二十笔实用成语 1030

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二十笔实用成语 1030

帖子 royl » 周三 11月 24, 2021 12:30 am

二十笔实用成语 1030

01. strictly business, be
定义: 纯粹公事, 非常严肃, 不开玩笑; 不涉及私人事务.
例句: You can't let your emotions get wrapped up in these kinds of deals. They're strictly business, and emotions should have nothing to do with them. (你不可以让你的情绪受到这种交易的干扰. 它们纯粹是公事, 完全不涉及私人情感)

02. strike a balance, to
定义: 达到平衡, 将帐目平衡, 找到双方满意的折衷办法.
例句: We are here to strike a balance between claimants and defendants to achieve an acceptable resolution for everyone involved. (我们来这里是为了在索赔者和被告之间找到双方满意的折衷办法, 为所有相关的人取得可以接受的解决方案)

03. strike a bargain/deal, to
定义: 达成协议, 成交生意.
例句: It was going to cost me a fortune to get the car fixed, but I struck a deal with my mechanic to lower the price since I had been a loyal customer for so long. (修理这部车我本来要花一笔大钱, 但我和修车师傅达成协议, 把价格降低, 因为我长期以来一直是他的忠诚客户)

04. strike a blow against, to
定义: (为反对)予以痛击或打击.
例句: Fate has struck a heavy blow against us. (命运给予了我们沉重的打击)

05. strike a blow for, to
定义: (为拥护)而战斗.
例句: The court's decision strikes a blow for every little guy that's ever been kicked around by a big company. (这个法院判决乃是为每一个被大公司欺凌的小市民伸张正义)

06. strike/touch a chord, to
定义: 打动心弦, 令人感动.
例句: Thank you for speaking, your words really struck a chord with me. (谢谢你的发言, 你的话深受我的赞同)

07. strike a happy medium, to
定义: 取得双方满意折衷方案.
例句: It can be difficult for working mothers to strike a happy medium between maintaining their careers and caring for their families. (职场妈妈在维持事业和照顾家人之间找到满意的折衷方案是相当困难的)

08. strike a note, to
定义: 表达某种语气或态度或某件事情.
例句: I find it really difficult to strike the right note when I'm writing job applications. (我发现在写求职申请信的时候很难找到恰如其分的词句)

09. strike against someone, a
定义: 对某人不利, 将某人的表现扣分.
例句: A batter can either hit or miss a ball. Hitting is good, missing is bad and you get a strike against you. (棒球打击手只可能要么击中球, 要么没击中球. 击中球是好事, 没击中球是不好的而且你还会受到扣分. 注: 意指三次没击中球就被三振出局)

10. strike at the heart of something, to
定义: 打击重心, 打击重要部位.
例句: By cracking down on the opium trade, the task force is hoping to strike at the heart of terrorist funding in the region. (藉由打击鸦片贸易, 特遣部队希望击垮该地区恐怖份子资金供应链的核心)

11. strike back, to
定义: 反击, 回击, 反扑, 反攻; 报复.
例句: The victim struck back at the mugger and scared him away. (这名受害人反击劫匪并吓跑了他)

12. strike (something) into, to
定义: 击入, 踢入, 砍入; 灌输或激励某想法给某人; 令某人产生某个强烈情绪或反应.
例句: The tanks and soldiers pouring into the city struck fear into its citizens. (涌入这座城市的坦克和士兵让市民们笼罩在恐惧的气氛中)

13. strike down, to
定义: 击倒, 撞倒; 使其失去能力; 杀死; 否决, 宣布其失效或作废, 注销.
例句: A huge lightning bolt struck the cedar tree down. (一道巨大的闪电击倒了这棵雪松树)

14. strike dumb, to
定义: 令人惊讶或震惊地哑口无言或目瞪口呆.
例句: As we had never stirred out of our homes before, the demeanor of the man struck us dumb with wonder. (由于我们以前从未出过远门, 这名男子的举止让我们惊讶得目瞪口呆)

15. strike fear/horror into (the hearts of) ..., to
定义: 令...产生恐惧.
例句: The frightening tale of Count Dracula has struck horror into the hearts of many since it was originally penned. (这个令人战栗的德古拉伯爵故事自从其最初写成以来就一直造成许多人从内心发出恐惧)

16. strike gold, to
定义: 发现金矿; 功成名就; 发现财富; 比赛中获得金牌; 找到想要的东西.
例句: A California nurse has struck gold on a slot machine. Hitting the jackpot, she suddenly found herself 9.3 million dollars richer. (一名加州护士在吃角子老虎机上找到了她想要的财富. 中了大奖之后, 她突然发现自己多了930万美元的财富)

17. strike hands, to
定义: 握手成交, 达成协议, 归于友好.
例句: What a wonderful feeling to strike hands with my old friend once again. (再次与老朋友把手言欢的感觉真好)

18. strike home, to
定义: 击中要害, 说到重点; 令人恍然大悟, 豁然开朗, 终于明白真相或事实; 令人印象深刻; 伤人痛处.
例句: My remarks last week obviously hit home because he has not been late for work since. (我上个星期的话显然击中他的要害, 因为从那时以后, 他就一直没有迟到过)

19. strike it rich, to
定义: 一夜致富, 暴发.
例句: The mother of three struck it rich when her weekly lotto ticket ending up winning her over $2 million. (当她的每周乐透彩票赢得了两百多万美元之时, 这名三个孩子的母亲一夜间致富)

20. strike me pink!
定义: [惊叹语]表达惊讶或无法置信.
例句: You did the dishes and cleaned your room? Well, strike me pink – I never thought the day would come! (你洗了碗和打扫了房间? 哎, 真无法置信 – 我没想到这一天居然会到来!)



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