二十笔实用成语 1007

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二十笔实用成语 1007

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 16, 2021 6:43 am

二十笔实用成语 1007

01. spike someone's guns, to
定义: 破坏, 阻挠某人的计划.
例句: Parkers spiked their rival's guns by launching their product two months before Jones were able to do so. (帕克斯在其对手琼斯尚未推出产品之前两个月便抢先推出自家产品并借此来破坏琼斯的新产品上市计划)

02. spill blood, to
定义: 引发流血冲突, 暴力杀戮或造成伤亡.
例句: I will not rest until I find the lunatic who spilled these people's blood. (不找到杀害这些人的丧心病狂凶手之前, 我是不会罢休的)

03. spill one's guts, to
定义: 承认或说出全部实情, 把秘密或隐密倾诉出来; 剧烈呕吐.
例句: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just spill my guts like that. I hope I didn't overwhelm you. (抱歉, 我不是有意就这样把我心中的话跟你倾诉. 我希望我没有让你惊慌错愕)

04. spill out, to
定义: 溢出, 释放出, 洋溢, 蔓延, 散出, 洒出, 大量逃离.
例句: The man knocked my shopping cart over, and all my groceries spilled out. (那名男子把我的购物车撞翻了, 把我所有的杂货都散了一地)

05. spill over, to
定义: 溢出, 释放出, 蔓延, 散出.
例句: It's hard to contain violent crime to just one neighborhood, you know. It's only a matter of time until it spills over into our part of town too. (你知道吗, 把暴力犯罪围堵在一个街区内是困难的. 迟早它将会蔓延到我们这一带城区)

06. spill the beans, to
定义: 吐出全部实情, 把秘密或隐密说出来.
例句: Come on, spill the beans! Whose fault was it? (快点, 跟我说实话! 这是谁的错?)

07. spin a line, to
定义: 编造谎言, 欺骗.
例句: Don't you dare spin me a line about being at the library. I want to know exactly where you were tonight. (你最好别跟我编造你在图书馆的谎言. 我想知道你今晚到底去了哪里)

08. spin a story/tale/yarn, to
定义: 说一个冗长, 编造的故事. (注: 这里所指的故事大多是真假掺半的往事或借口)
例句: She came an hour late and spun him a yarn about her car breaking down. (她迟到了一个小时, 向他编造了一套她车子抛锚的故事)

09. spin control, the
定义: 信息或新闻的操纵. (注: 意指以对自己有利的角度来诠释某件信息或新闻)
例句: The company's chief financial officer is a master of spin control; he always presents figures that make stockholders believe that the firm is prospering. (这家公司财务长是个信息操纵大师; 他总是提供一些让股东相信公司正在蓬勃发展的财务数字)

10. spin doctor, a
定义: 信息或新闻操纵专家. (注: 意指政治人物所雇用来作形象包装, 操纵信息或新闻的专家)
例句: A good spin doctor could have made the incident appear far less damaging. (一名优秀的新闻操纵专家本可以将此事件淡化处理, 让人觉得它的伤害性微不足道)

11. spin in one's grave, to
定义: 愤怒, 不满, 惊骇或厌恶. (注: 意指如果已过逝某人地下有知此事, 他将会愤怒, 不满或反对)
例句: Your poor mother would spin in her grave if she heard the horrible things you were saying about your sister. (你那可怜的已过逝母亲要是听见你把你姐姐批评得如此不堪的话, 她将会惊骇不已)

12. spin off, to
定义: 某物旋转时意外飞出去; [商业术语]分支经营. (注: 意指将公司一个独特的业务拿出来成立另一家公司独立经营或制造)
例句: Only two years after purchasing it, the company has decided to spin off its battery division. (收购仅仅两年之后, 这家公司决定成立另一家公司独立经营其电池部门)

13. spin/turn on one's heel, to
定义: 急转身, 悻悻然离去或拂袖而去.
例句: When I inquired about her son, she turned on her heel and walked away. (当我打听她儿子消息的时候, 她悻悻地转头离去. 注: 这句话中的inquire除了有打听的意义之外也带有调查某人的含意, 因此这名女子之所以拂袖而去乃是拒绝提供有关她儿子的资料)

14. spin one's wheels, to
定义: 磋跎时间, 让事务空转, 一事无成.
例句: They kept me on to manage what's left of this division, but to be honest, I've just been spinning my wheels here for the last couple of years. (他们让我留任继续经营这个部门还剩下的业务, 但老实说, 过去几年我一直在任凭业务空转, 一事无成)

15. spin out, to
定义: (轮胎)转动失控, 滑出道路或空转; 拖长时间, 历久不决.
例句: Their attorneys will try to spin out the appeals process for months if not years. (他们的律师将会试图把上诉程序拖延数月甚至数年之久)

16. spin the bottle, to
定义: (青少年)亲吻游戏. (注: 意指由转瓶子者决定亲吻伙伴)
例句: My wife and I actually had our first kiss from a game of spin the bottle when we were in high school, and it has been true love ever since. (我和我的妻子实际上是在我们高中时期的一次旋转瓶子游戏中献出了我们的初吻, 从那时起我们的真爱一直维持到今天)

17. spiral out of control, to
定义: 不断加剧地失控.
例句: The moderators need to close this thread before it gets spiraling out of control. (版主们需要在它加剧失控之前关闭此条讨论线程)

18. spirit away, to
定义: 偷偷地, 神秘地带走, 偷走, 或令其消失.
例句: Someone spirited away the suspect just before he was due to be arraigned in court. (就在这名嫌疑人即将出席其提审庭之前, 有人偷偷把他带走了)
提审庭是将被告带到法官面前听取对其指控, 并回答庭上他是否认罪

19. spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, the
定义: 心有余而力不足.
例句: I try to get up early and exercise, though sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. (虽然我试图早起和锻炼身体, 但有时候我还是心有余而力不足)

20. spirit of the law, the
定义: 法律精神. (注: 意指解释法律应以法律背后所代表的精神为主而不是照字义上去解释)
例句: They seem to be more concerned with obeying the letter of the law than with understanding the spirit of the law. (他们似乎更关心遵守法律的条文而不是理解法律背后所代表的精神)



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