二十笔实用成语 1088

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二十笔实用成语 1088

帖子 royl » 周一 7月 25, 2022 3:15 am

二十笔实用成语 1088

01. there you are/go
定义: 给你, 拿去吧; 原来你在这里啊; 你来了; 你看; 事情办好了; 你说对了; 你做得不错.
例句: There you are, sir. That will be $3 for the coffees. (这是给你的, 先生. 这杯咖啡要三美元)

02. there you go again
定义: 又来了, 又是老套, 又是这一套, 你又犯了老毛病.
例句: There she goes again, making friends with every person she meets. (她老毛病又犯了, 跟碰到的每个人都交朋友)

03. there you have it
定义: 就是这样地; 这样就好了; 你看到了吧. (注: 意指某事讲得非常清楚, 毫无疑问)
例句: "We can't spend more money unless we have more money to spend!" "Precisely. There you have it." ("除非我们有更多的钱可以花, 否则我们不能花更多的钱!" "说得好. 大家都听到了吧.")

04. there you have me
定义: 你难倒我了. (注: 意指我不知道答案)
例句: "When exactly was the company founded?" "There you have me." ("这家公司到底是什么时候成立的?" "我还真不知道.")

05. there, there
定义: 好啦, 好啦. (注: 意指对人, 尤其是小孩, 说的安慰话)
例句: There, there, don't cry. Everything will be OK. (好啦, 好啦, 别哭. 没事了)

06. thereby hangs a tale
定义: 这件事背后必有文章或有趣的背景故事.
例句: I was working as a street performer when I first met my husband, and thereby hangs a very interesting tale. (当我初次遇到我丈夫的时候, 我是一名街头艺人, 而且还有一个非常有趣的背景故事)

07. therefor vs. therefore
定义: [易混淆字或短语]therefor(副词)为此; therefore(副词)因此, 所以.

08. therein lies the problem
定义: 这就是问题的所在.
例句: If they act too quickly, they run the risk of choosing the wrong plan. Therein lies the problem. (如果他们动作太急躁, 他们就会有冒着选择了错误计划的风险. 这就是问题的所在. 注: 这里的too quickly并不一定要翻译为"太快"之意, 它们也可以解释为"太急躁")

09. there'll be hell to pay
定义: 将付出极大代价; 后果将很严重.
例句: If I don't get this done on time, there will be hell to pay. (我如果不能准时完成这项工作, 后果将会很严重)

10. there are things you don't do
定义: 有些事情你不该做. (注: 我们都知道do有许多意义, 在此don't do是不适宜去做, 所以don't do并不是不做, 而是别做或不该做)
例句: There are three things you don't do: 1. beg for anyone to stay in your life; 2. beg for anyone to talk to you; 3. beg for anyone's attention. (三件事你不该做: 1. 乞求任何人不要离弃你; 2. 乞求任何人跟你说话; 3. 乞求任何人给你关注)

11. there's a sucker born every minute
定义: [谚语]天下傻瓜何其多, 每分钟就有一个傻瓜出生.
例句: Any time I see a ridiculous product for sale, I remind myself that there's a sucker born every minute. (每当我看到一个可笑又不实用的产品出售的时候, 我都会提醒自己天下傻瓜何其多这句话)

12. there's a time and a place (for something)
定义: 有些事要看时间和场合. (注: 当某人言行不当时的劝导语)
例句: There's a time and place for a more thorough discussion, but right now your sister just needs your unconditional support. (你要进行一场更深入和全面的讨论也要看时间和场合, 但你妹妹现在所急需的是你毫无保留的关怀和鼓励)

13. there's a very high probability
定义: 极可能.
例句: There's a very high probability that the commercialism of modern society caused your depression and profited from it. (现代社会的重商主义极可能就是导致你的抑郁症而且又从你患病中获取利益的元凶)

14. there's an "R" in the month
定义: [俗语]寒冷的月份. (注: 从九月到次年四月的七个月份在英文里都带有字母R)
例句: The tradition is that seafood, particularly oysters shouldn't be eaten unless there's an 'R' in the month. (这个传统是那些海鲜, 尤其是牡蛎, 除非在寒冷的月份里否则不应食用)

15. there's many a slip between the cup and the lip; there's many a slip twixt cup and lip
定义: [谚语]别太有自信, 在成功之前难保没有闪失; 非到最后成功不可轻言成功. (注: 意指一件事在成功之前可能仍有变数)
例句: "With this funding, nothing can stop me from achieving my goals." "Don't be so sure. There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip." ("有了这样资金, 没有什么能够阻挡我实现我的目标了." "别太有自信, 非到最后成功不可轻言成功.")

16. there's many a true word spoken in jest
定义: [谚语]在开玩笑时所说的话其实是实话或是很有道理的话.
例句: "Oh come on, I was only joking! I would never do something like that!" "So you say, but there's many a true word is spoken in jest." ("唉呀, 拜托, 我只是在开玩笑! 我永远不会做那种事情!" "那只是你的片面之词, 许多人在开玩笑的时候把实话说出来了.")

17. there's method in someone's madness
定义: [谚语]装疯卖傻; 乱中有序. (注: 有人行为虽然看似疯狂, 但乱中有序, 还是有道理可寻)
例句: Though his staff is often confused by the way he runs the office, I've found that there's method in his madness. (尽管员工们对他管理这间办公室的方式经常弄不清是怎么回事, 我却发现他的管理风格看似疯狂, 但乱中有序)

18. there's more to them than meets the eye
定义: 背后另有文章, 内有玄机. (注: 意指事情不像表面上所看到那么简单, 比表面上的还更多或更严重)
例句: I'm not sure I believe Molly's version of events. Something tells me there's more to this than meets the eye. (我不怎么相信莫莉对事情发生的说法. 我总觉得这事背后另有文章, 不像表面上所看到的那么简单)

19. there's no "I" in team
定义: [谚语]在一个团队没有小我. (注: 意指团队精神是大我, "we")
例句: There's no I in team, people. Focus on what will be good for our company as a whole. (伙计们, 团队中没有小我. 大家应该专注于我们公司整体有利的事情)

20. there's no accounting for tastes
定义: [谚语]各人有各人的口味, 喜爱. (注: 意指批评别人的偏爱是没意义地)
例句: "I can't believe so many people are going to see that idiotic movie." "There's no accounting for tastes." ("我不敢相信有这么多人会看这部白痴电影." "各人有各人的口味.")



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