二十笔实用成语 1011

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二十笔实用成语 1011

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 27, 2021 3:49 pm

二十笔实用成语 1011

01. spy on, to
定义: 偷偷监视, 观察或注意别人的活动.
例句: I can't believe you hired a private detective to spy on me. Do you really distrust me that much? (我不敢相信你居然雇了一名私家侦探来监视我. 你真的那么不信任我吗?)

02. squander an opportunity, to
定义: 坐失良机. (注: 意指因忽略或怠惰失去机会)
例句: As a president, he squandered an opportunity to contain Coronavirus. Instead he tried to blame it on another country for his own dereliction of duty. (身为一个总统, 他坐失了一个遏止冠状病毒扩散的良机. 相反的, 他试图将自己的失职归咎于另一个国家)

03. square away, to
定义: 妥善处理, 整理就序, 做好准备.
例句: When you are squared away, come back and we'll talk. (等你安顿好了之后, 回来, 我们来谈谈)

04. square deal, a
定义: 公正, 公平的交易, 待遇或安排.
例句: We aren't looking to be paid or treated better than our peers. We just want a square deal. (我们并不冀望取得比同事们更好的薪酬或待遇. 我们只是想要一份公平待遇)

05. square meal, a
定义: 份量充足, 吃得饱的, 营养充足的一餐.
例句: What I really need now is a hot shower, a square meal, and a full night's sleep. (我现在真正需要的是洗个热水澡, 饱餐一顿, 和一觉睡到天亮)

06. square off, to
定义: 打架, 争论或开始冲突或竞争; 修正某物使其成方形; 摆好架势, 准备打架或战斗.
例句: When those two square off, everyone gets out of the way. (当那两人准备要打架的时候, 大家都把地方让出来)

07. square one's shoulders, to
定义: 昂首挺胸面对逆境; 表现出坚决, 勇于面对的姿态.
例句: Many people in the audience were booing when her name was announced, but she squared her shoulders and stepped onto the stage to perform. (当她的名字被宣布的时候, 许多观众都发出嘘声, 但她昂首挺胸, 坚决地步上舞台开始演奏)

08. square peg in a round hole, a
定义: 与...格格不入; 无法融入某个环境; 不适任一个工作或职务.
例句: I was a bit of a square peg in a round hole throughout high school, but when I went to college I found all sorts of people I could relate to. (整个高中时期我跟同学们有点格格不入, 但当我进入大学的时候我却遇见了各式各样的想法相似人们)

09. square shooter, a
定义: 正派, 有诚信或可信赖的人.
例句: Sal's a real square shooter. If you ask for his opinion, he'll tell you without trying to sugarcoat it. (萨尔确实是个可信赖的人. 如果你询问他意见的话, 他会毫不掩饰地告诉你他真实想法)

10. square the circle, to
定义: 试图完成似乎不可能的事.
例句: I'm not sure what to tell you, but if you take that issue to the boss, I bet he'll be able to square the circle. (我真不知道该怎么告诉你, 但如果你把这个问题告诉老板, 我敢打赌他有办法解决这个问题)

11. square up, to
定义: 定向某物; 令身体平行于某条线或平面; 与某人对决; 面对某人竞争; 使某物具有直角; 结清账务.
例句: You get our jackets while I go square up with the bartender. (你去拿我们的夹克同时我去跟酒保结账. 注: 有些酒吧或餐厅可以让你寄放衣物, 因此当你要离去的时候你就可以去衣帽间取回你的衣物)

12. square with, to
定义: 匹配, 吻合, 相应, 一致; 解决与某人的纠纷, 分歧或债务(包括人情债); 取得某人同意; 把事情说清楚.
例句: I'm trying to help Janet get a job as a way of squaring with her. (我正试图帮助珍妮特找份工作来偿还我欠她的人情)

13. squawk about, to
定义: 聒噪地谈论某事; 以大声, 刺耳, 易怒的方式抱怨某事.
例句: If I have to listen to him squawk about the election for the next hour, I'm going to scream. (如果我非得整整一个钟头听他聒噪地谈论选举的话, 那我就会发疯尖叫了)

14. squeak by, to
定义: 勉强过日子, 勉强通过狭窄空间, 勉强完成任务, 险胜, 仅以身免, 侥幸脱逃.
例句: This city is so expensive! I have to work two jobs just to squeak by each month. (这个城市的生活费用太高! 我每个月都得打两份工才能勉强地过日子)

15. squeak through, to
定义: 勉强通过狭窄空间, 勉强取得资格, 勉强考试及格, 险胜, 仅以身免, 侥幸脱逃.
例句: I had to squeak through a huge group of in order to get off the train. (我不得不努力挤过一大群人才能下火车)

16. squeaky clean, be
定义: 彻底干净的; 完全无辜或合法的; 没有道德瑕疵的; 没有玷污的.
例句: I've checked Todd's criminal record. He's squeaky clean. (我查了托德的犯罪记录. 他完全清白, 没有前科)

17. squeaky wheel gets the grease.
定义: [俗语]抱怨最响的得到注意, 会吵的孩子有糖吃.
例句: In politics, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. So it is vital for consumers to speak up and be heard. (在政治上, 抱怨最响的人会得到别人的注意. 因此对消费者来说, 大声抗议和受到倾听乃是至关重要的)

18. squeal like a stuck pig, to
定义: 发出尖声喊叫通常是伤痛所致.
例句: I'm a little embarrassed to say that whenever I get a shot, I squeal like a stuck pig. (我有点不好意思地说, 每当我接受注射的时候, 我都会痛的尖叫)

19. squealer, a
定义: [不礼貌俚语]向警方告密者, 打小报告者, 背叛者; 小猪.
例句: Your little brother is such a squealer, Tommy! If we do the slightest thing wrong, he goes and blabs about it to your parents! (汤米, 你那个小弟最爱打小报告! 哪怕我们犯了最轻微的错, 他也会去跟你父母告密!)

20. squeeze by, to
定义: 勉强通过狭窄空间, 勉强取得资格, 勉强考试及格, 险胜, 仅以身免, 侥幸脱逃.
例句: I thought for sure I had failed the exam, but I managed to squeeze by with a D. (我以为我这次考试肯定不会及格, 但我居然侥幸地拿到65分勉强过关. 注: 在美国, 考试分数是D+的话大概等于69分, 分数是D的话大概等于65分, 分数是D-的话大概等于61分)



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