二十笔实用成语 1006

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二十笔实用成语 1006

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 14, 2021 1:32 am

二十笔实用成语 1006

01. speed bump, a
定义: [交通术语]减速路障. (注: 意指在路面上铺设一条凸起障碍使来往车辆不能高速驶过)
例句: I have an old car that rides horrible. When I hit a slightest bump it slams like I just hit a speed bump doing 80. (我有一部在路上颠簸厉害的老车. 每当我碰上一丁点隆起的路面它却让你有那种以时速八十英哩撞击上减速路障的感觉)

02. speed off, to
定义: (汽车)加速逃逸而去.
例句: The criminals sped off just before the police arrived. (罪犯们就在警察赶到之前便已经迅速逃离而去)

03. speed up, to
定义: 加速行驶; 促使事情办得快速顺利; 加快步调.
例句: We are speeding up production now that we know there is such strong demand from consumers. (由于我们得知消费者的需求如此强劲, 我们现在正加速生产中)

04. spell disaster, to
定义: 注定或意味着(将要来到的)灾难.
例句: The sudden shortage of precious metals necessary to manufacture the EV batteries spelled disaster for the fledgling EV industry. (制造电动汽车电池所需的贵金属突然的短缺对于刚刚起步的电动汽车工业意味着灾难)

05. spell of coughing, a
定义: 一阵咳嗽.
例句: I feel unwell and have the following symptoms: sore throat, fatigue, husky voice, a short spell of coughing, a few chills, but no fever. (我感到不舒适, 并且得到以下症状: 喉咙痛, 疲倦, 声音沙哑, 短暂一阵咳嗽, 有点发冷, 但没发烧)

06. spell one's doom, to
定义: 注定或意味着某人的毁灭.
例句: Her pursuit of power and insatiable greed will eventually spell her doom. (她对权力的追求和永不满足的贪婪最终将注定她的毁灭)

07. spell out, to
定义: 说清楚令人明白; 拼写或拼读某个单字或名字; 提供某事的全部细节.
例句: Sorry, but could you spell out your exact plan for us? It doesn't really seem to make sense. (抱歉, 你可不可以跟我们说清楚你的确切计划? 它似乎没法让人听得懂)

08. spend a fortune, to
定义: 花了大笔钱.
例句: Tom must have spent a fortune on this palatial house. (汤姆肯定在这栋富丽堂皇的房子上花了大笔钱)

09. spend a penny, to
定义: [英国俚语]小便, 撒尿.
例句: Do you want to spend a penny before we leave? (你要不要在我们离开之前上个厕所?)

10. spend all the time on something, to
定义: 全时投入某事情上.
例句: 2020 has been really good to us, we've basically spent all the time on the road and played probably over 200 shows. (2020年对我们来说非常顺利, 我们基本上所有的时间都在路上度过, 大概举办了两百多场演唱会)

11. spend holidays, to
定义: 度假.
例句: "How'd you spend your holidays in lockdown?" "I have not visited any place. I spent all my time at home playing indoor games with my siblings." ("你是怎么在新冠肺炎封城期间度假的?" "我哪里都没去. 我一直都在家里和我的兄弟姐妹玩室内游戏.")

12. spend like a sailor, to
定义: 像水手一般地狂花钱.
例句: Now don't go spending like a sailor just because you got a bit of a tax refund from the government. (不要因为你现在从政府那儿拿到了一点退税就像水手一样地乱花钱)

13. spend money like a drunken sailor, to
定义: 胡乱花钱好像没有明天似的.
例句: He always starts spending money like a drunken sailor right after he gets paid, then struggles to cover his rent and bills toward the end of the month. (他总是一拿到工资就开始胡乱花钱, 然后快到月底的时候又勉强凑钱支付他的房租和账单)

14. spend money like water, to
定义: 花钱如水, 大量花费.
例句: For years he was an absolute penny-pincher. Now that he's got a steady job, he spends money like water. (多年来, 他一直是个吝啬鬼. 现在有了一份稳定工作, 他却花钱如流水)

15. spend more time with your family, to
定义: 多花时间陪伴家人.
例句: Spend more time with your family and create strong bonds that last. (多花时间陪伴家人, 跟他们建立牢固持久的紧密关系)

16. spend the night (with someone), to
定义: 在某人家过夜; 与人睡在一起, 发生性行为.
例句: Even when I was in my mid-20s, my parents still didn't allow my girlfriend to spend the night with me. (即使我都已经二十多岁的时候, 我父母还是不让女朋友陪我过夜)

17. spending money, the
定义: 个人零花钱, 现金.
例句: I'm a little short of spending money at the present. Could I borrow ten dollars? (我现在有点缺零花钱. 我能借十块钱吗?)

18. spew hatred, to
定义: 宣泄仇恨; 口吐仇恨狂言.
例句: Spewing hatred, dehumanizing immigrants and minorities, stoking violence: Are we minimizing echoes of Nazi rule? (宣泄仇恨, 丑化移民和少数民族, 煽动暴力: 我们是否在刻意减少纳粹统治的共鸣?)

19. spice up, to
定义: 加入香料使菜肴美味可口; 使活动或生活变为更生动有趣.
例句: I like to spice my eggs up with hot sauce. (我喜欢用辣酱给我的鸡蛋加点味道)

20. spike a drink, to
定义: 将饮料里加酒或药物包括迷药.
例句: Somebody must have spiked my drink. I feel quite dizzy. (一定是有人在我饮料里动了手脚. 我感觉头很晕)



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