二十笔实用成语 1058

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二十笔实用成语 1058

帖子 royl » 周六 3月 19, 2022 5:14 pm

二十笔实用成语 1058

01. take the lead, to
定义: 带领, 带头, 先走, 先做.
例句: You take the lead and we'll follow right behind you. (你在前面带头, 我们在后面紧跟着你)

02. take the liberty of, to
定义: 未经别人允许而做某事(不见得是坏事); 擅改别人写作或言论; 擅作主张.
例句: I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of telling your wife you'd be late for dinner. (我希望你别介意, 我没经过你同意就通知你妻子你晚餐将会迟到了)

03. take the lid off, to
定义: 揭露秘密, 真相或黑箱作业; 打开盖子.
例句: That company's stock price plummeted after the media took the lid off the CEO's embezzlement scandal. (媒体揭发了这家公司执行总裁挪用公款的丑闻之后, 该公司股价暴跌)

04. take the long view, to
定义: 对长远未来的思考.
例句: You need to take the long view on this and stop only thinking about what will happen today. (你需要对此事做长远的思考, 不要只考虑今天会发生什么)

05. take the mickey, to
定义: 以丑化模仿某人的言行来逗大家笑.
例句: It really hurt Mary's feelings to know that the group had been taking the mickey out of her that whole time. (得知了这群人自始至终一直在丑化讥笑她, 玛丽真的很伤心)

06. take the offensive, to
定义: 攻击, 采取攻势.
例句: Every time Mike and I start to fight, he immediately takes the offensive and won't listen to my side of things. (每次我和麦克一吵架, 他就会立即采取攻势, 不想听我的意见)

07. take the pace, to
定义: 足以跟得上速度; 胜任能干.
例句: They were constantly testing me, as if to prove I couldn't take the pace. (他们不断地测试我, 好像要证明我没法胜任工作似的)

08. take the piss out of, to
定义: [英国俗语]丑化模仿某人.
例句: If you are so serious that you can't take the piss out of yourself every once in a while, you're going to have a hard time enjoying most of life. (如果你过得太严肃以至于你不能偶尔地自我戏谑一下, 那么你将很难享受你大部分的人生)

09. take the plunge, to
定义: 考虑许久才下定决心要投入某事业或结婚.
例句: He finally decided to take the plunge and will get married next year. (他终于做好了决定, 明年结婚)

10. take the podium, to
定义: 上台演讲, 上台指挥(音乐演奏或歌唱).
例句: Eventually, Mr. Johnson took the podium but only gave a brief, 30-second speech before the ceremony was over. (最终, 约翰逊先生登上了讲台, 但只发表了简短的三十秒演讲, 随后这场典礼便结束了)

11. take a/the pounding, to
定义: 遭到猛烈攻击, 撞击, 抨击.
例句: The town took a hell of a pounding from the German air strikes. (这座城镇曾遭德军猛烈轰炸而受到重创)

12. take the pressure off, to
定义: 减轻压力或紧张不安.
例句: Hiring more truck drivers would help take the pressure off our delivery staff. (雇用更多卡车司机将有助于减轻我们的送货人员的工作压力)

13. take the pulse of, to
定义: 把脉; 了解某事; 试着察觉出, 判断出, 或决定某人的意向或心情.
例句: These exit polls allegedly take the pulse of the voters, but I don't believe they're meaningful. (据称这些对选举人投票后所做的民意调查可以判断出选战的发展趋势, 但我不认为它们有何意义)

14. take the rap, to
定义: 承负刑事责任; 为某事负责; 遭受惩罚.
例句: I don't want to take the rap for Tom, who forgot to mail the check in time. (我不想为忘记按时寄出支票的汤姆承担责任)

15. take the rough with the smooth, to
定义: 坏处与好处概括承受.
例句: Don't give up on your business just because you lost money this month. You have to take the rough with the smooth. (不要因为这个月亏钱就放弃你的生意. 你必须接受这个事业所带来的好处和坏处)

16. take the shape of a/an ..., to
定义: 呈现出...的形状.
例句: The cloud took the shape of a saucer. (这朵云呈现出一只碟子的形状)

17. take the shine off something, to
定义: 被比下去, 黯然失色; (因不幸之事发生)破坏了乐趣或令人不快.
例句: The foul weather really took the shine off our picnic yesterday. (恶劣的天气确实破坏了我们昨天野餐的乐趣)

18. draw/get the short straw, to
定义: 抽到短签, 输掉了选择, 被分派去做别人不想做的活儿.
例句: Mike drew the short straw and had to clean the bathroom. (麦克被分派去干这个脏活儿, 他不得不清洗浴室)

19. take the stage, to
定义: 上台表演或演讲; 成为大家注意的焦点.
例句: My wedding was supposed to be my special day, but my sister and her stupid boyfriend took the stage when he proposed to her at the wedding reception. (我的婚礼本应该是我大喜日子, 但我妹妹和那个在婚宴上向她求婚的愚蠢男友却成为了大家所关注的焦点)

20. take the stand, to
定义: 到法庭作证.
例句: We'll only be able to convict this scumbag if you're willing to take the stand – the whole case falls apart without your testimony. (只有你愿意站出来, 我们才能将这个卑鄙小人定罪 – 没有你的证词, 整件案子便将濒临失败)



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