二十笔实用成语 1076

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二十笔实用成语 1076

帖子 royl » 周五 6月 17, 2022 4:13 am

二十笔实用成语 1076

01. that's for sure
定义: 那是肯定的, 那是一定的.
例句: You're always welcome here, that's for sure! (我们这里永远欢迎你, 那是肯定的!)

02. that's hardly a coincidence
[成语句型]这个根本不是巧合. (注: 意指这件事情根本是预谋的)

03. That's his patented smile.

04. that's it
定义: 就是这样; 这样就好/对了; 好了, 到此为止; 够了(不要再多说了), 别烦我; 受够了.
例句: That's it for today. We can go home now. (今天就做到这里. 我们现在可以回家了)

05. that's just the way things are
定义: 情形就是这样. (注: 意指有些现实状况你无法改变)
例句: Sure you should get paid a living wage but at this juncture that isn't an option because that's just the way things are. (没错, 你是应当拿到足够养活自己的薪资, 但是在这个当口, 你没有这个选择, 因为情况就是如此)

06. that's just what I need
定义: 两个完全不同意思: 1. 这正是我要的, 2. 完了! 怕什么就来什么.
例句: Great, more work to do. That's just what I need! (这下可好了, 我还有更多的工作要做. 真是怕什么就来什么!)

07. that's life
定义: [谚语]这就是人生, 虽不公平, 不理想, 或不满意也只好接受.
例句: "Mommy, I didn't get all the presents I wanted for my birthday." "Sorry, kiddo. That's life." ("妈咪, 我没有拿到我所有想要的生日礼物." "抱歉, 孩子. 人生就是这样, 虽然不满意也只好接受.")

08. that's more like it
定义: 这才像话; 这才差不多.
例句: "Really? You're only going to offer $50 for this painting?" "OK, how about $75?" "That's more like it." ("真的吗? 你只愿意出五十美元买这幅画?" "好啦, 那我出七十五元怎么样?" "这还差不多.")

09. that's my funeral
定义: 这是我的事或问题, 与别人无关.
例句: I've given you my advice and if you won't take it, that's your funeral not mine. (我已经给了你我的建议, 如果你不愿意接受的话, 那就是你自己的问题与我无关)

10. that's my take on this
定义: 这是我个人的看法. (注: take在此是名词就是个人看法之意)
例句: I personally don't like them for some of the same reasons stated previously, but that's my take on this matter. (我个人是不喜欢他们, 原因与前面所述的相同, 但这只是我个人对此事的看法)

11. that's neat
定义: 好棒!
例句: "Hey, that's neat! Where did you get that jade bead necklace?" "Burma. They've got lots of them there." ("嘿, 真漂亮! 你从哪里买来的这串翡翠珠项链?" "缅甸. 他们那里还有很多这种翡翠产品.")

12. that's news to me; that's a new one on me
定义: 我真不知道(有这回事); 这我还第一次听到. (注: 意指令人惊讶的消息)
例句: "Max is thinking of leaving his job." "Really? That's news to me. I thought he was happy there." ("马克斯正在考虑辞去他的工作." "真的吗? 我不知道有这回事. 我还以为他在那儿工作得很开心.")

13. That's not even what I came here for.

14. that's not the whole story
定义: 这不是整件事情发生的经过; 事情还不只是如此; 这事不止你所看到的这么简单; 这事还有别的隐情.
例句: The U.S. is at full employment, but that's not the whole story. Last month the U.S. unemployment rate fell to its lowest point in half a century. (美国正处于充分就业的状态, 但事情还不只是如此. 上个月的美国失业率降至半个世纪以来的最低点)

15. that's not to say ...
定义: 这并不是说...; 这并不意味着...
例句: It's a bit odd, but that's not to say that it's bad. (是有点奇怪, 但这并不是说它不好)

16. that's not true
定义: 这不是正确的, 这不是真的.
例句: That's not true. There were vaccines available, they may not have been widely available, but it was available. (事实并非如此. 疫苗是有的, 虽然它们不是到处都有供货, 但疫苗总是有的)

17. that's not what I said
定义: 这不是我所说的. (注: 你在抗议别人扭曲你的意思)
例句: That's not what I said but if that's what you heard, then you didn't hear one single word. (这话不是我说的, 但如果这是你所听到的, 那么我说的话你一句都没听进去)

18. that's odd
定义: 奇怪了; 不对劲.
例句: That's odd, I thought I left my glasses on the table but they're not there. (奇怪了, 我以为我把眼镜忘在桌子上, 但它不在那里. 注: 由于一副眼镜装有两颗镜片, 因此在英语里被当成复数来表述, 但在中文里我们基本还是将它当单数来表述)
由于一副眼镜装有两颗镜片, 因此在英语里它被当成复数来表述

19. that's one on me
定义: 这是拿我开玩笑; 这是糊弄我; 这是耍我.
例句: It's just regular gasoline? The guy down the road said it would clean my engine, charged me double for it. I guess that's one on me. (这只是普通汽油吗? 街头那个人说它可以清洁我的引擎, 并且为此收了我双倍的费用. 我想他是在糊弄我)

20. That's our only hope.
定义: 这是我们唯一希望.
例句: That's our only hope of preventing the next big hurricane from causing even more destruction than this big one did. (这是我们防止下一场大台风造成比这次大台风所造成更大破坏的唯一希望)



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