二十笔实用成语 1018

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二十笔实用成语 1018

帖子 royl » 周三 10月 20, 2021 2:01 am

二十笔实用成语 1018

01. stay awake, to
定义: 维持清醒.
例句: The baby needs to sleep comfortably so that the mother doesn't go through the trouble of staying awake most of the time. (这个宝宝需要舒舒服服地睡一觉, 这样他/她的妈妈就不需要忍受不停地保持清醒的痛苦)

02. stay away from someone, to
定义: 跟某人保持距离, 离某人远一点, 别招惹某人.
例句: Stay away me. My cold is contagious. (离我远一点. 我的感冒会传染的)

03. stay away, to
定义: 避开, 远离, 跟某人保持距离, 别招惹.
例句: Make sure you stay away from that cliff. One gust of wind could send you flying right over the edge! (你最好远离那个悬崖. 一阵大风就可能把你刮下悬崖!)

04. stay behind, to
定义: 留下来, 不离开.
例句: We'll need someone to stay behind to give Jeff and Tina their keys to the lodge. (我们需要有个人留下来把杰夫和蒂娜的小屋钥匙交还给他们)

05. stay calm, to
定义: 保持冷静.
例句: In any case, try to stay calm and focused behind the wheel. Distracted driving can have fatal consequences. (在任何情况下, 你要尽量地保持冷静, 专心地驾驶. 分心驾驶会酿成致命的后果)

06. stay friends, to
定义: 维持友谊, 继续做朋友.
例句: As with all my other exes, we stayed friends. (和我所有其他的前任女友一样, 我们一直是朋友)

07. stay grounded, to
定义: 脚踏实地, 朴实明理, 不骄纵, 不浮华.
例句: He's trying to stay grounded despite all the fame and acclaim. (尽管声名大噪之后, 他仍在努力地保持朴实无华的本色)

08. stay hungry, to
定义: 保持坚定态度, 渴望成为胜利者, 保持积极性.
例句: You've got a lot of skill, kid, and you're one of the best fighters in the city. But you've got to stay hungry and never lose sight of the biggest prizes out there! (你有很多技巧, 孩子, 你是这个城市最好的拳击手之一. 但是你必须坚持渴望成为胜利者的决心, 永远不要忘记那个最大奖品!)

09. stay in denial, to
定义: 拒绝承认某件事的存在或正确.
例句: This is why this country continues to stay in denial about the existence and profound impacts of racism on the well-being of the nation. (这就是为什么这个国家继续否认种族主义的存在以及它对国家福祉的深远影响)

10. stay in line, to
定义: 遵守或符合规定; 守法; 谨言慎行.
例句: Keep records of all expenses and make sure they stay in line with the cost management regulations. (保留所有费用的记录并且确保这些花费符合成本管理的规定)

11. stay in/home, to
定义: 留在家中, 不外出.
例句: I stayed in last night and rented a movie. (我昨晚没出门, 租了一部电影在家看)

12. stay loose, to
定义: 放轻松, 冷静或不动怒.
例句: I have a playlist of music that I listen to that helps me stay loose while working. (我有一份我聆听的音乐播放列表, 可以帮助我在工作时保持轻松)

13. stay of execution, a
定义: [法律术语]暂缓执行判决命令. (注: 多指暂缓执行死刑)
例句: The governor ordered a stay of execution after new DNA evidence had been discovered by investigators. (调查人员发现了新DNA证据之后, 州长下令暂缓执行判决命令)

14. stay off one's feet, to
定义: 坐着, 躺卧. (注: 意指别站着, 走路或跑步, 让腿休息)
例句: The doctor told me to stay off my feet for a few days. (这位医生嘱咐我未来几天坐着或躺着. 注: 意指让腿休息几天)

15. stay off, to
定义: 克制不进入某处, 离开某处或与某处保持距离; 克制不沾(烟酒); 避免触及; 维持不增加(体重).
例句: You have to stay off the grass while the weed killer is being applied. (喷洒除草剂的时候你必须远离草地)

16. stay on one's toes, to
定义: 小心翼翼; 保持警惕; 专心注意.
例句: With two kids under the age of five, you have to stay on your toes throughout the day! (带两个五岁以下的孩子, 你必须整天都要专心注意他们的一举一动!)

17. stay on the sidelines, to
定义: 无法参与某活动; 袖手旁观, 置身事外.
例句: If you want the boss to notice you, you can't just stay on the sideline during these meetings. (如果你想让老板注意到你, 你就不可以在这些会议上袖手旁观, 置身事外)

18. stay on top of, to
定义: 跟上或掌握某状况; 有组织地, 井然有序地控制某人或团体; 处于...之上.
例句: You've got to stay on top of all your employees if you want your business to run smoothly. (如果您希望您的业务运营顺利的话, 你必须密切掌控所有员工的动态)

19. stay on track, to
定义: 不偏离主题, 持续既定路线, 循正轨发展; 过着道德, 合法或正派的生活.
例句: Make sure everyone in your entire department stays on track to meet their sales quotas for the year. (你务必要落实你们部门所有同仁都按计划完成他们年度的销售配额)

20. stay on, to
定义: 留在某个地方; 继续受雇于或参与某个组织; 持续不懈地做某项工作; 持续不断地服药或吸毒.
例句: I've been trying to stay on my diet while we're on vacation, but there is so much delicious food here that I'm not supposed to eat! (在我们度假期间我一直努力坚持我的节食计划, 但这里有太多我不应该吃的美味餐点!)



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