二十笔实用成语 1047

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二十笔实用成语 1047

帖子 royl » 周二 1月 25, 2022 10:06 pm

二十笔实用成语 1047

01. take cover, to
定义: (为了躲避枪击或攻击)寻求掩蔽物, 找地方躲起来.
例句: As soon as the firing started, we took cover behind a huge boulder. (枪声一响, 我们便躲在一块巨石之后)

02. take credit (for), to
定义: 受到赞扬或肯定, 居功, 抢功.
例句: She tries to get by doing as little as possible, then tries to take credit for other people's work. (她总是尽量做最少的工作勉强过关, 然后想办法把其他人所做的工作拿来居功)

03. take (some) doing, to
定义: (指工作)要求很高, 很吃力, 很不好做.
例句: I reckon we can get it finished by tomorrow, but it'll take doing. (我认为我们可以明天完成它, 但它并不是那么好做)

04. take down a notch/peg, to
定义: 挫败某人的傲气; 杀某人的威风; 令他谦逊下来.
例句: He's so arrogant that I wish someone would take him down a notch. (他这么嚣张跋扈, 我真希望有人杀杀他的威风)

05. take down, to
定义: 降下, 放下, 脱下; 拆卸, 拆除; 破坏, 毁灭, 夷为平地; 贬抑或羞辱; 写下来, 记录下来; 带下去或下楼.
例句: They plan to take all these buildings down and turn the land into a park. (他们计划拆除所有这些大楼并将夷平的土地改建成公园)

06. take drugs, to
定义: 使用毒品或吸食毒品.
例句: My reasoning behind not taking drugs is simple: I have an addictive personality, with my inability to put down a bag of potato chips not boding well for any stronger stuff. (我之所以不吸食毒品的原因很简单: 我有一个容易上瘾的个性, 我连一袋薯片都不想放下更别谈戒除瘾头更大的毒品)

07. take each day as it comes, to
定义: 每天都顺其自然地活着, 不必杞人忧天; 船到桥头自然直, 再怎么担心都没用.
例句: There's no way to know what the future will bring, so just take each day as it comes and hope for the best. (我们没法知道未来将会发生什么, 所以每天都顺其自然地过着日子, 抱持着乐观的希望)

08. take effect, to
定义: 生效, 产生效力, 具有效力.
例句: It will be some time before the painkillers take effect. (要等一段时间这些止痛药才会产生药效)

09. take exception to ..., to
定义: 反对...; 对...不同意; 拒绝接受.
例句: Excuse me, but I take exception to being characterized as some sort of opportunist, just because I happened to make some good investments before the economy collapsed. (对不起, 我可不愿被描述成某种机会主义者只因为我碰巧在经济崩盘之前做了一些良好的投资)

10. take five, to
定义: 短暂休息一下(尤其在工作中). (注: take five可以直译为: 休息五分钟)
例句: She told us to take five, but we turned the five into fifty. (她告诉我们休息五分钟, 但我们从休息五分钟拖延到休息五十分钟)

11. take flight, to
定义: 迅速跑掉, 逃离.
例句: The would-be burglars took flight as soon as they heard the police sirens. (这些准备要做案的窃贼一听到警笛声就迅速逃逸了)

12. take for a ride, to
定义: 被人占便宜, 捉弄或欺骗; 被人用车载走并处决; 开车或船兜风.
例句: That get-rich-quick guru took tens of thousands of people for a ride, lining his own pockets with their investments. (那个教人一夜致富的理财大师诈欺了成千上万的人的财物, 骗取他们的投资来中饱私囊)

13. take for a test drive, to
定义: 测试某东西或车子, 看看性能如何或你喜不喜欢它.
例句: When you're buying a brand new car, it's important that the car you take for a test drive is the exact same model and specification as the one you're looking to buy. (当你购买一部全新汽车的时候, 很重要的是你所试开的汽车跟你想要购买车子的型号和规格完全相同)

14. take for granted, to
定义: 把...当成当然; 想当然耳; 忽视, 漠视, 把...不当一回事.
例句: The boss takes us for granted, but if we weren't here, this whole company would collapse. (老板把我们不当一回事, 但要是我们不在这里的话, 这整家公司就会垮台)

15. take for, to
定义: 误认为, 把某人当成某种人; 诈欺, 欺骗; 带某人去某处请客; 接受一笔指定好数目的金钱购买某物; 带某人去某个活动; 带某物去办手续.
例句: You must take me for a fool if you think I would lend you such a huge amount of money. (你一定把我当成一个大傻瓜如果你认为我会借给你这么一大笔钱的话)

16. take forever, to
定义: 需时甚久.
例句: Why is it taking forever for our food to come out? Did they forget about us? (为什么等了这么久他们还不上菜? 他们是不是把我们忘掉了?)

17. take form, to
定义: 形成某个特定型式; 具体化; 成形; 体现.
例句: By the end of the meeting, our plan for the new project had begun to take form. (等到会议结束的时候, 我们的新项目计划已经初步形成了)

18. take fright (at), to
定义: 突然受到惊吓.
例句: As the thunder cracked overhead, the horse took fright and threw its rider to the ground. (雷声突然在头顶上响起, 这匹马受到惊吓把骑手摔到地上)

19. take full responsibility, to
定义: 接受全责.
例句: Taking full responsibility of your life is understanding that you are fully in charge of your own destiny through your own decisions. (对自己的生命完全负责就是要明白经由自己的决定, 你完全掌握自己的命运)

20. take guts, to
定义: 需要勇气, 胆识或决心; 不畏权势.
例句: It took a lot of guts to do what he did. Much respect to Jack! (做出他所做的事情需要很大的勇气. 向杰克致敬!)



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