二十笔实用成语 1048

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二十笔实用成语 1048

帖子 royl » 周二 2月 01, 2022 12:31 pm

二十笔实用成语 1048

01. take heart, to
定义: 振作起来; 鼓起勇气; 重振信心.
例句: I know you're upset about getting a rejection letter, but take heart – there's a good chance one of the other schools will accept you. (我知道你对学校寄来的拒绝信相当沮丧, 但你要振作起来 – 很有可能另一所学校会接受你)

02. take hold of, to
定义: 抓住, 抓紧.
例句: Take hold of this rope and lower yourself out the window. (抓住这根绳子, 把你自己从窗外放下去)

03. take hold, to
定义: 抓住; 抓稳; 捕获; 附住; 控制住; 建立好; 具有效力.
例句: Panic took hold of him and he couldn't move. (他陷入极度惊恐状态, 他全身无法动弹)

04. take home, to
定义: 带回家; 赢得奖品, 取得成就; 严肃地考虑某建议或意见.
例句: Thank you for all of your suggestions. I'll be sure to take them home with me. (谢谢你所有的建议. 我一定会严肃地考虑它们)

05. take ill, to
定义: 生病.
例句: I heard your sister has taken ill recently. I hope that it isn't anything too serious. (听说你姐姐最近生病了. 我希望那不是什么太严重的病)

06. take in good part, to
定义: 宽容地, 大方地, 不以为忤地接受别人的批评, 取笑或玩笑.
例句: Thanks for taking my joke in good part. (谢谢你宽容大度地不计较我的笑话)

07. take in hand, to
定义: 受命处理, 接掌责任, 接管业务.
例句: Once the new CEO took the company in hand, he was able to turn it around from posting annual losses to being one of the most profitable companies in the country. (一旦新任总裁接掌了公司业务之后, 他便将该公司从年年亏损转变为该国最赚钱的公司之一)

08. take in, to
定义: 缩小, 缩短; 卷起来; 把衣服修改小一些; 收留某人; 接待客人或房客; 收容人住宿; 收押入警局; 接受付款或收益; 接受家务工作及工资; 被限制于某环境内; 列入行程; 出席; 理解, 意识到, 明白; 诈欺.
例句: The firm was kind enough to take me in as a legal aide while I was working on my law degree. (在我攻读法律学位的期间, 这家公司很善心地收留我成为一名法律助理)

09. take into account, to
定义: 将某情况列入考虑, 考量, 谅解.
例句: I'll try to take into account all the things that are important in a situation like this. (在这种情况下, 我会尽量地将所有的重要事项都列入考虑)

10. take into confidence, to
定义: 信任. (注: 意指信任到可以吐露自己秘密的程度)
例句: You're the only person I've taken into my confidence about this, so please don't discuss it with anyone else. (你是我唯一吐露此事的可信赖之人, 所以请不要跟其他人讨论此事)

11. take issue with someone, to
定义: 不同意某人; 受到...冒犯; 跟某人争论.
例句: I want to take issue with the last statement you made. (我想要对你最后一项意见提出不同看法)

12. take it a step further, to
定义: 进入下一阶段; 更进一步.
例句: I say we take it a step further and erect a wall around our subdivision to keep the riffraff out. (我说我们有必要更进一步, 在我们的小区周围建起一圈墙, 把那些人渣挡在外面)

13. take it as a sign, to
定义: 当作一个征兆.
例句: Take it as a sign that you need to give yourself some rest. (就把它当作你需要让自己休息的征兆吧)

14. take it as it comes, to
定义: 别急, 事情一步一步来, 事情来了再讲. (注: 意指顺其自然吧)
例句: Freelancing is hugely unpredictable and you just have to take it as it comes. (自由职业是非常不可预测的, 你只须顺其自然, 问题来了再解决还不迟)

15. take it as read, to
定义: 不需证实而确定某事为真; 就当成真的.
例句: Can I take it as read that we all agree on this matter? (我可以这么认为我们都同意这件事吗?)

16. take it away, to
定义: 请人开始表演; 带走, 拿走, 拿开.
例句: We've brought in a very talented young band to entertain you this evening. Take it away, young ladies! (今晚我们请来了一支才华横溢的年轻乐队给你们表演. 把现场交给妳们了, 小姑娘们!)

17. take it cool, to
定义: 保持冷静, 自制.
例句: Sit tight, take it cool, they won't bother you again. (不要轻举妄动, 保持冷静, 它们就不会再骚扰你了)
碰到一群流浪狗要保持冷静, 不可轻举妄动

18. take it easy, to
定义: 冷静下来, 放轻松, 别激动, 别烦恼, 松弛下来.
例句: Take it easy. You don't have to drive so fast. We'll get there on time. (放轻松. 你不必开那么快. 我们会准时到达的)

19. take it for a spin
定义: 开出去兜风, 试车.
例句: Jenny just got a new car for her birthday, so I think we're going to take it for a spin after school. (珍妮为她自己的生日刚买了一辆新车, 所以我想我们放学之后把它开出去兜兜风风)

20. take it for what it's worth, to
定义: 姑妄听之; 以平常心对待, 且不论其值不值得当真. (注: 意指它可能有帮助也可能没有帮助)
例句: I know it's just gossip, so I take it for what it's worth. (我知道这只是个八卦消息, 所以我姑且随便听听, 没把它当真)



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