二十笔实用成语 1036

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二十笔实用成语 1036

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 18, 2021 5:38 am

二十笔实用成语 1036

01. Sunday best
定义: 最好的正式服装. (注: Sunday best乃是出自于十九世纪中期美国人星期天去教会所穿的正式服装)
例句: This is going to be a formal event, so please come dressed in your Sunday best. (这将是一个正式场合, 所以请你穿上最好的正式服装)

02. sunny side, the
定义: (看事情)愉快的或乐观的一面.
例句: Life's too short to worry about every little detail. Just look on the sunny side and have a bit of fun! (人生苦短, 不必为每一件小事情烦心. 要往愉快乐观的一面看, 享受一点人生的乐趣!)

03. sunny-side up eggs
定义: 单面煎蛋.
例句: I ordered my eggs sunny-side up and you brought me scrambled eggs. (我点的是单面煎蛋, 你送上来的是炒鸡蛋)

04. sunset years, the
定义: 人生的余年, 晚年.
例句: Now is the time to think about financial planning for your sunset years. (现在正是考虑你晚年财务规划的时候了)

05. Sup?
定义: [俚语]打招呼语. (注: Sup是What's up的缩写)
例句: "Sup Randy? I haven't seen you in a while." "Ah, not much, just getting by, you know." ("你好吗, 兰迪? 有一段时间没见到你了." "啊, 不怎样, 还过得去就是, 你是知道的.")

06. supposed to, be
定义: 本该, 应该, 理应, 应该会, 早该.
例句: "Tom just called from Detroit and says he's coming back tomorrow." "That's funny. He's not supposed to." ("汤姆刚从底特律打电话来说他明天回来." "那就奇怪了. 他不应该明天回来.")

07. be sure to do something
定义: 务必(不可忘掉, 一定要)做某件事.
例句: Be sure to pick up your child in their designated zone on time. (请务必准时在指定的区域内接你们的孩子)

08. sure as death and taxes, be (as)
定义: (就如死亡与付税一般)必然会发生的, 不可避免的.
例句: They just aren't right for each other; they're sure as death and taxes to break up eventually. (他们一点都不般配; 他们迟早必然会分手)

09. sure as eggs is eggs, be (as)
定义: 毫无疑问的, 绝对确定的.
例句: Of course I'll be there, sure as eggs is eggs! (我当然会去那儿, 这是毫无疑问的!)

10. sure as God made little green apples, be (as)
定义: 肯定地, 无疑地.
例句: I'm as sure as God made little green apples that he's the one who beat up Jenny! (我非常确信他就是那个暴打珍妮的家伙!)

11. sure as hell, be (as)
定义: 绝对肯定的, 肯定会发生的.
例句: I've worked all my life to get to this position, so I'm sure as hell not going to give it up without a fight! (我奋斗了一辈子才到达这个职位, 所以我打死都不会不战而放弃这个位子!)

12. sure as I'm standing here, be (as)
定义: (依我的看法)这是毫无疑问的, 绝对会发生的.
例句: It had to have been Mike who leaked our plans to the press, sure as I'm standing here! (毫无疑问地, 一定是迈克向媒体泄露了我们的计划!)

13. sure as shooting, be (as)
定义: 毫无疑问的, 绝对会发生的.
例句: Come into a great fortune and, as sure as shooting, the number of those who would be your friend increases tenfold. (你一旦获得了一大笔财富, 毫无疑问地, 想做你朋友的人数将会增加十倍)

14. sure bet, a
定义: 必然会发生的事; 必然会成功的人; 必赢的抉择或赌注.
例句: Considering her high scoring average, she's a sure bet for the bowling team. (考虑到她的高得分平均, 她必然会被选入保龄球队)

15. sure cure, a
定义: 灵验药方; 必会成功的补救.
例句: Getting your daily dose of sunlight can be the sure cure for winter blues. (每天接受阳光的照射可是一剂治愈冬季忧郁症的灵药良方)

16. sure did
定义: (谈及过去)我当然做了, 确实是这样的, 确实有, 确实发生了.
例句: "Did you lock the front door?" "I sure did." ("你锁好了前门吗?" "我当然锁了.")

17. sure enough
定义: 正如所料地, 果不其然地.
例句: I figured he wouldn't last much longer in the company. Sure enough, he handed in his resignation this morning. (我早就估计他在这家公司待不了多久. 果不其然, 他今天早上递交了辞呈)

18. sure of oneself, be
定义: 有自信的, 对自己有信心.
例句: You can't go into that interview wondering if you're good enough for the job. If you're sure of yourself, the interviewer will be sure of you, too. (你不可在面试的时候怀疑你是否足够胜任这份工作. 如果你对自己有信心, 面试官也会对你产生信心)

19. sure thing!
定义: 当然! 一定! 没问题!
例句: "Could you bring a dessert to the dinner party?" "Sure thing!" ("你能不能带一道甜点来参加晚上聚餐吗?" "没问题!")

20. sure thing, a
定义: 保证一定会成功的事; 肯定会发生的事; 被视为理所当然的事(其结果并不一定如此).
例句: You should have learned by now that no business model is a sure thing. (你到这个时候也应该学到了, 没有任何商业模式是保证一定会成功的)



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