二十笔实用成语 1056

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二十笔实用成语 1056

帖子 royl » 周五 3月 11, 2022 8:26 pm

二十笔实用成语 1056

01. take something with a grain/pinch of salt, to
定义: 对某人的话采取保留态度, 不必太当真, 不轻信, 不可全信.
例句: Read whatever that paper publishes with a pinch of salt – it's really just a trashy tabloid. (对那份报纸发表的任何内容都不必太当真 – 它实际上只是一份低级趣味的八卦小报)

02. take steps, to
定义: 采取必要的手段; 着手一系列必要行动.
例句: Following public outcry, the company has taken steps to rectify the discriminatory hiring practices. (在公众强烈地抗议之后, 该公司已采取必要措施来纠正歧视性的招聘做法)

03. take stock (of something), to
定义: 清点存货; 对某事进行评估; 评估...资源和潜力; 审查情势以便决定采取适当行动.
例句: After a year in the job, she decided it was time to take stock. (工作一年后, 她决定是时候来评估一下这份工作. 注: 这句话的意思是, 她需要认真思考一下这份工作是否值得她做下去)

04. take stock in ..., to
定义: 对...有信心, 重视; 购买股票.
例句: I wouldn't take stock in Tom's promises if I were you because, more often than not, he'll end up letting you down. (如果我是你的话, 我不会信任汤姆的承诺, 因为他通常最终都是背弃他的承诺)

05. take the bench, to
定义: 法官开庭或主持庭审; 行使法官职权; 法官上任就职.
例句: Today, the judge took the bench to hear the plaintiff's motion. (今天, 法官开庭听取并加以裁决原告的动议. 注: 这里的法官to hear除了听取之外还有做出裁决的意思, 也就是: to listen to and make a judgment about a plaintiff's motion)

06. take the biscuit, to
定义: 坏透了, 蠢透了, 糟透了; 最优秀, 第一名, 得奖.
例句: For dirty tricks I can assure you it is the medical practice that really take the biscuit. (对于玩卑鄙把戏, 我可以向你保证, 坏到透顶就是这种医疗诊所)

07. take the bitter with the sweet, to
定义: 人生逆境与顺境都概括承受.
例句: If you intend to get married, you must be prepared to take the bitter with the sweet. (如果你打算结婚的话, 你必须做好要承受婚姻生活中所带来的酸甜苦辣各种经历)

08. take the blame, to
定义: 接受责备.
例句: As manager for this project, I take the blame for its failure. (身为这个项目经理, 我愿为它的失败负责)

09. take the bread out of someone's mouth, to
定义: 剥夺某人的基本生计或生活依靠.
例句: Everyone loves these giant retail chains for their low prices, but few care that they take the bread out of local business owners' mouths. (每个人都喜爱这间大型零售连锁店的低廉价格, 但很少有人关心他们夺走了本地商店业主的生计)

10. take the bull by the horns, to
定义: 以果断直接行动来处理问题或困难.
例句: This is the time to take the bull by the horns and tackle the complex issues of high health care costs. (现在是采取果断行动来解决高涨的医疗保健费用等复杂问题的时候了)

11. take the bus, to
定义: 搭乘巴士或公车.
例句: Jack never takes the bus. He prefers to ride his bicycle. (杰克从不搭乘公共汽车. 他宁愿骑他的自行车)

12. take the cake, to
定义: 坏透了, 蠢透了, 糟透了; 令人忍无可忍; 最优秀, 第一名, 得奖.
例句: When I found out my boyfriend had been reading through my text messages, well, that took the cake! I dumped him right then and there! (当我发现我的男朋友一直在看我跟别人交谈的短信时候, 嗯, 那真是令人忍无可忍! 我当时就把他甩了!)

13. take the call, to
定义: 接电话.
例句: He heard the phone ringing but didn't want to take the call. (他听到电话响了, 但不想接电话)

14. take the car to the shop, to
定义: 把车子送厂修理.
例句: Once you have the bids, you can take the car to the shop you choose but they will need to complete the repairs for the approved amount. (一旦拿到了几个报价之后, 你就可以将汽车送去你所选择的修车厂去修理, 但他们必须要完成你所批准价钱的维修)

15. take the chair, to
定义: 主持会议; 成为会议主席.
例句: The company must produce minutes of all proceedings of meetings signed by the chair or the director who took the chair at the meeting. (这家公司必须交出由主席或主持会议的董事所签署的所有会议记录)

16. take the chill off, to
定义: 驱寒, 袪寒. (注: 例如泡热水澡, 喝热点热饮或酒驱寒)
例句: Let me make you a cup of hot coffee and a bowl of hot soup to take the chill off. (让我给你冲杯热咖啡和弄一碗热汤来驱寒)

17. take the count, to
定义: 被击败, 失败; [拳击术语]拳击手被击倒判决失败.
例句: Ortiz took a step and then went down to one knee, where he took the count from referee Joe Cortez without getting back up. (奥帝斯迈了一步, 然后单膝跪地, 在那儿他被裁判乔•科尔特斯判决被击败, 他没站起来)

18. take the credit, to
定义: 受到赞扬或肯定; 居功; 抢功.
例句: I did all the work, and she took the credit. (我做了所有的工作, 她却抢走了功劳)

19. take the dog for a walk, to
定义: 带狗去散步.
例句: I took the dog for a walk today and admired the sun, the birds, the color of the sky and the trees... my whole body just calmed down in that moment. (今天我带着狗去散步, 享受着太阳, 享受着鸟儿, 享受着天空和树林的缤纷色彩... 我整个身体在那一刻才平静下来)

20. take the easy way out, to
定义: 走捷径, 抄小道; 力求省事和速成, 规避责任或麻烦.
例句: It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure, and this is bad practice. (将我们的失败归咎于他人是一种逃避责任的方法, 这是个不智的做法. 注: 句尾的bad practice可以解释为an unwise thing to do)



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