二十笔实用成语 1081

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二十笔实用成语 1081

帖子 royl » 周日 7月 03, 2022 11:37 pm

二十笔实用成语 1081

01. The future looks bright.
定义: 前途是灿烂的.
例句: Your daughter is one of the best students I've had in years. Her future looks very bright indeed. (你女儿是我这些年来所遇到的最好的学生之一. 她的前途确实很光明灿烂)

02. the genie is out of the bottle
定义: [俗语]覆水难收; 问题已经发生了, 无法挽回.
例句: Now that genetically modified foods are on our supermarket shelves, the genie is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in. (既然转基因食品都已经摆在我们超市的货架上, 灾难已经形成了, 无法挽回)

03. the good is the enemy of the best
定义: [谚语]令人满意的良善是完美的敌人. (注: 意指大多人停留在令人满意的境界, 而不愿再接再厉追求臻善至美的境界)
例句: Call me a perfectionist, but why would you settle for just satisfactory? The good is the enemy of the best, is it not? (你可以说我是个完美主义者, 但你为什么要停止在令人满意的境界? 一时满意的良善就是完美无缺的敌人, 不是吗?)

04. the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
定义: [谚语]推动摇篮的手统治全世界. (注: 意指小孩从出生到成长受到母亲极大的影响)
例句: It's important that we offer mothers every support we can. After all, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. (尽我们所能地提供母亲们所有的支持是很重要的. 毕竟, 摇动摇篮的手统治着世界)

05. the heck/hell
定义: [加强语气]强调挫折感, 懊恼, 愤怒及敌意的陈述. (例如: the heck he did其实意思是he didn't do it也就是他根本没做这事)
例句: "Where is Jim?" "How the heck do I know." ("吉姆在哪儿?" "我怎么知道.")

06. the hell with it
定义: [不雅语]去它的. (注: 意指完全放弃, 不理不睬了)
例句: The hell with this class, I don't even like calculus! (去它的这门课, 我根本就不喜欢微积分!)

07. the hell you say
定义: [不雅语]鬼扯, 我才不相信; 少来这套.
例句: "I am the manager of this branch. What I say goes!" "The hell you say! If it weren't for me, this branch would have closed months ago!" ("我是这家分公司的经理. 我说的话就是命令!" "少来这套! 要是没有我的话, 这家分公司早就在几个月前倒闭了!")

08. The important thing is that we won.
[成语句型]重要的是我们赢了. (注: 意指虽然我们的比赛中的表现有检讨的必要, 重要的是我们赢了)

09. the jig is up
定义: 骗局或谎言已被揭穿.
例句: Alright Jerry, the jig is up. Tell us exactly why you did that. (好了杰瑞, 你的谎言已被揭穿了. 老实地告诉我们你为什么做那件事)

10. the joke is on you
定义: 闹笑话的是你; 出丑丢人的是你; 被耻笑的人是你.
例句: The joke is on Bob, so it's good that he is a good sport. (被耻笑的是鲍勃, 还好他心胸宽大, 不计较它)

11. the largest ... ever, be
定义: 空前最大的...
例句: This is the largest effort ever undertaken to mobilize the private sector in support of Zero Hunger around the globe. (这是有史以来空前最大的对私营企业界的动员来支持全球性的消除饥饿努力)

12. the last I heard
定义: 据我所听到的最新/最后消息.
例句: The last we heard, she had moved up to Seattle to be closer to her family. (据我们最后一次所听到的消息, 她之所以搬到西雅图是为了离她的家人更近一些)

13. the last I saw
定义: 最后一次我看到...
例句: "Do you know where my keys are?" "The last I saw, they were in the kitchen." ("你知道我的钥匙在哪儿吗?" "我最后一次看到在它们是在厨房里.")

14. the last thing I need is your advice/help/etc.
定义: 我最不想要的就是你的劝告或你的帮忙或等等.
例句: The last thing I need is your negativity. How many times must I prove myself to you? (我最不需要的是你对我的负面态度. 我还须要向你证明多少次才能取得你对我的信心?)

15. the last time I checked, ...
定义: 上次我做了查证, ... (注: 如果在辩论中, 这句话是用于建立某个事实基础, 将数据先列出)
例句: Losing weight is hard. And the last time I checked, calling someone fat does not make it any easier. (减肥已经够难了. 上次我已经查证过了, 叫别人胖子并没有让减肥工作变得更容易)

16. the less said, the better
定义: 少说为佳, 最好什么都别说.
例句: Look, I don't like their plan either, but moping about it won't solve anything. The less said about it, the better. (听我说, 我也不喜欢他们的计划, 但为此事生闷气并不能解决任何问题. 少说为佳, 最好什么都别提. 注: 意指你既然不喜欢这个计划就少提它为妙, 免得一提就生气)

17. the lesser of two evils
定义: [谚语]两害相权取其轻.
例句: Both options are unpalatable, but the lesser of two evils, in this case, is selling the house. (这两种选择都令人不愉快, 但在这种情况下, 两害相权取其轻那就是卖掉这栋房子)

18. the lights are on but nobody's home
定义: [幽默语]愚蠢不了解; 心不在焉, 清醒但神游别处.
例句: Hello, Pete? Earth to Pete. The lights are on, but nobody's home. (喂, 皮特? 地球呼叫皮特. 他心不在焉, 神游太虚了)

19. the like(s) of which
定义: 类似这种的人, 事或物. (注: 常用于某种很稀少的, 很难发生的人, 事或物)
例句: We are dealing with a pandemic the likes of which we have never seen in this century. (我们正在对付一种本世纪从未见过的大规模传染病)

20. the like(s) of ...
定义: 类似这种的人, 事或物. (注: 常用于某种很稀少的, 很难发生的人, 事或物)
例句: Meteorologists think that blizzard was the storm of the century, so we shouldn't be seeing the likes of it again anytime soon. (气象学家认为这次暴风雪是场世纪风暴, 因此我们应该是不会很快地再度看到类似这种规模的暴风雪)



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