二十笔实用成语 1017

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二十笔实用成语 1017

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 15, 2021 10:10 am

二十笔实用成语 1017

01. start up, to
定义: 起动(汽车), 推动, 开工, 开业, 开张.
例句: My dad started me up in the software business. (我爸爸帮助我开了一家软件公司)

02. start with a bang, to
定义: 以令人兴奋或耳目一新的情景来作为某事的开场; 一鸣惊人; 打响第一炮; 开张大吉; 开门红.
例句: The film starts with a bang, thrusting the audience into the middle of a high-speed car chase within the opening moments. (这部电影一开演就推出惊人震撼的场面, 在开场瞬间将观众推入高速汽车追逐的高潮)

03. start with a clean sheet (of paper), to
定义: 重新开始; 不带先入为主观念地重新思考问题.
例句: At the new school, you will start with a clean sheet. (进了这所新学校, 你将一切从新开始. 注: 意指忘掉过去不尽理想的表现, 重新展开另一轮的学习)

04. start with a clean slate, to
定义: 重新开始; 不带先入为主观念地重新思考问题.
例句: I know things haven't been great between us, but I'm willing to forget what happened and start with a clean slate. (我知道我们之间的关系一直处得不好, 但我愿意尽释两人的前嫌并且从新开始交往)

05. start with, to
定义: 以...开始; 开始; 以有限的资源或条件开始; 跟某人起争端.
例句: Why don't you start with the food that's on your plate, and you can go back for more if you're still hungry later. (你为什么不从你盘子里的食物开始吃, 如果你还饿的话, 你可以回去拿取更多的食物)

06. starting salary, the
定义: 起薪.
例句: My starting salary as a new teacher is barely enough to support a family. (作为一名新进教师, 我的起薪只能够勉强养家糊口)

07. stat!
定义: [医院用语]快点! 马上! (注: 源自拉丁文statim)
例句: I'm losing the patient. I need 10 CCs of epinephrine, stat! (我正在失去这名病人. 我需要10 CCs 的肾上腺素, 快点!)

08. state of affairs, the
定义: 事态, 时势, 局势.
例句: I'd like to start this meeting by going over the company's financial state of affairs. (我想藉由认真地审查此公司的财务状况来开始这次会议)

09. state of mind, a
定义: 暂时的心理状态; 一时的态度或观点.
例句: I was in kind of a strange state of mind for the first couple of years after I graduated college, just wandering through life without any major goals or ambitions. (大学毕业后的头几年, 我的心态有点不正常, 一直在没有任何远大目标或抱负的生活中徘徊)

10. state of the art
定义: 当前最先进发展例如器材, 技术或科学领域.
例句: The security system we're using is state of the art. (我们所使用的安全系统是最先进的)

11. state the obvious, to
定义: 说出显而易见的事实或众所周知的事情. (注: 意指拿众所周知的事情来敷衍了事或充当废话)
例句: If you're going to keep stating the obvious, I see no reason to continue this conversation. (如果你还在一直扯一些众所周知的无聊废话来敷衍我的话, 我觉得没有必要再继续进行这个对话)

12. stated goal, a
定义: 既定目标.
例句: We have made great progress toward our stated goal of expanding our sales territories and continue to innovate our products. (我们在扩大销售领域和继续创新产品的既定目标上取得了巨大进展)

13. stationary vs. stationery
定义: [易混淆字或短语]stationary(形容词)固定不动的; stationery(名词)文具, 信纸.
太阳不是一颗固定不动的恒星(a stationary star), 太阳系行星乃是围绕银河系中心运行

14. status quo, the
定义: 现状.
例句: Despite their myriad promises, politicians are inevitably more interested in maintaining the status quo, which is more profitable for them and their corporate buddies. (尽管做出了无数的承诺, 政客们明显地对维持现状更加感兴趣, 这对他们和他们的企业伙伴来说更有利可图)

15. status symbol, a
定义: 地位象征, 身份象征. (注: 有些人常把汽车当作自己的地位象征)
例句: In our part of the city, expensive sneakers and designer sweatshirts are the real status symbols. (在我们这一带的城区, 昂贵的运动鞋和名牌运动衫才是真正的身份象征)

16. stave off, to
定义: 防御, 阻止, 抗拒或拖延某人或事.
例句: He could stave his thirst off no longer. He had to drink the contaminated water. (他再也忍不住口渴的煎熬. 他不得不喝下受到污染的脏水)

17. stay abreast of, to
定义: 跟上某事最新发展或最新消息; 保持进度.
例句: I try to keep abreast of the latest soccer news stories from all over the world. (我努力地搜寻来自世界各地的最新足球新闻报导以便使我跟上足球界最新趋势)

18. stay ahead of the curve/game, to
定义: 维持领先; 占先机; 占优势.
例句: Technology evolves fast and we've got to stay ahead of the curve and work with a sense of urgency. (科技发展日新月异, 我们则必须保持领先地位并抱着紧迫感的态度勤奋工作)

19. stay alive, to
定义: 活着, 维持生存.
例句: The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs. (这些大工厂正试图藉由削减成本来维持生存)

20. stay around, to
定义: 逗留附近, (要求人)别走远.
例句: Hey, stay around for a minute, I need to talk to you. (嘿, 等一下别走, 我有话要跟你说)



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