二十笔实用成语 1070

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二十笔实用成语 1070

帖子 royl » 周六 5月 14, 2022 11:37 pm

二十笔实用成语 1070

01. temper tantrum, a
定义: (儿童)闹脾气, 撒泼.
例句: I can't believe you threw a temper tantrum like that just because I didn't want to go see some movie with you! (我不敢相信你居然就因为我不想和你一起去看电影就发了这么大的脾气)

02. tempest in a teapot, a
定义: 茶壶里的风暴, 小题大做, 大惊小怪, 无理取闹.
例句: If you ask me, these protests are nothing but a tempest in a teapot that's been stoked by a media campaign of misinformation. (依我的看法, 这些抗议只不过是一场被媒体误导性宣传所煽动的茶壶里风暴)

03. tempt fate, to
定义: 跟命运挑战; 冒不必要的险; 玩命.
例句: You're really tempting fate by not taking your car in for service when all these dashboard warning lights are on. (当所有这些仪表板警告灯都亮起的时候, 你不把你的车送去维修那你真是在玩命)

04. tempt the hands of fate, to
定义: 跟命运挑战; 冒不必要的险; 玩命.
例句: I decided to tempt the hands of fate by dressing myself in a ghoul outfit in order to frighten to death the mean kids on the block. (我决定冒一次险打扮成食尸鬼的样子来吓死这些附近的坏孩子)

05. ten a penny, be
定义: 普普通通, 满街都是.
例句: At first, they were quite novel and interesting, but now these little organic cafés have become ten a penny. (一开始, 这些有机小咖啡屋还蛮新潮, 吸引人的, 可是现在它们成了满大街都是的稀松平常咖啡屋)

06. ten dollar note, a
定义: 十美元纸币.
例句: Jack went shopping at the neighborhood fruit shop and paid with a ten dollar note. He bought four avocados and two bananas and got a dollar change. (杰克去邻近的水果行购买蔬果, 付了一张十美元的钞票. 他买了四颗鳄梨和两根香蕉, 找回一美元的零钱)

07. ten points down, be
定义: 输给对方十个百分点; 落后对方十分.
例句: Before that fight, Clinton was about 10 points down in the national polls against Dole. After the smoke cleared, Clinton was about 10 points ahead. (在那场争斗之前, 克林顿的全国民调比多尔落后约十个百分点. 争斗结束之后, 克林顿反而领先了大约十个百分点)

08. ten to one
定义: 八九不离十, 很有可能, 极可能发生.
例句: I will make a bet that ten to one he comes to work late again today. (八九不离十, 我相信他今天很可能又上班迟到)

09. ten to the dozen
定义: 速度飞快, 热情洋溢地行动或讲话.
例句: If you're like me, your mind started running ten to the dozen trying to comprehend everything you had to do now to mitigate this change. (如果你像我一样, 你的头脑开始飞速运转试图理解你现在必须要做出一切努力来缓解这次变局所带来的冲击)

10. ten to the second power, ten to the third power, ten to the fourth power, ten to the fifth power ...
定义: [数学术语]十的平方, 十的三次方, 十的四次方, 十的五次方...
例句: While ten squared is 100, ten to the third power is 1000. (十的平方等于100的同时, 十的三次方等于1000)

11. tenant vs. tenet
定义: [易混淆字或短语]tenant(动词/名词)租赁, 居住于, 承租人, 房客之意; tenet(名词)原则, 宗旨, 信条, 教义.

12. tend to forget, to
定义: 健忘, 容易(倾向于)忘记.
例句: She tends to forget things quite frequently and often gets confused in otherwise simple discussions. (她往往经常会忘记事情, 甚至经常在其他简单的讨论中变得迷茫困惑)

13. tend to, to
定义: 对...关注或照顾; 有...倾向.
例句: We should tend to our business, which is to teach youngsters. (我们应该关注我们的份内工作, 也就是教育年轻一代)

14. tender loving care (TLC)
定义: 温柔, 爱的关怀; 悉心照顾. (注: 经常有人使用TLC缩写, 他们所指的就是tender loving care)
例句: Your plants just need a little tender loving care and they'll be green and healthy again in no time! (你的植物只需要一点悉心照顾, 它们很快就会回复青翠颜色和健康状态)

15. ten-four
定义: [无线电术语]讯息收到, 正确, 好的, 听懂了.
例句: "I'm going to pull over up ahead." "10-4." ("我准备要在前面停下车来." "好的.")

16. tenner, a
定义: [俚语]十元美钞, 十英镑.
例句: He pulls a wad of banknotes from his back pocket and peels off a tenner. (他从后兜里掏出一沓钞票, 抽出一张十元美钞)

17. tense up, to
定义: 突然精神紧绷; 某些部位的肌肉紧收或缩紧.
例句: You need to stay loose. If you tense up, you won't be as quick to avoid your opponent's punches. (你需要保持放松. 如果你太过紧张, 你就没法及时灵活地躲开你对手的出拳)

18. term of abuse, a
定义: 辱骂人脏话.
例句: She was subjected to every term of abuse her boss could think of. (她老板把能够想得到的所有骂人脏话都加诸在她身上)

19. term of endearment, a
定义: 亲密的称呼.
例句: "Honey" has been documented as a term of endearment from at least the 14th century. (至少从十四世纪开始, "亲爱的"就已经被记录为一种亲密的称呼)

20. term of/in office
定义: 在任内, 在任期内.
例句: Only Jefferson Davis served as Confederate President, and he did not complete a full term in office before surrendering to the Union. (只有杰弗逊•戴维斯担任美国南北战争期间的南方总统, 向联邦政府投降之前他并没有做完一个完整的任期)



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