二十笔实用成语 1079

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二十笔实用成语 1079

帖子 royl » 周二 6月 28, 2022 7:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 1079

01. the bigger/faster/etc. the better
定义: 越...越好.
例句: In this day and age of identity theft and cyber attacks, the more complicated your passwords, the better. (在这个盗用身份和网络攻击的时代, 你的密码越复杂越好)

02. the bigger they are/come, the harder they fall
定义: [谚语]个子越大摔的越惨; 捧得越高, 摔得越疼; 身份越高的人, 当失败时损失或痛苦越大.
例句: That bully thinks he's untouchable, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall. (那个恶霸以为人家不敢惹他, 可是他的个头越大, 被人揍了越丢人)

03. the bird has flown
定义: 某人已经离开, 跑掉或逃离了. (注: bird在此意指某人)
例句: I'm afraid you're not going to find Tom here. The bird has flown. (我恐怕你在这里找不到汤姆. 他已经开溜了)

04. the biter is/gets bit
定义: [俗语]过去伤害别人者遭到报应.
例句: Sympathy seldom abounds when the biter gets bit. (当恶人遭到报应的时候, 很少人会同情他/她)

05. the blind
定义: 泛指所有的盲人. (注: 当the置于形容词blind之前作为名词短语是文法正确的, 乃是泛指所有的盲人, 例如the deaf是所有的聋人)
例句: Guide dogs are assistance dogs trained to lead the blind around obstacles. (导盲犬是受过训练的协助犬, 专门引导盲人绕过障碍物)

06. The bottom drops/falls out of the market.
[成语句型]某物价或股价跌到谷底; 可以买进的时机.

07. the buck stops here
定义: [美国杜鲁门总统]最终责任由我担负. (注: 意指不推诿责任)
例句: This can't go on any longer, so the buck stops here. I'm going to stop it. (这个情况不能再这样继续下去了, 因此这个责任必须由我来承担. 我要终结它)

08. The burden of proof is on you.
定义: 提出证据或证明的责任在你.
例句: Are you sure you mailed the tax return on time? You know, the burden of proof is on you. (你确定你按时寄出了报税表吗? 你要知道, 提供证据的责任在你)

09. The bus is running late.

10. The business is slow.

11. The camera cannot lie.
定义: 照相机不会骗人. (注: 意指照片可以作可靠的证据)
例句: The camera cannot lie, but the camera cannot tell the truth; the camera can only record. (相机不会骗人, 但相机也不能说出真相; 相机只能记录)

12. the case, be
定义: 符合事实的, 是如此的.
例句: You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing. If this is the case, give her plenty of water. (你可能会注意到她吞咽困难. 如果是这样的话, 给她大量的水喝)

13. The cause of the fire is still undetermined.

14. the chances are good
定义: 机会不错, 胜算大.
例句: If you give me his name, the chances are good that we'll be able to put him away for life. (如果你把他的名字告诉我, 我们很有机会能够让他坐一辈子牢)

15. the check is in the mail
定义: 支票已经寄出去; 另, 拖欠款人常说的谎话以拖延时间.
例句: "Mrs. Smith, your mortgage payment is now two months overdue." "The check's in the mail, I promise you!" ("史密斯太太, 妳的房贷付款已经拖欠了两个月了." "支票已经寄出去了, 我向你保证!")

16. The club had a good reputation before it even got off the ground.

17. The computer is down.
[成语句型]电脑当机了. (注: 意指电脑失灵, 不能操作)

18. the countdown has begun
定义: 倒数计时已开始.
例句: The countdown has begun! Only four days until the grand opening of our new store. (倒数计时开始了! 距离我们的新店隆重开幕只剩下四天了)

19. the course of true love never did run smooth
定义: [莎翁名言]真爱的道路是崎岖不平的.
例句: "What am I going to do? My boyfriend will be transferred to Texas, and I have to stay here." "The course of true love never did run smooth." ("我该怎么办? 我男朋友将被调到德州, 而我必须留在这儿." "真爱的道路是崎岖不平的.")

20. the darkest hour is just before the dawn
定义: [谚语]破晓之前总是最黑暗的; 转机来到之前情况是最恶劣的.
例句: "I feel like giving up. I don't have a job, my boyfriend left me, and they're raising the rent for my apartment." "Don't! It's always darkest just before the dawn." ("我觉得人生无趣, 索然无味. 我没工作, 我男朋友离弃了我, 他们又涨了我的房租." "快别这么想! 黎明之前总是最黑暗的.")



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