二十笔实用成语 1054

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二十笔实用成语 1054

帖子 royl » 周日 3月 06, 2022 1:34 am

二十笔实用成语 1054

01. take someone at their word, to
定义: (不疑有他)相信某人所说的话.
例句: He clearly has an ulterior motive. Why some people take that pundit at his word is really beyond me. (他显然是别有所图的. 我真想不通为什么有些人会相信那名专家的话)

02. take someone by the arm, to
定义: 抓住某人的手臂; 牵着某人的手臂; 搀着某人的膀臂.
例句: "You took her by the arm and walked her into the waiting room?" "No, she was able to walk in by herself." ("是你搀着她的手臂, 带她走进候诊室的吗?" "不是, 她自己可以走进去.")

03. take someone down a notch/peg, to
定义: 挫败某人的傲气, 杀某人的威风, 令他谦逊下来.
例句: I'm really glad that pompous oaf lost the court case – maybe that will take him down a notch or two. (我真的很高兴那个自以为了不起的笨蛋输掉了这场官司 – 也许这样会杀杀他的傲气)

04. take someone for ..., to
定义: 把某人当作某种人. (例如: What do you take me for? An idiot? 你把我当成什么人? 白痴吗?)
例句: I'd advise you not to take her for a fool. She may play dumb, but she's very crafty. (我奉劝你不要把她当个傻子. 她也许会装傻, 但她其实很狡猾)

05. take someone hostage, to
定义: 绑架某人, 将某人扣作人质.
例句: The entire family was taken hostage by the robber. (这家人全被绑匪劫持为人质)

06. take someone in/into his arms, to
定义: 拥抱某人, 抱起某人.
例句: He took her into his arms and kissed her passionately. (他将她抱入怀中, 热情地亲吻着她)

07. take someone on, to
定义: 跟某人对抗; 雇用某人.
例句: Nobody wanted to take on Mrs. Franklin, but it had to be done. (没有人想要和富兰克林夫人对抗, 但不得不这么做)

08. take someone out somewhere, to
定义: 带某人去某处吃饭或玩乐.
例句: Our boss took us out for lunch. (老板带我们出去吃午饭)

09. take someone out, to
定义: 杀死某人.
例句: The boss told Rocko to take out Joey. (这名黑帮头子下令洛科干掉乔伊. 注: 这里的boss其实是黑帮的头子或大哥)

10. take someone or something seriously, to
定义: 严肃对待某人所说或所做的; 认真对待某事或物. (注: 意指不可将某人的话当耳边风, 以及认真工作等等)
例句: We told him he was in danger but he didn't take us seriously. (我们告诉他他有危险, 但他把我们的话当耳边风)

11. take someone through something, to
定义: 跟某人详述某件事情发生的细节; 跟某人详细地解释每一步的过程; 带领某人熟悉某事或某地.
例句: I'd be happy to take you through the steps to set up a new account. (我很乐意指引你设立一个新帐户的每一个步骤)

12. take someone to court, to
定义: 上法院控告某人, 起诉某人.
例句: If you don't pay for the damage, they could take you to court. (如果你不赔偿损失的话, 他们可能会把你告上法庭)

13. take someone to one side, to
定义: 将某人拉到一旁私下讲话. (注: 为了不想让别人听见)
例句: I will take Sue to one side and have a word with her about this matter. (我会把苏拉到一旁, 和她讨论一下这件事情)

14. take someone to task, to
定义: 询问, 斥责或谴责某人所犯的错.
例句: Mom took me to task over my terrible report card. (见到了我那份惨不忍睹的成绩单之后, 妈妈把我训斥了一顿)

15. take someone to the cleaners, to
定义: 将某人钱财骗光光; 将某人击溃.
例句: The lawyers took the insurance company to the cleaners, but I still didn't get enough to pay for my losses. (律师们把保险公司告得惨赔大钱, 但我还是没拿到足够的赔偿金来弥补我的损失)

16. take someone to the woodshed, to
定义: 私下严惩, 痛斥, 或责骂某人.
例句: Teenagers should be taken to the woodshed for their crimes because they have the capability of recognizing their responsibility as a good citizen in the society. (青少年应该为他们的罪行受到惩罚, 因为他们有能力认识到自己作为社会好公民的责任)

17. take someone under one's wing, to
定义: 庇护, 培养, 教导, 照顾或保护某人或后辈.
例句: I was nervous starting an internship at my uncle's company, but it definitely made it easier being under his wing. (开始在我叔叔公司实习的时候我很紧张, 但在他悉心地呵护和教导之下, 工作的确变得轻松许多)

18. take someone up on, to
定义: 接受某人的邀请, 相助, 赌注或挑战; 质疑或不同意某人的意见.
例句: I am going to take you up on that invitation to your cottage on the lake. (我打算接受你的邀请, 到你湖边的小屋一游)

19. take someone's call, to
定义: 接某人的电话.
例句: She doesn't take my calls anymore and says her mother won't let her speak to me. (她不再接我的电话并且说她妈妈不准许她和我说话)

20. take someone's life, to
定义: 杀死别人, 夺走某人性命.
例句: Even though someone upset you, it does not give you the right to take their lives or to treat them badly. (即使有人把你激怒了, 你也没有权力夺走他们生命或虐待他们)



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