二十笔实用成语 1051

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二十笔实用成语 1051

帖子 royl » 周六 2月 12, 2022 2:08 am

二十笔实用成语 1051

01. take no time, to
定义: 马上就好, 一点都不费时.
例句: His memory was fading, but took no time to recognize me. (他的记忆在消退, 但他却马上认出我)

02. take note of, to
定义: 注意到, 留心于, 关注, 记下来.
例句: Jenny, take note of this number and remind me to call it when we get home. (珍妮, 记下这个号码, 回家后提醒我打电话给它)

03. take notes, to
定义: 记录下来, 记笔记.
例句: All of this information will be on the exam, so be sure to take detailed notes. (所有这些资料都会在这次考试中出现, 因此务必做好详细的笔记)

04. take notice of, to
定义: 注意, 留心, 关注.
例句: The tax laws are changing dramatically, and international businesses need to take notice. (这套税法正在发生巨大变化, 跨国企业都需要留意)

05. take oaths, to
定义: 宣誓证实某事是真的; 发誓要做或不做某事的承诺.
例句: When I was a witness in court, I had to take an oath that I would tell the truth. (当我在法庭上作证的时候, 我必须宣誓我在庭上所说的都是实话)

06. take off after, to
定义: 急起直追, 追捕, 追赶.
例句: The police car took off after the speeding van like a bullet, leaving the couple in a dust cloud. (警车像子弹一般地急起直追那辆超速行驶的面包车, 将这对夫妇留在一团尘埃中)

07. take off someone's hands, to
定义: 取消或免除某人手中的所负责工作, 管理权或责任.
例句: I never would have finished the project on time if Bill hadn't taken that part off my hands. (如果比尔没有免除我手上的那部分工作, 我永远也没法准时完成这份工程项目)

08. take the gloves off, to
定义: 放手一博; 真刀真枪地争吵或打架; 亳不留情地竞争或比赛.
例句: You can tell that she's taken the gloves off now – just look at the ferocity and focus in her eyes. (你可以看出她现在已经准备放手一博 – 光从她眼中露出的凶悍和专注的神情你就知道了)

09. take off, to
定义: 脱下, 除下; 松开; 停止, 收回; 打折扣, 扣减; 休假; 抢劫, 掠夺, 拿走; 开始, 启动; 分支, 分流, 分枝; 离开; 跳跃; 起飞; 迅速地活动, 发展, 或成长; 受到广泛的使用或大众喜爱.
例句: They offered to take a further 10% off if we signed up for paper-free billing. (如果我们在签约时候同意接受电子账单的话, 他们愿意再让我们享受百分之十的折扣)

10. take offense, to
定义: 受到别人冒犯/羞辱被激怒; 因别人不当言行而触怒.
例句: I know the comments you just made were completely in jest, but I couldn't help taking offense at them. (我知道你刚刚所说的话完全是在开玩笑, 但我还是忍不下一口气被这些话所激怒了)

11. take office, to
定义: (公职的)就任, 就职, 或上任.
例句: The controversial businesswoman had hardly taken office in the senate before becoming immediately embroiled in scandal. (这名饱受争议的女商人还没就任参议员就立即卷入了丑闻)

12. take on a (whole) new meaning, to
定义: 具有一个完全不同的意义
例句: "You are what you eat" takes on a whole new meaning. It is true for these insects as pictures show their abdomens changing color as they sip on sugar drops. ("你吃什么食物就变什么样"带来了一个全新的意义. 它对于这些昆虫而言完全适用, 在它们啜饮糖水滴的时候, 这些图片便显示出他们腹部的颜色变化)

13. take on a life of its own, to
定义: 自行发展或繁衍, 完全失控.
例句: The accusations in the political race have taken on a life of their own, growing meaner and more elaborate every day. (这次选战的相互指控已经发展至一发不可收拾的地步, 抹黑造谣变得日益恶毒和栩栩如绘)

14. take on a new life, to
定义: 展开新生命, 新外观, 或新乐趣.
例句: Plain old mashed potatoes take on a new life in this recipe. (再普通不过的土豆泥在这个食谱中展现出了新生命)

15. take on board, to
定义: 考虑, 接受(想法, 计划或建议).
例句: You need to take your parents' advice on board instead of just assuming they don't know what they're talking about. (你须要听从你父母的话, 而不是只认为他们什么都不懂)

16. take on oneself, to
定义: 自行承担某事, 擅作主张, 擅自处理.
例句: You didn't need to take it all upon yourself. There are others here who can help, you know. (你不需要把所有的职责都包揽下来. 你难道不知道还有其他人可以帮忙吗?)

17. take on the appearance of ..., to
定义: 看起来像... (注: 意指表征看起来像是如何如何, 但并不一定是如此)
例句: Clouds on Saturn take on the appearance of strokes from a cosmic brush thanks to the wavy way that fluids interact in the planet's atmosphere. (由于流体在该行星大气中受到波浪形式的相互影响, 土星上云彩看起来像似来自宇宙画笔所描绘的景观)

18. take on too much, to
定义: 承接太多的事务或重担.
例句: Between your job, the kids, and your volunteer work, I just think you're taking on too much! (你在你的工作, 儿女们和你的志愿工作之间疲于奔命, 我只是觉得你负担了太多的职责了!)

19. take on, to
定义: 开始承担, 负责, 从事; 对抗竞争者; 进行工作, 雇用; 取得...特征; 接收, 接管; 流露出内心情绪尤其是痛苦或愤怒.
例句: We're taking on the national champions next weekend, so we've certainly got our work cut out for us. (我们下周末将要对抗全国冠军队, 所以我们肯定会面临一场苦战)

20. take one back, to
定义: 令人回忆过去.
例句: That song takes me back to the happy time I was in high school. (那首歌让我回忆起我高中的欢乐时光)



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