二十笔实用成语 1092

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二十笔实用成语 1092

帖子 royl » 周三 8月 10, 2022 11:22 pm

二十笔实用成语 1092

01. Things are looking up.
定义: 情势拨云见天, 前途豁然开朗; 事情进展得很顺利.
例句: Now that Victoria has a job, things are looking up. We feel positive. (现在维多利亚有了工作, 前途豁然开朗. 我们也充满了希望)

02. things are not always as they appear
定义: 很多事情并非总是你想像的那样. (注: 意指有些事情有不为人知的隐情)
例句: I urge that if you pause for a moment and dare to look deeper, you will see that things are not always as they appear to be. (我鼓励你, 如果暂停片刻, 敢于深入观察, 你会发现很多事情并非总是你想像的那样)

03. things could be worse
定义: 事情有可能更糟. (注: 意指别难过, 事情进展虽然不顺心, 但也还没糟到不可收拾地步)
例句: Cheer up! Things could be worse. (开心点! 情况可能会更糟. 注: 意指事情进展虽然不顺心, 但还没坏到不可收拾地步)

04. things have come/reached to a pretty pass
定义: 情势已经发展到了这个地步. (注: 意指情况不妙, 艰难或危急)
例句: Mary had come to a pretty pass. She quit her job to be with her husband; however, he left her for another woman. (玛丽已经到了危急的地步. 她为了和丈夫相聚而辞去她的工作; 然而她丈夫却为了另一女子离弃了她)

05. things move fast
定义: 事情发展迅速, 突飞猛进, 瞬息万变.
例句: We began dating and things moved fast. I found out I was pregnant with our first child a few months into the relationship, and then we settled into family life. (我们开始了约会, 事情进展得很快. 我发现我在恋爱几个月之后便怀上了我们的第一个宝宝, 然后我们就开始了家庭生活)

06. things that go bump in the night
定义: 午夜惊魂. (注: 意指半夜惊吓人的东西, 例如幻想中的鬼怪)
例句: I don't believe in ghosts or spirits, or things that go bump in the night. (我不相信鬼魂或半夜惊吓人的鬼怪)

07. think a great deal of someone, to
定义: 对某人推崇之极; 对某人非常钟爱.
例句: I can tell your last boss thinks very a great deal of you, judging from the reference letter she wrote for you. (从她给你写的推荐信看来, 我可以看得出你前老板对你倍加推崇)

08. think a lot of someone, to
定义: 对某人推崇, 对某人非常钟爱.
例句: Somehow, I doubt the mayor will think a lot of an article exposing all of his financial details. (不知何故, 我相当怀疑这名市长会喜爱那一篇揭露他所有财务细节的文章)

09. think about her every now and then, to
定义: 时不时地想她.
例句: I think about her every now and then. I miss the good times we shared together. (我时常在想念她. 我怀念我们一起度过的美好时光)

10. think again, to
定义: 你再仔细想想吧; 你错了.
例句: I know you said he would never show up, but think again, because here he comes. (我知道你说过他决不会出现, 但你错了, 因为他来了)

11. think aloud, to
定义: 表达自己的想法; 一面想一面将自己想法说出来.
例句: "And I guess I should also pick up some plywood while we're out…" "Pardon me?" "Sorry, I'm just thinking aloud!" ("我想我们出去的时候我也应该买一些夹板…" "你说什么?" "抱歉, 我只是一面想事情一面自言自语!")

12. think as much, to
定义: 也是这样想.
例句: "She's been lying to you; she hasn't really got any money at all." "I thought as much." ("她一直在欺骗你; 她根本没有钱." "我也是这么想.")

13. think back, to
定义: 回想起, 回忆, 反省.
例句: Just try and think back to the last time you were bored. Maybe you were on the train, or maybe you were in a meeting at work. (试着回想一下你上次枯燥无聊的时候. 也许你人在火车上, 或者你正在公司开会)

14. think badly of someone, to
定义: 鄙视, 看轻, 看不起某人.
例句: Despite not knowing you, I think badly of you because a girl like you who has a boyfriend who thinks badly about you has no common sense. (尽管我跟你不熟, 但我看不起你, 因为像你这样的女孩交上一个鄙视你的男朋友代表妳的判断力有问题)

15. think better of it, to
定义: 改变主意, 决定不做某事.
例句: We were going to buy a full-size recreational vehicle, but we thought better of it. (我们正打算买一辆大型休旅车, 但我们改变了主意, 决定不买了. 注: 这里所提到的大型休旅车的长度大约介于25英尺和45英尺之间)

16. think big, to
定义: 计划或思考要有大格局, 不可自我束缚.
例句: You shouldn't settle for a lousy office job you don't really like. Try to think big about your future! (你不应该满足于一份你并不真正喜欢的办公室工作. 试着从大处着眼你的未来!)

17. think fit, to
定义: 认为是适当的.
例句: You can spend the money as you think fit. (你可以把这笔钱花在你认为适当的用途上)

18. think for yourself, to
定义: 做出自己的意见或决定. (注: 意指自己想办法, 不听别人的想法或建议)
例句: I think for myself. I don't need anyone to tell me what to do. (我自己来想办法. 我不需要任何人告诉我该怎么做)

19. think highly of someone, to
定义: 对某人推崇, 赏识, 器重, 尊重.
例句: You know, my husband thinks highly of your son, and expects him to do well. (你知道, 我丈夫很器重你儿子, 也期望他做得成功)

20. think laterally, to
定义: 另类地思考, 从侧面去思考, 非传统地思考.
例句: We'll have to think laterally and come up with a creative solution. (我们必须作另类思考, 提出创意性的解决方案)



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