二十笔实用成语 1094

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二十笔实用成语 1094

帖子 royl » 周三 8月 17, 2022 1:02 pm

二十笔实用成语 1094

01. think the unthinkable, to
定义: 设想到想不到的状况; 去想不可思议的事.
例句: As a business owner, it's my responsibility to think the unthinkable. (作为一名业主, 预想难以想像的状况乃是我的责任)

02. think the world of someone, to
定义: 对某人有很高的评价, 敬佩.
例句: Would you mind if I got an autograph? My son thinks the world of your writing. (我能取得你的亲笔签名吗? 我儿子非常推崇你的著作)

03. think through, to
定义: 慎重地思考.
例句: Before you go to the manager with a new idea, think it through. (在你向经理提出一个新想法之前, 你最好先把它思考周全)

04. think twice, to
定义: 三思而后行, 经过审慎透彻地思考.
例句: You should think twice before you go ahead and quit your job. (在辞职之前, 你应该三思而后行)

05. think up, to
定义: 想出, 设计, 策划, 图谋.
例句: I usually try to think up new ways of doing things rather than doing them in the accepted way. (我通常会尝试着设计出新的做事方式, 而不是以普遍认可的方法行事)

06. think well of ..., to
定义: 对...有高度的评价, 满意.
例句: Please know that I had no choice. I hope you will still think well of me, after this is all over. (请你明白我是逼不得已才出此下策. 我希望你在这一切都结束之后还会对我怀有好感)

07. thinly veiled threat, a
定义: 不加掩饰的威胁.
例句: He hinted that he would sue the company, but his thinly veiled threat was laughable. (他暗示他会控告这家公司, 但他的不加掩饰威胁却是荒唐可笑)

08. third degree, the
定义: 严厉审问, 态度粗暴.
例句: Our manager always gives the third degree to anyone who makes even the smallest of mistakes. (我们经理总是对任何那怕是出了一点瑕疵的人声色俱厉地严加审讯)

09. third time's a/the charm, the
定义: 第三次尝试是幸运的. (注: 有人相信第三次尝试会比前两次更容易成功)
例句: "Try turning the generator on again." "OK, here we go. Third time's the charm!" ("试着再一次启动这台发电机." "好的, 来了. 第三次尝试是幸运的!")

10. third wheel, the
定义: 电灯泡, 第三者, 不受欢迎的人.
例句: When Kelly invited me to go to the movies, I didn't know that her boyfriend would be joining us. I felt like a third wheel the entire night. (当凯莉邀请我去看电影的时候, 我不知道她的男朋友会跟我们一起去. 整个晚上, 我觉得自己好像一个电灯泡似的)

11. thirst for, to
定义: 渴望, 急需.
例句: At that time, we were still young, thirsting for adventure, and our desire for action knew no bounds. (那时候, 我们还年轻, 渴望着冒险激情, 无休无止地追求高刺激的体验)

12. thirty pieces of silver
定义: 血钱, 出卖别人所得的报酬.
例句: She carried the guilt with her for the rest of her life after turning her husband over to the mob. The money she made from it, her thirty pieces of silver, became loathsome to her. (出卖了丈夫给黑帮团伙之后, 她的余生都带着内疚. 她所赚来的钱, 出卖别人所得的报酬, 对她来说变得恶心可憎)

13. this and that
定义: 各式各样的东西, 杂七杂八的东西.
例句: "What did you and Steve talk about when you met for dinner?" "Oh, this and that. We don't really get into deep or meaningful conversations." ("吃饭时你和史蒂夫聊了些什么?" "哦, 天南地北的闲话. 我们并没有真正进行严肃或有意义的交谈.")

14. This charade has got to stop.

15. this coming Saturday
定义: 将要来到的星期六. (注: 在美国, next Saturday是下个星期的星期六, this Saturday是这个星期的星期六, 为了更清楚表示时间你可用this coming Saturday, 如此不会令你的友人疑惑)
例句: Are you going to be available on this coming Saturday? (即将到来的星期六你有空吗?)

16. This could spell trouble for him.

17. this does little to help
定义: 这一点都没帮助.
例句: While criminal charges may work to seek justice by putting the perpetrator in prison or having them face other criminal penalties, this does little to help the victim. (虽然刑事起诉可能通过将肇事者关进监狱或让他们面临其他刑事处分来寻求正义, 但这对受害者却没有什么帮助)

18. this instant/minute/second!
定义: [惊叹语]现在! 马上! (注: 意指要求某人立即去办某事)
例句: Come in the house, this instant! (进屋, 马上!)

19. This is a dream come true.

20. This is a job best left to the professionals.
[成语句型]这个工作最好还是交给专业人员去做吧. (注: 意指这个工作不是普通人可以做的)



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