二十笔实用成语 1044

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二十笔实用成语 1044

帖子 royl » 周三 1月 12, 2022 11:14 am

二十笔实用成语 1044

01. take a pull on/off/at, to
定义: 抽一口烟; 饮一口酒.
例句: I took a pull off the flask, wiped my chin and walked back out into the bitterly cold streets. (我打开酒瓶饮了一口烈酒, 抹干我的下巴, 走回到寒风凛凛的街道)

02. take a punch at, to
定义: 击出一拳.
例句: He wouldn't quit mouthing off, so I went over and took a punch at him. (他在那儿骂骂咧咧, 叫嚣个没完, 所以我过去揍了他一拳)

03. take a rain check, to
定义: 下次再买, 下次再比赛, (这次不想做)下次再做. (注: 原意是商店减价货物卖光后给客人允诺证明即rain check, 等货物补足以后再以折扣价卖给有证明的客人)
例句: I'm sorry, but I'll have to take a rain check for dinner this Saturday. Would next weekend work for you? (抱歉, 这个星期六的晚餐我没法来, 咱们改个日子吧. 下个周末再聚餐你方便吗?)

04. take a right turn, to
定义: [汽车方向]向右转, 向右拐.
例句: I told him to take a right turn at the next corner, but he went on. (我告诉他在下一个拐角处右转, 但他却继续往前开)

05. take a risk, to
定义: 冒险, 犯难, 接受挑战.
例句: I'm taking a real risk hiring this guy, so you had better be right about him. (我冒着很大的风险雇用这个人, 所以你对他的推荐最好是正确的)

06. take a running jump, to
定义: [不尊重语]走开, 别烦我, 离我远一点!
例句: Take a running jump, Tom. I don't need your sarcasm. (走开, 离我远一点, 汤姆. 我不想听你的冷嘲热讽)

07. take a seat, to
定义: 坐下来.
例句: Hi, Pauly, thank you for coming to see me, please take a seat. (嗨, 保利, 谢谢你来看我, 请坐)

08. take a selfie, to
定义: 拍摄自拍照.
例句: I'm not a huge fan of taking selfies of myself, but I am trying to build up my confidence by doing so. (我不是很喜欢自拍, 但我正努力通过这样做来建立我的信心)

09. take a shellacking, to
定义: 被彻底击败; 遭受粗暴待遇.
例句: They took a shellacking at the hands of a vastly superior opposition team. (他们被一支极为优秀的对手球队所彻底击败)

10. take a shine to, to
定义: 被某人, 事或物所吸引; 喜爱或钟爱某人, 事或物.
例句: It seems the boss has taken a shine to you, kid. You should start seeing some more work headed your way! (看来老板对你很喜爱, 孩子. 你应该会看到更多的工作被指派给你!)

11. take a shot at, to
定义: 向...射击; 试着做做看, 试试看; 抨击, 批评, 贬低或羞辱某人或某事.
例句: The guy came up and took a cheap shot at me. It was totally uncalled for, totally out of bounds! (那家伙走过来, 突然对我蹦出了一句难听话. 我根本没招惹他, 他太过份了!)

12. take a shower, to
定义: 洗淋浴, 洗澡.
例句: I got really sweaty working out in the backyard, so I'm going to take a shower before lunch. (我在后院锻炼身体弄得汗流浃背, 所以我要先冲个澡再吃午饭)

13. take a spill, to
定义: 摔下来, 摔一跤.
例句: He took a nasty spill on his bicycle on his way home from work. (他在下班回家的路上从自行车上摔下来, 跌得鼻青脸肿)

14. take a stand, to
定义: 公开表明自己对某事的坚定支持, 辩护或反对的立场.
例句: All the other kids in the class were too afraid to speak out, but Georgina took a stand for what she knew was right. (班上所有其他孩子都噤若寒蝉不敢吭声, 但乔金娜却公开表明她坚持她认为是正确的立场)

15. take a straw poll, to
定义: 做非正式的意见性投票. (注: 意指作为反对竞选人或反对意见力量的指标)
例句: In November, I took a straw poll to measure opinions on how the federal government has dealt with the covid-19 crisis. (十一月, 我做了一项非正式民意调查, 来衡量民众对联邦政府如何应付冠状病毒危机的看法)

16. take a swallow of, to
定义: 吞咽; 喝下.
例句: The radiologist will ask you to take a swallow of a thickened barium drink. The barium is usually flavored, although it may not be very pleasant tasting. (放射科医生会要求你喝下浓稠的钡剂. 钡通常是有味道的, 虽然它的口感可能不是很令人愉快)

17. take a swing at, to
定义: 挥拳打人.
例句: Bill didn't hear me coming up behind him, and he took a swing at me when I touched his shoulder. (比尔没有听到我从他背后走近他, 当我触碰他肩膀的时候, 他便朝我挥出一拳)

18. take a toll, to
定义: 造成严重损失; 付出惨痛代价.
例句: Years of smoking and drinking has taken a toll on her health. (多年来的抽烟和酗酒劣习严重地损害了她的健康)

19. take a trip, to
定义: 旅行, 出远门.
例句: A short while ago, I took a trip to Idaho and Utah to see the kids. I was overjoyed to visit 12 of my 20 grandchildren. (不久之前, 我去爱达荷州和犹他州看望儿孙们. 我很高兴见到了我的二十个孙子女中的十二个)

20. take a trip/walk down memory lane, to
定义: 回忆过去的欢乐时光和如烟往事.
例句: "How did your coffee date with John go?" "It was pretty amicable, actually. We took a trip down memory lane for a while, and then we went our separate ways." ("你和约翰的咖啡约会谈得如何?" "其实, 还相当融洽. 我们一起回忆了一会儿过去的欢乐时光, 然后我们便分道扬镳.")



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