二十笔实用成语 1066

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二十笔实用成语 1066

帖子 royl » 周五 4月 22, 2022 10:29 pm

二十笔实用成语 1066

01. tap someone's phone, to
定义: 窃听某人的电话交谈.
例句: "Can someone tap my cell phone?" "Of course. Your cell phone can be tapped when someone accesses your communication device without permission." ("别人能够窃听我的手机谈话吗?" "当然能够. 当某人未经许可便偷偷地读取你通讯设备的时候, 你的手机就可以被人窃听.")

02. tap water
定义: 自来水.
例句: While tap water has undergone a number of treatments, it isn't necessarily the same as the purified water many people prefer to drink on a daily basis. (虽然自来水经历过了一系列的处理, 但它未必与许多人更偏爱的每天都要饮用的纯净水相同)

03. taper off, to
定义: 逐渐缩小, 减少或停止; 变尖细或窄细; 变弱, 减弱.
例句: The rain began to taper off early in the afternoon. (这场雨在下午早些时候便开始转弱)

04. tar and feather, to
定义: 凌辱, 处罚, 严厉批评. (注: 意指将某人抹上柏油再黏上羽毛; 人披上羽毛像鸡一般, 也就是美国人称为懦夫)
例句: The people of the village tarred and feathered the robber and chased him out of town. (村子里的人将此名劫匪凌辱一阵子之后再把他赶出去. 注: 这里的chased him out of town切不可逐字地翻译为, 将他赶出城镇; 最贴切的解释乃是, 将他赶走或赶出去)

05. tar baby, a
定义: 湿手沾面粉, 甩也甩不掉. (注: 意指某个情况或问题一旦碰上了便被缠扰住, 无法摆脱)
例句: I wanted to help Richard get his company back on track, but everything I do to fix one problem creates 10 more. It's become quite the tar baby. (我想要帮助理查德使他的公司重回正轨, 但我全力地解决了一个问题却引出其他十个问题. 这成了湿手沾面粉, 甩也甩不掉)

06. tar with the same brush, to
定义: 一竿子打翻一船人; 都是一个样子, 没什么两样.
例句: Because his older brother had been a troublemaker at the school, Paul was automatically tarred with the same brush. It wasn't fair! (由于他哥哥在学校一直是个惹是生非的人, 所以保罗自然而然地也被当成爱闹事者. 真不公平!)

07. tarnished image, a
定义: 被玷污或败坏的形象.
例句: In an attempt to improve its tarnished image and falling attendances, SeaWorld Orlando is to host high school journalism students to teach them about its work. (为了挽回其败坏的形象和逐渐减少的观众数量, 奥兰多海洋世界将接待新闻学科的高中生, 教导他们有关该游乐园的工作)

08. taste blood, to
定义: 尝到胜利滋味, 尝到甜头, 令人受到鼓舞认为胜利在望.
例句: Once I tasted blood skydiving, I knew I had to try to do it as often as I possibly could. (一旦我尝到了高空跳伞运动的甜头, 我就知道我必须尽可能地经常尝试这项运动)

09. taste like heaven, to
定义: 味道鲜美, 只应天上才有如此的美味.
例句: In a little shack of a restaurant surrounded by goats and lapping waves, we had pumpkin soup that tasted like heaven. (在被许多山羊和拍岸海浪所包围的小棚屋餐厅里, 我们尝到了鲜美味道的南瓜汤)

10. taste of one's own medicine, a
定义: 以其人之道, 还治其人之身. (注: 意指使用那个人对付别人的方法来对付他本人)
例句: It looks like she got a taste of her own medicine. (看来她尝到了她怎么整别人, 人家便怎么整回来的滋味)

11. taste of power, the
定义: 权力的滋味.
例句: His morals become corrupted by the taste of power and his life is tainted with sordid affairs and business deals. (他的道德被权力的滋味所腐蚀, 他的生活被尔虞我诈的生意和商业交易所玷污)

12. taunt vs. taut vs. tout
定义: [易混淆字或短语]taunt(动词/名词)嘲弄, 奚落, 辱骂; taut(形容词)拉紧的, 紧张的, 整洁的; tout(动词/名词)招徕, 兜售, 刺探, 公开赞扬.

13. tax one's patience, to
定义: 不胜其扰, 烦不胜烦; 残酷地测试你的耐性.
例句: All this waiting is taxing my patience. (这么久的等待使我逐渐失去了耐心)

14. tax with, to
定义: 追究某人对某事的责任; 以...罪名指控, 控告.
例句: Police taxed him with aggravated assault and public endangerment. (警方以加重伤害罪和危害公众罪等罪名对他进行指控)

15. tax-and-spend government/policies
定义: 横征暴敛与挥霍无度的政府或政策.
例句: The average working-class citizen is sick of the tax-and-spend policies of this administration. (普通工人阶级公民厌倦了本届政府的横征暴敛与挥霍无度政策)

16. tea and sympathy
定义: [英国]给予不痛快或难过的人悉心关怀和照顾.
例句: I know you have a lot going on, but the least you can do is offer Hannah a little tea and sympathy during her time of grief. (我知道你有很多事情要做, 但起码你可以做的是在汉娜悲伤的时刻给她一点同情和关怀)

17. teach (one) a lesson, to
定义: 给予某人一个教训.
例句: "The cat scratched Bobby this time when he pulled its tail again." "Well, that ought to teach him a lesson!" ("这一次, 当鲍比再次拉它尾巴的时候, 这只猫抓伤了他." "也好, 正该好好地给他一个教训!")

18. could teach (someone) a thing or two
定义: 可以告诉某人几件事实或一些资料; 可以纠正某人的一些错误观点或看法.
例句: That jerk has been making snide remarks all night. I could go over there and teach him a thing or two about how to talk to women! (那个混蛋整个晚上都在冷嘲热讽. 我真想走过去纠正他一下跟女性交谈所应有的态度! 注: 第二句话的"could"是用来表达强烈的情绪反应, 它跟"真想"的意思是一样)

19. teach (one's) grandmother (how) to suck eggs, to
定义: 在孔夫子门前卖经书, 教别人已经熟稔的本事.
例句: These young hotshots come in and try to prove they know the ropes better than we do, like they're teaching their grandmothers how to suck eggs. (这些不知天高地厚的年轻精英来这里试图证明他们比我们更了解业务, 就好像他们在孔夫子门前卖经书一样)

20. teacher's pet, the
定义: 老师宠儿. (注: 这个名词乃是指逢迎讨好老师的学生, 带有贬意)
例句: Sally is the teacher's pet. She always gets special treatment. The other students don't like the teacher's pet. (莎莉是老师的宠儿. 她总是得到特殊的待遇. 而其他学生都不喜欢这个老师宠儿)



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