二十笔实用成语 1067

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二十笔实用成语 1067

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 02, 2022 6:42 pm

二十笔实用成语 1067

01. team effort, a
定义: 集体努力, 团队合作.
例句: Since no individual has the skills and experience to complete the task, therefore the project requires team effort to succeed. (既然没有一个人完全具备达成这项任务的技能和经验, 所以这个项目需要团队合作才能成功)

02. team player, a
定义: 有团队精神的成员. (注: 意指与团队同僚同心协力并支持共同利益的人)
例句: Lisa proved she was a real team player when she cancelled her vacation to help us finish the project in time. (当丽莎取消了她的假期来帮助我们及时完成这件项目的时候, 由此证明了她是一个真正具有团队精神的成员)

03. team up (with), to
定义: 与...联手, 合作.
例句: If we teamed up, we could solve this problem in no time. (当时如果我们合作的话, 我们便可立即解决这个问题)

04. tear ... to shreds/pieces, to
定义: 将某物撕成碎片; 给...带来重创或巨大损害; 将某处弄得乱七八糟; 将某人大肆抨击或痛骂.
例句: Enjoy the tranquility and order of your house right now while you can, because soon the kids will start tearing the place to pieces. (趁现在还有机会赶紧享受你们家里宁静有序的气氛, 因为孩子们很快就准备要把这个地方弄得天翻地覆)

05. tear a strip off, to
定义: 严厉批评或斥责.
例句: The teacher really tore a strip off me for causing a disruption in class again. (由于我又在课堂上调皮捣蛋使得课程无法进行下去, 为此老师把我严厉斥责一顿)

06. tear apart, to
定义: 将...撕成碎片或造成巨大损害; 造成关系分裂; 对...强烈抨击; 对...造成严重伤害; (为了寻找某物)翻箱倒柜, 弄得乱七八糟.
例句: These burglars tore the place apart looking for anything valuable. (为了寻找任何有点价值的东西, 这些窃贼把这个地方翻得乱七八糟)

07. tear around, to
定义: 四处乱窜, 东撞西闯; 四处流窜或游荡.
例句: It's no wonder you got hurt with the way you've been tearing around the kitchen like that! (像你那样地在厨房里东撞西闯, 难怪你会受伤!)

08. tear at, to
定义: 撕裂或暴力攻击; 引起强烈的情绪反应尤其是同情, 悲伤或内疚; 极为悲痛, 苦恼.
例句: The film will tear at the heart strings of even the most cynical moviegoer. (即使是最愤世嫉俗的影迷也会被这部电影深深地感动)

09. tear away, to
定义: 撕掉; 迅速抢走; 不情愿地离开; 迅速离开; 跑掉; 强制离开.
例句: Jill tore the note away from me when I started reading it out loud. (当我开始大声念这本笔记的时候, 姬儿迅速地把它从我手中抢走)

10. tear down, to
定义: 撕下来; 摧毁, 拆除; 讥讽, 诋毁或责难; 迅速冲上; 非常沮丧或情绪化.
例句: The city decided to tear down the building because it was unsafe. (由于这是一栋危楼, 市政府决定将它拆除)

11. tear into, to
定义: 迅速冲进; 大快朵颐; 严厉地抨击或斥责; 痛殴, 无情地攻击; 奋力工作.
例句: The boss tore into me for how I bungled the Jefferson account. (由于我搞砸了杰弗逊这家客户的生意, 老板把我严厉斥责了一顿)

12. tear it, to
定义: (某件事)完了, 毁了, 受够了, 受不了, 希望幻灭.
例句: OK, that tears it, I'm calling the police. It's 2 AM and that party is still blasting music! (够了, 我受够了, 我要报警. 现在是凌晨两点, 这场派对还在震天价响地大放音乐!)

13. tear off a strip, to
定义: 严厉批评或斥责.
例句: The manager tore me off a strip in front of my workmates before I had a chance to explain. (我还没来得及解释, 经理就在我的同事面前把我大肆批评一顿)

14. tear off, to
定义: 用力撕下来; 迅速脱下或移除; 仓促离开; 临时匆促地做出来.
例句: I tore the cushions off the sofa to try to find my keys. (我迅速抽起沙发垫子试图寻找我的钥匙)

15. tear one's hair out, to
定义: 表现极度苦恼, 愤怒, 无奈, 挫折感, 绝望.
例句: Why are you so late home? Your mother and I have been tearing our hair out wondering where you were! (你怎么这么晚才回家? 你妈妈和我一直急着像热锅上的蚂蚁想知道你在哪里!)

16. tear one's heart out, to
定义: 给某人带来难以承受的悲伤或痛苦.
例句: Can't you see you're tearing Janet's heart out? Why do you have to treat her that way? (难道你看不出你伤透了珍妮特的心吗? 你为什么要那样对待她?)

17. tear ... limb from limb, to
定义: 暴力地猛揍, 痛打某人; 将...撕成碎片.
例句: If I find out that you're the one who hurt my daughter, I will tear your limb from limb, understand? (如果我发现你是那个伤害我女儿的人的话, 我会把你打得体无完肤, 明白吗?)

18. tear up, to
定义: 撕成碎片; 撕开; 表现出色; 废除或作废合约; 挖开, 刺穿或破坏表面; 给某人带来极大的痛苦, 悲伤或内疚.
例句: He tore up the contract when he realized how little he would be paid for his work. (当他了解到他的工作薪酬是那么微薄的时候, 他气得把合同撕成碎片)

19. tear yourself away from someone/something, to
定义: 强迫你自己离开某人或某个活动.
例句: We've only been dating for a couple of weeks, but we're having a hard time tearing ourselves away from one another. (我们才约会了几个星期, 但我们已经爱得难分难舍了)

20. tears before bedtime, be
定义: [英国]一定会出问题或带来不愉快的结局.
例句: I don't know the legal ramifications but it sounds to me like the type of thing that would end in tears before bedtime. (我不知道这事将来的法律后果如何, 但对我来说, 它听起来好像会带来不太妙的结局)



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