二十笔实用成语 991

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二十笔实用成语 991

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 31, 2021 9:14 pm

二十笔实用成语 991

01. small wonder
定义: 难怪, 一点不令人惊讶.
例句: Small wonder you had such trouble starting the car: the battery is almost completely dead! (难怪你发动这部车子有那么麻烦: 这只电瓶都快死了!)

02. small/early hours, the
定义: 夜深人静的时刻; 凌晨, 午夜之后两三个小时.
例句: I love the small hours, when few are awake and one can be alone with one's thoughts. (我喜欢夜深人静的时刻, 当大多数人都已入睡的时候, 一个人可以独自地思考)

03. small-time thief, a
定义: 小毛贼, 小窃贼. (注: 意指专门偷鸡摸狗)
例句: Tina was a small-time thief, swindler, and fraud artist – but she also was a big-time drag king, seducing vulnerable girls. (蒂娜是个小毛贼, 骗子, 和诈欺犯 – 但她可是个一流的女扮男装者, 专门勾引脆弱的女孩们)

04. smart alec/aleck/arse, a
定义: [俚语]自以为聪明, 了不起, 讨厌的人.
例句: I'd had enough of that smart aleck's wisecracks, so I left the party early. (我受够了那个自以为聪明家伙讥讽挖苦人的笑话, 因此我提早离开了这个派对)

05. smart as a whip, be (as)
定义: 很聪敏伶俐, 智力敏捷的.
例句: Ted's as smart as a whip, so he'll find a solution to this problem. (泰德智力敏捷, 所以他会有办法找到这个问题的解决方案)

06. smart cookie, a
定义: 精明能干的人.
例句: Don't underestimate Cindy's intelligence – she's one smart cookie! (别低估辛蒂的智慧 – 她可是个精明能干的人!)

07. smart money
定义: 有经验或精明投资者或被他们所操作的金钱.
例句: During the economic recession, the smart money bought up prime pieces of land at low prices, and now that the market is rebounding, they are making a fortune. (在经济衰退期间, 这些精明投资者以低价买下了大量的最优质土地, 随着经济的复苏, 他们便发了一大笔财)

08. smart mouth, a
定义: 伶牙俐齿, 说话带刺或语言不尊重别人者.
例句: How dare you talk to me like that? I didn't raise you to be a smart mouth! (你怎么敢这样跟我说话? 我可没有把你教养成一个说话不尊重人的人!)

09. smart off, to
定义: 不礼貌地回嘴; 言语无礼狂傲.
例句: One of my coworkers smarted off to the boss and was fired. (我一个同事由于跟老板说话没礼貌而被解雇了)

10. smart-ass, a
定义: [俚语]自以为聪明, 了不起, 讨厌的人.
例句: OK, smart-ass, are you going to help me, or just stand there mocking me all night? (好了, 自以为了不起的人, 你是要帮我, 还是站在那儿整夜嘲弄我?)

11. smarten up, to
定义: 言行更具智慧; 提高觉悟或警觉性; 打扮更时尚.
例句: People who drink and drive should smarten up. (酒驾的人们应当提高由于他们此种行为所导致悲惨后果的觉悟)

12. smarty pants, a
定义: 自以为聪明, 自以为了不起的人.
例句: Don't be such a smarty pants. You don't know everything. (别自以为了不起. 你又不是什么无所不知的神人)

13. smash down, to
定义: 发出撞击声; 撞开, 撞倒, 撞翻, 撞破; 废除某个藩篱或障碍.
例句: The police smashed down the door with their battering ram. (警察使用他们的撞门槌把这扇门撞开)
撞门槌的前身 – 古代用来攻破城门的冲车

14. smash hit, a
定义: 卓越, 极为卖座的表演; 畅销.
例句: Her first book was a smash hit. The second was a disaster. (她的第一本书是部极为卖座的畅销书. 她的第二本书却是一场灾难)

15. smash in, to
定义: 砸坏, 撞倒, 撞入, 踩碎; 重力碰撞, 重力撞击, 重力击伤.
例句: The boxer smashed his opponent in the ribs with a devastating left hook. (这名拳手以一记杀伤性的左勾拳击断了他对手数根肋骨)

16. smash into, to
定义: 重力碰撞, 重力撞入, 重力击伤.
例句: The driver lost control of the vehicle and smashed it into the front side of a store. (这名司机驾车失控, 撞进了这家商店的正面)

17. smash one's face/head in, to
定义: 痛殴某人(头部); 给某人迎头痛击.
例句: Where's the guy who insulted you? I'm going go smash in his face! (那个羞辱你的家伙在哪儿? 我要揍扁他!)

18. smash out of, to
定义: 冲出...逃逸.
例句: The suspect smashed out of the garage in a white SUV. (这名嫌犯驾着白色运动型多用途车冲出车房逃逸)

19. smash through, to
定义: 撞开, 撞穿, 击穿, 撞碎, 冲出.
例句: Someone smashed a rock through my windshield while we were in the movie theater! (有人趁我们在电影院看电影的时候拿起石块砸破了我的挡风玻璃!)

20. smash up, to
定义: 摔碎, 砸坏, 砸碎, 摧毁, 痛殴.
例句: Tom went on a rampage around the house, smashing up anything he could get his hands on. (汤姆在屋子里发狂泄愤, 抓到任何东西就砸个粉碎)



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