二十笔实用成语 1049

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二十笔实用成语 1049

帖子 royl » 周四 2月 03, 2022 12:19 am

二十笔实用成语 1049

01. take it from here/there, to
定义: 从某一点接手继续做下去.
例句: Thank you for your work on the case so far, Sam, but I'll take it from here. (山姆, 谢谢你迄今为止为这个案子上所做的工作, 但我要从这里接手继续把它办下去)

02. take it from me, to
定义: 相信我, 我说的话是真的.
例句: "I'm so bummed that I lost my job." "You can take it from me, getting out of that awful company is the best thing that could have happened to you." ("我失业了, 我心情很恶劣." "相信我, 离开那家烂公司是发生在你身上最幸运的事.")

03. take it from the top, to
定义: [命令式口气]从头开始演/演奏/唱.
例句: Is everyone who's in this scene here? Good, let's take it from the top. (要演出这场剧的人都到齐了吗? 好, 让我们从头开始排演)

04. take it in stride, to
定义: 顺其自然, 从容自若.
例句: You have to learn how to take criticism in stride if you want to be successful in this business. (如果你想在这个行业取得成功的话, 你必须学会如何从容应对别人的批评)

05. take it in turns, to
定义: [英国]轮流.
例句: My sister and I took it in turns to go into hospital and sit with Mom. (我和姐姐轮流去医院陪着卧病的妈妈)

06. take it into one's head, to
定义: 相信某事; 对...痴迷或有强烈想法; 突然作成某决定, 某想法或某计划.
例句: She suddenly took it into her head to go out to Shanghai to stay with her son. (她突然想到要去上海陪她儿子)

07. take it lightly, to
定义: 不当回事, 忽视; 不严肃面对.
例句: I hope you aren't taking these allegations lightly – they could mean a life in prison! (我希望你严肃地面对这些指控 – 它们可能意味着终身监禁!)

08. take it like a man, to
定义: 像男人一样地临危不乱, 沉着镇定, 泰然地接受痛苦, 逆境或棘手问题.
例句: She said some really cutting things to him, but he took it like a man. (她向他说了一些刻薄无情的话, 然而他却像个男人一样泰然地接受了)

09. take it on faith, to
定义: 信任, 未经证实而接受.
例句: You're right to be wary, but, in this case, I think we can take John's statement on faith. He has no reason to lie to us. (你的警惕和戒心是对的, 但是, 在这个情况下, 我认为我们可以信任约翰. 他没有理由跟我们撒谎)

10. take it on the chin, to
定义: 下巴遭到猛烈一击; 冷静坚强地面对失败, 挫折, 逆境或别人批评的冲击.
例句: I know you're feeling down about the loss, but just take it on the chin and practice harder tomorrow. (我知道你们对这场比赛的失利感到沮丧, 但你们只要冷静坚强地面对挫败, 明天更努力练球就好了)

11. take it or leave it, to
定义: 要就接受, 否则拉倒; 无条件地接受或拒绝; 对...没有很强烈的喜恶, 可有可无.
例句: The car costs $5,000, take it or leave it. (这辆车要卖五千块钱, 要就买否则拉倒)

12. take it out of someone, to
定义: 令某人疲于奔命.
例句: Listening to customer complaints all day can really take it out of you. (整天听客户的抱怨真把我烦得要死)

13. take it out on someone, to
定义: 恼羞成怒, 愤于无辜的人.
例句: I know you've been frustrated by the lack of progress, but don't take it out on me. (我知道你因为缺乏进展而感到懊恼, 但你别把气发在我身上)

14. take it personally, to
定义: 认为别人是针对你个人的人格, 行为, 动机的羞辱. (注: 美国人经常说他的批评是对事不对人, 请你不要当作对个人的攻击)
例句: Don't take it personally, but you really need a haircut. (请你不要当作对你个人的攻击, 但你确实需要理个发)

15. take it to heart, to
定义: 放在心里, 认真地看待某事.
例句: Don't take his comments to heart – he's that hard on everyone in the office. (别把他的话放在心上 – 他对办公室里的每个人都是这么严厉)

16. take it upon/on oneself, to
定义: 将某事视为己任, 自动自发地承担起某事责任.
例句: The kids took it upon themselves to wash your car. I'm so proud of them for doing it without being told! (这群孩子们自动自发地帮你洗车. 我为他们在没有被指派的情况下这样做而感到骄傲!)

17. take it, to
定义: 了解, 明白; 接受或相信某事; 容忍虐待, 批评, 恶劣待遇.
例句: I take it that you are not going to come to the graduation ceremony next week. (我是这么了解, 你下礼拜不打算来参加毕业典礼了)

18. take it/things one day at a time, to
定义: 别急坏身子, 咱们只好走一步算一步, 船到桥头自然直.
例句: I know you're devastated about losing your job this time, but we'll just take it one day at a time and find a way to make do. (我知道你对这次的失去工作受到了极大打击, 但咱们只好走一步算一步, 想个法子凑合着过日子吧)

19. take it/this the wrong way, to
定义: 介意, 误会, 误解, 误以为.
例句: Please don't take their criticism the wrong way; they mean well. (请不要误解了他们的批评; 他们并没恶意)

20. take its course, to
定义: 顺其自然, 让某情势自然发展下去; (让某疾病)正常地发展下去, 直到自然治愈为止.
例句: There is nothing we can do to relieve the effects of her disease. We can only wait and let the illness take its course. (我们无法减轻她的症状. 我们只能等待, 让这个疾病正常地发展下去, 直到自然治愈为止)



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