二十笔实用成语 1078

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二十笔实用成语 1078

帖子 royl » 周日 6月 26, 2022 5:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 1078

01. that's the way the mop flops; that's how the mop flops
定义: [俗语]命中注定如此, 这是没办法的; 人生就是这么一回事.
例句: Sorry to hear about what happened to you, but that's the way the mop flops. (很遗憾听到你的不幸遭遇, 人生就是这么一回事, 看开一点)

02. that's the way
定义: 做得漂亮! 干得好! 就是这样子! 就是这样做! (注: 表示同意或鼓励)
例句: Yeah, that's the way! See, you're a natural at shooting hoops. (漂亮! 我就跟你说, 你是个天生射篮专家. 注: 第二句的See跟肉眼看见没有什么关系, 它只是用于唤起听话者的注意. 例如: See, I told you it would rain = 看吧, 我就说会下雨)

03. that's the whole idea/point
定义: 那就是某人的本意, 真正意图或计划; 就是这个道理, 就是这句话.
例句: "Why do it if you are not going to do it right in the first place." "That's the whole idea!" ("如果你一开始就不想好好地做, 那还干嘛做它?" "就是这个道理!")

04. that's too bad
定义: 很遗憾, 可惜; [不同情语]我才不管你的不幸, 关我何事.
例句: "He says he's sorry and he won't do it again." "Too bad! He's not getting another chance with me." ("他说他很抱歉, 他不会再犯了." "我才不管他! 他再也没有机会和我在一起了.")

05. that's torn it
定义: 这下完蛋了!
例句: That's torn it! We'll never get home in time now. (这下完蛋了! 我们再也没法及时赶回家了)

06. that's weird
定义: 这就奇怪了; 有些不对劲.
例句: That's weird. I thought you were upstairs in bed asleep! (怪了. 我还以为你在楼上睡觉!)

07. that's what you think
定义: 那是你自己认为的; 那是你一厢情愿的想法. (注: 意指事实不一定如此)
例句: "I can beat you hands down." "That's what you think." ("我可以轻易地击败你." "那只是你一厢情愿的想法罢了.")

08. that's where you come in
定义: 这就是要你来参与, 担负特定角色或任务.
例句: We've found a home but it needs some work – that's where you come in. (我们找到了一栋住家, 但它需要做一些修理工作 – 这时候就得请你来帮忙了)

09. that's why
定义: 原来是为了这个; 这就是为什么.
例句: "I don't understand why we need to learn this stuff." "Because it will be very useful to you for the rest of your life, that's why." ("我不明白为什么我们需要学习这些东西." "因为它们在你未来的日子里对你非常有用, 这就是为什么." 注: 这里的stuff是指一些不知名的东西但却是个不可数的单数名词, 我觉得翻译为复数比较恰当)

10. that's/it's your loss
定义: 这是你的损失. (注: 意指有人给你忠告或邀请, 你如果拒绝的话, 人家会说这是你的损失)
例句: If I give you a chance and you don't take it that's your loss not mine. (如果我给你机会而你却不抓紧这个机会, 那可是你的损失, 不是我的)

11. that's/it's just not cricket
定义: [英国俚语]这是不对的; 这是不公平, 不合理或不该如此.
例句: I know you want to avoid confrontation, but it's just not cricket to break up with someone by text message. (我知道你想避免对抗所造成的尴尬情况, 但通过短信跟别人分手在情理上说不过去)

12. that's/it's not saying much
定义: 显示出稀松平常, 不怎么样, 微不足道.
例句: She's a better player than me, but that's not saying much. (她是一个比我优秀的球员, 但这并不能说明什么. 注: 这句话的意思是, 因为我球技很差所以她虽然比我优秀但并不代表她球艺超群)

13. that's (someone or something) for you
定义: 指出...的特征, 典型作风或劣根性就是如此. (例: 你帮助某人但他不领情, 你会说That's gratitude for you! 这个就是你的感谢!)
例句: "I can't believe he cheated on her with several different women while they were together." "What a pig. That's men for you!" ("我不敢相信他和女友在一起的时候还同时跟几个女人厮混对她不忠." "真是一个坏蛋. 这个就是负心男人!" 注: 这里的pig大多被用于对爱侣不忠的男子)

14. the above
定义: 上述之事. (注: 意指在文件里指出前面所提的事情, 论点, 条文等等. 请参考above-mentioned, the)
例句: If any of the above is incorrect, please let me know. (如果以上所列出的任何一项条文不正确的话, 请告诉我)

15. the answer to this/your question is ...
定义: 这个问题的答案是... (注: 请注意名词answer之后的介词是to)
例句: The answer to your question is...yes. Yes, you can talk to horses, and hear their whispers. (对于你的问题我的答案是...可以的. 是的, 你可以和马说话, 也可以听到它们的耳语)

16. the apple never falls far from the tree
定义: [谚语]有其父必有其子/女.
例句: "Did you hear that Dr. Klein's daughter, Molly, is majoring in Biology?" "I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree." ("你听说了克莱恩博士的女儿莫莉主修生物学吗?" "我想有其父必有其女吧.")

17. the ball's in your court
定义: 轮到你了, 该你行动的时候了, 现在看你的, 归你负责.
例句: The ball's in your court now. What are you going to say to her? (现在看你的了. 你准备要跟她说什么?)

18. the best (that) you can
定义: 尽力而为.
例句: You don't have to do it perfectly. Just do it the best you can. (你不必做到完美无缺. 只要尽力而为就好)

19. the best defense is a good offense
定义: [谚语]先下手为强; 最好的防守是攻击.
例句: The best defense is a good offense. We'll only be able to secure our borders if we are quick to eradicate any nearby threats with as much force as possible. (先下手为强. 只有尽快地以最大的武力消灭邻近的任何威胁, 我们才能确保边境安全)

20. the best-laid plans/schemes of mice and men go oft astray
定义: [谚语]智者千虑, 也可能有一失. (注: 意指最周详的计划也有可能出错)
例句: "Mary spent all afternoon preparing this elaborate dish but forgot the most important ingredient." "Oh well, the best-laid plans often go astray. " ("玛莉整个下午都在准备这道精致的菜肴, 但她忘记放了最重要的食材." "唉, 智者千虑, 也可能有一失啊.")



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