12. slow as molasses in January, be (as)
定义: 速度或动作太慢.
例句: This old laptop my dad gave me takes forever booting up, and then it runs as slow as molasses in January the whole time I use it! (这台我爸爸送给我的老旧手提电脑要等很久才能完成开机程序, 在我使用它的整个过程中, 它的运行速度慢得惊人!)

13. slow boat to China
定义: 等到天长地久.
例句: It's been three weeks since I ordered those clothes online – is the package on a slow boat to China or something? (自从我在网路上订购了那些衣服之后已经有三个星期 –我是不是要等待包裹天长地久地送到还是要怎样?)

14. slow burn, a
定义: 逐渐发展或扩展的事务; 逐渐升起的怒火.
例句: I did a slow burn when he kept me waiting for three whole hours. (他足足让我等了三个钟头, 逐渐地激起我心中的怒火)

15. slow but sure
定义: 虽然慢点但一定会做完的.
例句: "Hey, how's the new novel coming along?" "It's been slow but sure." ("嘿, 你的新小说进展的如何?" "虽然慢一点但肯定会写完的.")

16. slow day, a
定义: 生意清淡, 很少活动的一天.
例句: I'm tired and it's a slow day today. I'm going home. (我累了而且今天生意清淡. 我要回家了)

17. slow down, to
定义: 失去速度, 放慢速度, 放缓步调.
例句: You need to slow down and start taking care of yourself. Your health is the most important asset you have. (你须要放缓生活步调并且开始照顾你自己的身体. 你的健康是你所拥有的最重要资产)

18. slow off the mark, be
定义: 迟缓地开始行动; 脑筋不灵光, 反应迟钝.
例句: Emergency responders were too slow off the mark in dealing with the victim's injuries, and he ended up with permanent brain damage as a result. (急救人员在处理伤患者的伤势反应迟缓, 结果导致了他永久性的脑损伤)

19. slow on the draw, be
定义: 迟缓地开始行动; 脑筋不灵光, 反应迟钝.
例句: Joe's always been a bit slow on the draw when it comes to science and math. (谈到了科学和数学时, 乔总是脑筋跟不上, 学习迟缓)

20. slow on the uptake, be
定义: 迟缓明白事情, 学习能力迟钝, 反应迟钝.
例句: Bill who's slow on the uptake didn't get the joke until it was explained to him. (比尔反应迟钝没听懂这个笑话直到人家跟他解释之后他才懂了)



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