二十笔实用成语 1021

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二十笔实用成语 1021

帖子 royl » 周三 10月 27, 2021 12:38 am

01. step in the right direction, a
定义: 朝着正确的方向迈进了一步.
例句: Its effects were probably marginal but at least it was a step in the right direction. (虽然它的影响可能微乎其微, 但至少它是朝着正确方向迈进了一步)

02. step in, to
定义: 介入, 干涉; 挺身而出承担任务; 走进; 进入一项活动或状况.
例句: We'd still be dealing with this mess if John hadn't stepped in and figured out a solution. (如果约翰没有介入并且找出了解决方案的话, 我们还在收拾这个烂摊子)

03. step into someone's shoes, to
定义: 取代某人, 承接职位, 接班, 接受传承.
例句: I don't know who they're getting to step into Davidson's shoes, but I doubt they'll be anywhere near as good a manager as he was. (我不知道他们要谁来接替戴维森的职务, 但我怀疑此人也能够做到像他那样出色的经理)

04. step into, to
定义: 进入, 卷入; 介入, 干涉; 对...了解; 接下某个角色或任务.
例句: I will have to step into the business and settle the problem. (我将不得不介入这个业务并且解决问题)

05. step lively/look lively, to
定义: 赶快走, 动作加快.
例句: You'll have to step lively if you don't want to be late for work. (你不想上班迟到的话, 你就得动作快一点)

06. step on a rake, to
定义: 不小心碰上困难, 成为受害者.
例句: What I don't want you to do is venture into uncharted territory and step on a rake. (我不想要你做的是冒然进入陌生不熟的地域, 不小心碰上危险, 成为受害者)

07. step on it!
定义: [命令语]加速! 开快些! (注: 意指用力踩汽车加速器, 高速行驶)
例句: Take me to the airport, and step on it! (载我去机场, 开快点! 注: 意指敦促驾车者把车子开快些)

08. step on someone's toes, to
定义: 得罪某人; 伤害某人感情; 触怒某人; 捞过界, 侵入别人的权责范围.
例句: I want to help John out on his project, but I know it's his baby, so I don't want to step on his toes in any way. (我想要帮助约翰完成他的工作项目, 但我知道这是他的宝贝, 因此我完全不想侵犯他的权责范围)

09. step on the gas, to
定义: 加速, 开快些; 动作快.
例句: If you don't step on the gas a bit, we're going to keep getting passed. (如果你再不开快点的话, 我们将会一路被别人超车)

10. step on, to
定义: 站在或踩在...上面; 踩住; 走在...上方; 行为乖张, 激怒别人; 加速, 匆忙.
例句: I knew I had put on some weight over the holidays, so I was dreading stepping on the scales again. (我知道我在假期里体重增加了, 所以我害怕再次踩上体重秤)

11. step out of line, to
定义: 踩或越过线; 犯规; 言行过份, 发出不适当的言行.
例句: That reporter stepped out of line when he asked questions about my personal life. (当那个记者问及我私生活的时候, 他的行为已经违反了专业守则)

12. step out on, to
定义: 对配偶或爱侣不贞, 发生婚外情.
例句: Hank has been stepping out on Bess, and she doesn't know it yet. (汉克一直在搞婚外情, 而贝丝居然对此还一无所知)

13. step out with, to
定义: 与某人公开约会.
例句: It's really weird that Ellen is stepping out with my ex. (很奇怪的是爱伦和我的前男友居然公开约会)

14. step out, to
定义: 短暂离开; 退出, 下台; 与某人公开约会; 对配偶或爱侣不贞, 发生婚外情.
例句: I stepped out for one minute and someone has already taken my seat! (我才离开一分钟就已经有人占了我的座位!)

15. step outside, to
定义: 短暂离开; 邀某人到屋外私下谈话或喘口气; 邀某人到屋外打一架, 一决雌雄, 解决争议.
例句: I need to step outside for a minute to get a breath of air. (我需要出去一下换口新鲜空气)

16. step right up, to
定义: 走进某人; 走到某人面前; 邀请召唤别人围聚过来看表演或买东西.
例句: Please step right up and buy a ticket to see the show. (请大家聚拢过来, 买张票看表演)

17. step up to the plate, to
定义: 站出来接受挑战或责任; 准备采取行动; 尽最大努力.
例句: Someone will need to step up to the plate and lead this project now that Dylan has resigned. (既然迪伦已经辞职了, 总需要有人自告奋勇接下领导这个工作项目的责任)

18. step up, to
定义: 增加电压; 增加, 增强, 增进, 增速; 站出来, 挺身而出; 经过一个增长; 接受升职.
例句: I'm trying to step up my output ahead of tomorrow's deadline. (我正努力在最后期限的明天之前提高我的产量)

19. step up/down for someone, a
定义: 对某人来说是进阶或更具挑战性/倒退或不具挑战性.
例句: Although the new job is a step up for him professionally, he tells his assistant, "There just isn't the same enthusiasm here." (虽然这份新工作对他来说是一个职业上的进阶, 但他告诉他的助手, "这里的工作热情已经走样了.")

20. stew in one's own juice, to
定义: 自作自受, 作茧自缚.
例句: I can tell the suspect is racked with guilt. Let him stew in his juices for a while, and he'll confess. (我可以看得出嫌犯受到了内疚的煎熬. 让他自作自受一会儿, 他肯定会认罪的)



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