二十笔实用成语 992

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二十笔实用成语 992

帖子 royl » 周二 8月 03, 2021 7:54 am

二十笔实用成语 992

01. smashing success, a
定义: 极大的成功, 窜红. (注: 常指卖座或畅销的成功)
例句: The stimulus program was a smashing success: It erased most middle class income losses in the recession. (这套经济刺激计划取得了极大的成功. 它消除了大多数中产阶级在经济衰退期间所损失的收入)

02. smear campaign, to
定义: 抹黑, 毁谤攻势.
例句: Tom started a smear campaign against me so that I wouldn't get the manager's job. (汤姆发起了一阵对我的抹黑毁谤攻势这样我就得不到这个经理工作)

03. smell a rat, to
定义: 察觉有什么不对劲或有蹊跷. (注: 常指尤其有关于背叛, 出卖一类的事)
例句: I don't think this was an accident. I smell a rat, and I think Bob had something to do with this. (我不认为这是个意外事件. 我觉得此事有蹊跷而且鲍伯跟此事有关)

04. smell blood, to
定义: 发现对手的弱点, 准备攻击; 察觉某人受伤或衰弱, 就会趁火打劫.
例句: Do not give any indication that we are willing to settle. If we do, the attorneys will smell blood and we won't get what we want. (别表现出我们有任何和解意愿的迹象. 如果我们显露出来的话, 这些律师便会抓住我们的弱点如此我们就得不到我们想要的)

05. smell fishy, to
定义: 察觉(某人或某事)不对劲, 有蹊跷或透着古怪.
例句: "Their numbers don't match up with the taxes they've paid." "Hmm, something smells fishy." ("他们的数字跟他们所缴付的税金兜不拢." "嗯, 这事透着古怪.")

06. smell the roses, to
定义: (暂停繁忙事务)享受, 品尝美好的人生滋味.
例句: You can't keep working these 80 hour weeks, John! You have to stop and smell the roses, or else what is all that work for? (你不能一直每星期工作八十个钟头, 约翰! 你必须要停下来, 享受美好的人生, 否则你这一切工作还有什么目的可言?)

07. smell/stink to high heaven, to
定义: 臭气冲天; 疑点重重, 不可信任; 臭名远播, 恶名昭彰.
例句: This whole deal stinks to high heaven. I'm sure somebody was bribed. (这整个交易疑点重重. 我确信有人被贿赂了)

08. smell up, to
定义: 产生恶臭.
例句: Please don't smell the house up with your smoking – if you have to do it, go outside. (请你别在这个屋子抽烟弄得乌烟瘴气 – 如果你一定要抽的话, 到外面去抽)

09. smile on/upon, to
定义: 偏爱, 怜悯或眷顾.
例句: Lady luck smiled on our venture and we made a profit. (幸运女神眷顾了我们的风险投资, 我们赚钱了)

10. smite with, to
定义: 给予...重重一击; 深深地给予...感受, 感染; 令人惊奇, 惊艳; 将人迷倒.
例句: I was smitten with her beauty. She was so beautiful, and all these years I thought I'd never find anyone whose beauty matched hers. (我被她的美深深吸引. 她是如此美艳动人, 这些年来, 我觉得我再也找不到美貌达到她程度的人)

11. smoke and mirrors
定义: 欺骗, 误导; 饰非文过, 掩饰真相或混淆视听的假象. (注: 意指以假象困惑别人尤其是使别人相信真实情况并不是如此糟糕)
例句: His speech about new projects is just smoke and mirrors. His company is bankrupt. (他对新工程项目所发表的讲话都是欺骗和误导. 他的公司已经破产了)

12. smoke like a chimney, to
定义: 烟瘾大, 不停抽烟. (注: 意指烟瘾大, 香烟一根接一根抽的老烟枪)
例句: You think I smoke a lot? You should meet Joe – he smokes like a chimney. (你认我烟瘾大吗? 你应该去看看乔 – 他才是个老烟枪)

13. smoke out, to
定义: 曝光, 公布事情真相; 以烟熏出来 (例如以烟熏出躲在洞里的动物或躲在屋内的嫌犯).
例句: The terrorists are in the center of the building, and will surely kill any officers who try to enter. I think our best bet is to try to smoke them out. (这帮恐怖份子藏身在这栋大楼的中央, 他们肯定会杀害试图进入大楼的员警. 我认为我们最好选择是使用烟雾弹把他们熏出来)

14. smoke the peace pipe (with someone), to
定义: 吸和平烟斗, 取得和解, 握手言和, 停止争斗.
例句: I don't understand why you and Jack are constantly at each other's throats. You need to sit down like rational adults, smoke the peace pipe together, and get on with your lives. (我不明白你为什么跟杰克不停地激烈争吵. 你们需要坐下来像两个理性成年人, 握手言和, 然后继续过你们的日子)

15. smoking gun, the
定义: 无可争议, 罪证确凿的证据. (注: 尤其指犯罪)
例句: The search for other kinds of evidence failed to produce a smoking gun. (这次追查其他型式证据的努力并没能够产生出罪证确凿的证据)

16. smooth as a baby's bottom, be (as)
定义: 平滑柔软的.
例句: I love how your face feels after you shave – it's as smooth as a baby's bottom! (我好喜欢你刮了胡子之后脸的感觉 – 它很平滑柔软!)

17. smooth as glass, be (as)
定义: 平滑如镜的.
例句: Without even the slightest of breezes, the entire lake was smooth as glass. (此时风平浪静水波不惊, 整片湖面平滑如镜)

18. smooth as silk, be (as)
定义: 顺利无阻的, 流畅的; 平滑柔软的.
例句: The negotiations went smooth as silk. (这场协商进行得非常顺利)

19. smooth down, to
定义: 抚平, 消除皱纹, 变平静.
例句: She smoothed her skirt down, fluffed her hair, and went into the boardroom. (她把她的裙子抚平, 推整一下她的头发, 然后才走进会议室)

20. smooth out, to
定义: 抚平, 消除皱纹; 掩饰或排除问题, 阻碍或问题; 减轻紧张, 歧见, 愤怒或不愉快.
例句: Jim's going over to try to smooth things out with Sandra. (吉姆去找姗德拉试图消弭他们两人之间的歧见)



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