二十笔实用成语 1010

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二十笔实用成语 1010

帖子 royl » 周五 9月 24, 2021 11:36 am

二十笔实用成语 1010

01. spread like wildfire, to
定义: 像野火般地迅速传播, 扩散, 或传染.
例句: News of the scandal spread like wildfire across the news outlets. (这件丑闻的消息像野火一般地在各个新闻媒体上迅速传播开来)

02. spread (oneself) too thin, to
定义: (防务)有限兵力分布太广; 同时做许多事情, 使自己疲于奔命; 把资源分散太广, 超出自己的管控范围. (注: 意指无法专心做好任何一件事)
例句: Between school, work, and volunteering, I've just been spreading myself a bit too thin lately. (周旋在学校, 工作和志愿服务之间, 我最近有点疲于奔命)

03. spread out, to
定义: 摊开; 扇形般散开来; 四仰八叉地躺下来.
例句: When you spread out on the sofa, there's no room for me to sit. (你四仰八叉地躺在沙发上, 我根本没有空间坐下来)

04. share/spread the wealth, to
定义: 与人分享财富或其他物品.
例句: If your garden is overflowing, be a good neighbor and spread the wealth. (如果你的菜园里长满了蔬果, 作个好邻居把你的蔬果分享给你的邻居吧)

05. spread the word, to
定义: 传话出去; 把消息散发出去.
例句: The teacher asked us to spread the word about the school concert. (老师要求我们把学校音乐会的消息传播出去)

06. spring a leak, to
定义: 突然(爆裂)漏水, 漏气.
例句: I just bought these two hoses and within two weeks the hot water hose sprang a leak because the rubber degraded too fast. (我刚买的这两根软管, 两星期不到这条热水管就漏水了, 因为橡胶降解得太快. 注: 意指洗衣机用的热水管没用多久就坏了)

07. spring a/the trap, to
定义: 设下陷阱或张网以待, 准备逮捕或攻击.
例句: The burglars were arrested after the police sprung a trap on them last night. (昨晚警方设下陷阱之后便逮捕了窃贼)

08. spring chicken, a
定义: [俚语]没经验的年轻人; 小鸡特别是两个月到十个月大的嫩鸡.
例句: I'm no spring chicken any more but I feel fit as a fiddle. (我虽然不再是个年轻人, 但我觉得自己还算身强体壮)

09. spring fever, a
定义: 初春的兴奋, 好动或懒散感觉. (注: 意指人们整个冬季被困在户内数月之后的解脱郁闷冲动)
例句: It's wonderful seeing the city touched by spring fever, coming alive again after the deadening winter. (看到这座被早春兴奋气息所感染的城市, 在度过沉寂的冬天之后重新活力焕发, 真是太美妙了)

10. spring/bounce for, to
定义: 自掏腰包(为自己或请客); 向某物跳跃, 冲刺或飞奔.
例句: I'm springing for Chinese takeout. Any takers? (我请客吃中餐外卖. 有人要吃吗?)

11. spring from, to
定义: 源自; 由...所引起; 来自.
例句: The idea sprang from a chance conversation on an airplane with an electrical engineer. (这个想法是来自于在飞机上与一名电气工程师的一次偶然谈话中所启发的)

12. spring into action, to
定义: 积极开始行动起来.
例句: Whenever the boss came in the door, everyone sprang into action. (每当老板一走进门, 大家就行动起来)

13. spring into/to life, to
定义: 突然生气蓬勃, 生龙活虎, 活蹦乱跳; 出现.
例句: The city sprang into life at dawn. (这座城市在黎明时分便突然生气蓬勃起来)

14. spring on, to
定义: 突然提出或通知某人; 扑向, 冲向, 袭击某人; 告诉, 展示或向某人透露他没有预料到的事情; 捉弄某人; 令某人感到惊讶或措手不及.
例句: I hate to spring this on you at the last moment, but I will need some money to travel on. (我很不愿意在最后一刻才通知你让你措手不及, 但我确实需要一些钱作出差费用)

15. spring to mind, to
定义: 突然想到.
例句: "What would you like to have for dinner?" "I'm not sure, nothing's really springing to mind." ("你晚餐想吃什么?" "我不知道, 一时也想不出要吃什么.")

16. spring up, to
定义: 突然涌现, 突然冒出; 雨后春笋般的出现.
例句: Problems started springing up as soon as the software went live. (这套软件一上线, 问题就开始像雨后春笋般的出现)

17. spruce up, to
定义: 收拾整齐; 梳理穿着整齐; 翻新或重新装修.
例句: Let's spruce up this room with new furniture and drapes. (让我们换上新家具和窗帘, 重新装饰这个房间)

18. sofa spud, a
定义: 沙发上的马铃薯, 整天坐在沙发上看电视的人; 不爱动的懒人.
例句: Lisa wants to date a man who loves to travel and try new things, not some sofa spud who stays home all day. (丽莎想要交往的是一个喜欢旅游和尝试新鲜事物的男人, 而不是整天坐在沙发上看电视的懒人)

19. spur on, to
定义: 鼓励, 激励, 唆使, 策动, 快马加鞭.
例句: There were times when I wanted to give up, but my desire to beat my rival in the championship spurred me on. (有时候我都想放弃了, 但我想要在冠军赛中击败对手的渴望却激励着我继续打拼下去)

20. Sputnik moment, a
定义: 危机时刻. (注: 意指人们突然意识到被别人先进科技所威胁, 必须要加倍努力追赶的时刻; 典故出于前苏联于1957发射人类第一颗人造卫星Sputnik使美国大为惊讶并矢志要追上并且维持科技优势)
例句: A match of the game Go between a Chinese prodigy and the Google-built AlphaGo became China's Sputnik moment. The incident that caused Beijing's rush to match American abilities in AI. (一场中国神童跟谷歌所开发的"阿尔法围棋"智能软件的比赛成为了中国的危机时刻. 这场赛事导致了北京急于在人工智能上跟美国人工智能能力匹敌)



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