二十笔实用成语 1035

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二十笔实用成语 1035

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 11, 2021 11:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 1035

01. sudden rush of blood to the head, a
定义: 突来的激动或愤怒. (注: 意指冲动时说出蠢话或做出蠢事)
例句: It must have been a sudden rush of blood to the head that made Gary lash out at Ronny, because he's usually so calm. (盖里肯定是因一时的愤怒才致使他猛烈地抨击朗尼, 因为他通常很冷静)

02. sue for peace, to
定义: 求和; 要求结束战斗.
例句: Basically, suing for peace means accepting defeat, but at the same time asking for a negotiated settlement of postwar conditions. (基本上, 求和则意味着承认战败, 但同时却要求经由谈判解决战后的各种状况)

03. sue someone over something, to
定义: 因为某事而提出诉讼告某人.
例句: Dad was sued over the debts; we children contributed to help pay them, until our parents asked us not to, as our own families were coming along. (爸爸因债务被起诉; 我们这群孩子共同捐款协助偿还债务, 直到我们的父母要求我们不要再捐助为止, 因为我们的家境逐渐得到改善)

04. suffer a setback, to
定义: 遭到挫败.
例句: After suffering a couple of setbacks early on, the company has finally started making consistent profits and growth. (在早创初期遭到了几次挫折之后, 这家公司终于开始取得稳定的利润和成长)

05. suffer from vs. suffer with
定义: [易混淆字或短语]遭到...病痛, 患...病, 应该使用suffer from(动词短语); suffer with不是正确用法.

06. suffice (it) to say, to
定义: 简而言之, 总之; 足以说明, 可以肯定地说.
例句: First, the car wouldn't start, and then I got stuck in traffic – suffice it to say, there was no way I could get here on time. (首先, 汽车没法启动, 然后我又碰上了交通堵塞 – 总之, 我根本没办法准时到达这里)

07. sugar daddy, a
定义: 甜心爹地; 包二奶者, 包养年轻女人的年纪大男人.
例句: I know I shouldn't judge just from appearances, but it certainly seems like Tammy's new boyfriend is a bit of a sugar daddy. (我知道我不应该光从外表来论断别人, 但看起来黛咪的新男友确实有点像个甜心老爹)

08. sugar/sweeten/sugar-coat the pill, to
定义: 让人易于接受不愉快之事. (注: 意指将药片裹上糖衣)
例句: Patrick tried to sugar the pill for his employee, "There'll be a ten thousand dollar bonus if you agree to go quietly." (派崔克试图让他的员工更容易接受他的条件, "如果你同意静静地离开这家公司, 会有一万美元的奖金.")

09. suggest itself to, to
定义: 浮现在脑海里; 灵机一现.
例句: An exciting new idea suggested itself to me while I was listening to the speaker give his presentation. (当我听演讲者在介绍的时候, 一个令人兴奋的新想法在我脑海里灵机一现)

10. suit someone down to the ground, to
定义: 对某人极为合适, 方便或理想.
例句: I've found a job that suits me down to the ground: the pay's great and I can work from home. (我找到了一份极为适合我的工作: 薪水优渥不说, 我还可以在家里工作)

11. suit someone's book, to
定义: 对某人合适, 方便或理想.
例句: A later meeting would suit my book. (再晚一点开会更适合我)

12. suit up, to
定义: 穿着特殊规定的服装; 穿着正式服装或制服.
例句: My best man and two groomsmen need to go suit up and start getting ready for the ceremony. (我的伴郎和两位男傧相需要去穿上他们的礼服, 开始为婚礼做准备. 注: 现代婚礼的男女双方都请了好几位伴郎和伴娘)

13. suit you to a T, to
定义: 正好合适你, 令你满意, 正好合身.
例句: "Gosh, it's been sweltering lately!" "I'm cold all the time, so this hot weather suits me to a T." ("天呀, 最近真是闷热啊!" "我的身子骨一向都很冷, 所以这种炎热天气正好适合我.")

14. suit yourself
定义: 随你便, 你爱做什么就做什么.
例句: "The steak sounds good, but it's hard to pass up the fried chicken." "Suit yourself. I'll have the steak." ("牛排听起来不错, 但又不想错过炸鸡." "随你便. 我要牛排.")

15. in suits and ties
定义: 穿着正式西装, 打领带.
例句: The men in suits and ties that are custom fit to personality and best colors as well, will always have the upper hand. They're taken seriously. (穿着根据他们个性和最佳颜色所量身定制的西装和领带的男士们总是占优势. 别人也会认真地对待他们)

16. sum and substance, the
定义: 重点, 要点, 本质, 主旨.
例句: We don't have much time for this board meeting, so let's just get to the sum and substance straight away. (我们没有太多时间来开这场董事会会议, 所以我们就直截了当地切入重点吧)

17. sum total, the
定义: 总数, 总合, 全部, 全盘.
例句: If this is the sum total of your efforts, then we may need to seriously reevaluate your place in this business. (如果这就是你全部业绩的话, 那么我们可能需要认真地重新评估你在这家公司所扮演的角色)

18. sum up, to
定义: 总结, 概述, 简洁的描述.
例句: To sum up, we need to reduce our expenditures and target new markets in order to grow. (总而言之, 我们需要减少支出并瞄准新市场以便开展新业务)

19. summary dismissal, a
定义: 无预警, 立即的(职员)解雇或开除.
例句: Gross misconduct often results in summary dismissal, and while you hope that you never have to go through it. (严重的渎职通常会导致立即解雇, 尽管你希望永远不必碰上这个情况)

20. summon up, to
定义: 鼓起, 唤起; 振作.
例句: Visiting my old house summoned up memories of my childhood. (重游我曾住过的老房子唤起了我对童年的回忆)



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