二十笔实用成语 1023

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二十笔实用成语 1023

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 01, 2021 8:09 am

二十笔实用成语 1023

01. stick out like a sore thumb, to
定义: 因与众不同或独树一格而引人注意或惹人注目.
例句: I grew up in California, so when I moved to Minnesota, I stuck out like a sore thumb. (我是在加州长大的, 所以当我搬到明尼苏达州之后, 我因为许多方面与众不同而惹人注目)

02. stick out, to
定义: 突出, 显而易见; 坚持要求或意见; 忍耐, 不离不弃; 坚持到最后.
例句: Excuse me sir, is this your suitcase? I'm afraid it was sticking out into the aisle. (先生不好意思, 这是你的手提箱吗? 我恐怕它突出到走道上了. 注: 这句话乃是空服员向一名飞机乘客提示, 他的手提箱突出到走道上恐怕会绊倒路过乘客)

03. stick shift, a
定义: (汽车的)手排档或手排传动.
例句: My last car was a stick shift, so it took a little while to get used to this new automatic. (我最后开的那部车是手排档的, 所以需要一段时间才能适应这种新型自动变速系统)

04. stick someone with, to
定义: 强迫加诸某人担负责任或不愉快的事.
例句: I was stuck with paying the bill whenever I went to the restaurant with my friends. (每次我跟朋友们去餐馆吃饭, 他们总是要我去付大伙的账)

05. stick them up, to
定义: 把双手举起来.
例句: This is a robbery! Stick them up! (这是抢劫! 举起双手!)

06. stick to a/the story, to
定义: 坚持某说法.
例句: Tom still sticks to the story that Eric stole money from him. Even though he's lied about many things, he says that part of the story is the truth, but no one believes him. (汤姆仍旧坚持爱立克偷了他的钱的说法. 尽管他曾经撒了很多的谎, 但他坚称他所说的那部分是真实的, 可是没有人相信他)

07. stick to beat someone with, a
定义: 授人以柄, 用某件事来作批评, 抨击某人的借口.
例句: Even the slightest mistake Jack made was enough to give the boss a stick to beat him with. (即使杰克所犯的最轻微错误也足以作为老板批评他的借口)

08. stick to one's guns, to
定义: 坚持自己的决定, 立场, 意见或信念.
例句: I really admire Jess for sticking to her guns during college, and not submitting to the peer pressure of those around her to drink or do drugs. (我相当佩服洁丝在就读大学期间坚持自己的立场, 而不是屈从于她周边人们的压力, 跟着他们一起喝酒或吸毒)

09. stick to one's last, to
定义: 专心做自己胜任工作, 不去过问自己不懂的事.
例句: Let me handle the defense in this suit; you stick to your last and track down more eyewitnesses. (我来负责这个案子的辩护工作; 由你来做你所擅长的追查出更多目击者的工作)

10. stick to one's plan, to
定义: 坚持遵循自己的计划.
例句: We just have to stick to our plan. It's worked great so far, hasn't it? (我们只需要坚持遵循我们的计划就可. 起码到目前为止它的成效很成功, 不是吗?)

11. stick to one's/the ribs, to
定义: (指食物)扎实, 份量满意, 吃得饱.
例句: I'm sick of eating nothing but fruit and vegetables. Give me something that will stick to the ribs! (我厌倦了只吃水果和蔬菜. 给我一份扎实吃得饱的东西吃吧!)

12. stick to, to
定义: 坚持, 遵循, 忠贞不渝, 不离不弃, 黏住, 仍旧雇佣, 坚持自己的决定, 立场, 意见或信念.
例句: I think we'll stick to our normal suppliers, but thanks for the offer. (我想我们还是会继续使用我们平常的供应商, 但还是感谢你的报价)

13. stick together, to
定义: 团结, 互相扶持, 黏在一起, 黏回去, 仍旧作伴, 结伴, 忠贞不渝.
例句: I think we've gotten separated from the others. We'd better stick together until someone comes looking for us. (我想我们已经和其他人分散了. 我们最好结伴在一起直到有人来找我们再说)

14. stick two fingers up at ..., to
定义: [英国]伸出食指和中指对...表示愤怒, 挑衅或不尊重.
例句: It's not uncommon to see young kids sticking two fingers up at police in this part of town. (在这片城区, 看到年轻小孩向警察伸出两根手指的情况并不少见)

15. stick up, to
定义: 向上翘出来, 向上突出; 张贴, 贴上; 伸出, 伸手; 抢劫; 保护, 辩护.
例句: I always get this single hair that sticks up after I dry my hair. (把头发吹干后, 我这根头发总是会向上翘出来)

16. stick with it, to
定义: 继续努力, 坚持下去; 不改变自己想法; 继续工作或使用下去; 继续支持或忠诚于.
例句: Things are hard right now, but if we stick with it, they are bound to get better. (现在的情况很艰困, 但如果我们坚持下去, 情况一定会好转的)

17. stick with which to beat someone, a
定义: 授人以柄, 用某件事来作批评, 抨击某人的借口.
例句: Republicans had hoped to use foreign policy as a stick with which to beat the President with. (共和党人曾经希望将外交政策作为抨击总统的借口)

18. stick with, to
定义: 加重某人的负担; 继续努力, 坚持下去; 不改变自己想法; 继续工作或使用下去; 继续支持或忠诚于.
例句: Stick with me and you won't get lost. (跟着我走, 你就不会迷失了)

19. sticker price, the
定义: 标价; 贴在车窗玻璃上的"厂商建议零售价". (注: 这种标价只是供人参考用的, 消费者极少会付出这种价钱因为它们一般都高于人们所付的最终价钱)
例句: We managed to negotiate 15 percent off the sticker price. (我们设法在讨价还价中砍去了标价的百分之十五)

20. sticker shock, a
定义: 标价震撼. (注: 意指物价, 车价高得吓人)
例句: I went to a car dealer today, and I am still suffering from sticker shock. (我今天去了一家汽车经销商, 我到现在还受到标价震撼的惊吓)



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