二十笔实用成语 1082

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二十笔实用成语 1082

帖子 royl » 周二 7月 05, 2022 6:48 pm

二十笔实用成语 1082

01. the list goes on
定义: 还有很多, 不胜枚举.
例句: He is nice, sweet, considerate, handsome, and the list goes on. (他人很好, 温柔, 能替人着想, 英俊, 优点不胜枚举)

02. the list is long and growing
定义: 列举不完, 不胜枚举. (注: 常用于列举众多成就, 作恶多端, 选择很多, 功能很多)
例句: The list of our achievements is long and growing, and each one is cause for celebration, but never for complacency. The biggest challenges are still ahead of us. (我们的成就很多, 列举不完, 而且每一项成就都值得庆祝, 但绝不可自满. 最大的挑战仍在我们面前)

03. the list seems to be endless
定义: 列举不完, 不胜枚举. (注: 常用于列举众多成就, 作恶多端, 选择很多, 功能很多)
例句: There are so many smartphones out there, and the list seems to be endless. From cheap to expensive, from brand to no brand, there are too many to choose from. (市面上有很多智能手机, 而且各种样式不胜枚举. 从便宜到昂贵, 从品牌到无品牌, 有太多样式可供选择)

04. the madness has to stop
定义: 这个疯狂脱序的状况必须停止下来.
例句: The madness has to stop. It is our responsibility to protect our communities, our schools, and to keep all of our citizens safe. (这个疯狂脱序的状况必须停止下来. 我们有责任保护我们的社区, 我们的学校, 并且保障我们所有市民的安全)

05. the man/Man
定义: 警察; 有权势的白人; 受推崇的人, 某一领域的权威或优秀者.
例句: He got in trouble with the Man and ended up in jail. (他犯了法被警察逮捕, 最后进了监狱)

06. the many
定义: 大多数.
例句: The financial crisis of 2008 resulted on a popular awareness that the monetary system was not working for the interest of the many. (2008年的金融危机导致了人们普遍意识到本国的货币系统并不是为大多数人的利益服务)

07. the moment
定义: 一...就, 立即, 马上.
例句: Baby, will you call me the moment you get there? (宝贝, 你一到那儿就马上打电话给我, 好吗?)

08. The more I delved into this matter the more I got disgusted.
[成语句型]我越挖掘这件事情, 我越感到厌恶.

09. the more things change, the more they are the same
定义: [谚语]万变不离其宗. (注: 意指事物不停地变化, 但基本规律没有大变化)
例句: The more things change, the more they are the same. Even with the so-called champion of the working man in office, it's still the wealthy elite getting all the tax breaks. (事物虽然有所变化, 但基本规律没有改变. 即使当所谓的工薪阶级捍卫者取得执政权了, 享受所有减税优惠的仍旧是那些富有的精英阶层)

10. the most ...
定义: 最多的程度, 金钱, 力量, 等等; 最...(形容词); 最高级的形容.
例句: You are not responsible for fixing the situation. The most you can do is your best. (解决这个问题并不是你的责任. 你所能做的就是尽你的全力就好了)

11. the Net
定义: [网路术语]网际网路, 国际互联网路.
例句: Of those Net users quizzed, eight out of ten said they used the Net to search for information and for email. (在接受调查的互联网用户中, 十分之八的人表示他们使用互联网来搜索信息和电子邮件服务)

12. the new
定义: 新潮的事或物.
例句: The band played a good mix of the old and the new. (这支乐团演奏了各式各样的旧音乐和新音乐)

13. the night is still young
定义: 还早, 晚上才开始.
例句: What's the hurry? The night is still young. (急什么? 夜晚才开始)

14. the object of ..., be
定义: 成为...的对象, 成为...的目的.
例句: As Olivia's heart gets broken by her boyfriend Eric, she turns to Michael for a shoulder to cry on. Gradually, she's becoming the object of his affection. (奥莉薇亚被男友埃里克伤透了心, 她求助于迈克尔寻求一个提供慰藉的人. 渐渐地, 她成了他爱慕的对象)

15. the odds of ... are very low/high
定义: ...的机会或可能性很低或很高.
例句: The odds of finding a four-leaf clover on your first try are very low. (第一次尝试寻找四叶草的成功机率非常低)

16. The Olympics is just 3 days away.

17. The only regret is ...
定义: 唯一的遗憾是...
例句: Beautiful sneakers, the only regret is that I didn't buy more while they were in stock. (好漂亮的运动鞋, 唯一的遗憾是我在还有现货的时候没多买)

18. the other day
定义: 几天前, 最近, 不久前.
例句: Oh, I didn't tell you that I ran into Mary the other day while I was shopping. (哦, 我还没告诉你, 前几天我在买东西的时候碰到了玛莉)

19. the pen is mightier than the sword
定义: [谚语]文笔胜于刀剑; 文笔比刀剑更强而有力.
例句: "Why do you want to become a journalist?" "The pen is mightier than the sword." ("你为什么想作一名记者?" "文笔比刀剑更强而有力.")

20. picture of health, the/a
定义: 健康的.
例句: The doctor says I am the picture of good health. (医生说我的身体很健康)



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