二十笔实用成语 1097

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二十笔实用成语 1097

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 25, 2022 3:08 am

二十笔实用成语 1097

01. those were the days
定义: 往昔时光. (注: 常用在过去一段欢乐的日子或比现在更美好的日子)
例句: Remember when we used to spend all summer exploring our grandpa's back woods? Man, those were the days. (还记得我们以前整个夏天都在爷爷屋子后面那片荒树林里探险吗? 唉, 那段往昔的欢乐时光. 注: 第二句的Man并没什么意义, 它只是一个表达怀旧的惊叹词)

02. those who ...
定义: 那些...的人.
例句: Those who wish us the best, points out our mistakes and accept us the way we are. (那些希望我们成大器的人, 总是会指出我们的错误, 并且毫无条件地包容我们)

03. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
定义: [谚语]没有从历史学到教训的人, 必会重蹈覆辙.
例句: They say that those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it, but who wrote the history we learn in the first place? (谚语说, 没有从历史学到教训的人, 必会重蹈覆辙, 但首先要问是我们该学习的历史到底是谁撰写的?)

04. live by the sword, die by the sword
定义: [谚语]整日刀上舔血, 终会死于刀下.
例句: The young men of this city getting caught up in gang violence have the shortest lifespans of anyone in the state. You live by the sword; you die by the sword. (这个城市内卷入帮派暴力的年轻人寿命是全州最短的. 整日刀上舔血, 终会死于刀下)

05. thou, a
定义: [俚语]千. (注: thou是thousand的简称尤其用于钱上)
例句: A computer like this would easily run you a thou. Do you have that much to spend? (像这样的电脑将轻易地要你花费上千块钱. 你有那么多钱花吗?)

06. (one) does not wash (one's) dirty linen in public
定义: [谚语]家丑不外扬; 公众场合上不谈自家丑事.
例句: Kids, please don't say anything inappropriate in front of your grandmother. She definitely believes that one does not wash one's dirty linen in public. (孩子们, 请不要在奶奶面前说什么不适当的话. 她肯定认为一个人不应在公众场合上谈论自家丑事)

07. thousands of others
定义: 其他数千人.
例句: Canadian truckers, thousands of others protest vaccine mandate in Ottawa. (加拿大卡车司机和其他数千人在渥太华抗议疫苗接种的强制令)

08. thrash around/about, to
定义: 猛烈扭动; 极力地翻滚; 辗转反侧.
例句: Tommy thrashed around all night when he had the high fever. (汤米发高烧时, 他整夜辗转反侧)

09. thrash out, to
定义: 经过不停推敲而产生解决方案.
例句: We had to stay an extra two hours thrashing this issue out. (我们不得不多待两个钟头不停地推敲才找出了解决这个问题的方案)

10. three R's
定义: 读, 写, 算. (注: 意指学生三个基本的技能: reading读, 'riting写, 'rithmetic算)
例句: When a school begins seeing major performance issues across the three R's, then it is time to revise its curriculum and teaching style. (当一所学校开始看见了学生三个基本技能运作发生了严重问题的时候, 这正是应当修改其课程和教学方式的时候了)

11. three score and ten
定义: 一辈子, 一生. (注: score是二十年, 意指三个二十年再加十年一共七十年是指平均一个人的一生)
例句: I hope I do half as much as my grandfather's done by the time I'm threescore and ten. (我希望我此生能做到我爷爷所成就的一半就心满意足了)

12. three sheets to the wind, be
定义: 醉得糊里糊涂.
例句: They had an open bar at the staff party, so we were all three sheets to the wind by the time we left. (他们在员工聚会上设了一个开放式酒吧, 因此当我们离开的时候, 我们都喝得酩酊大醉)

13. three strikes and you are out
定义: [美国法律]犯罪三次就判重刑, 事不过三; [棒球术语]三次好球打不中, 判出局.
例句: The school takes truancy very seriously: three strikes and you're out. (学方非常重视逃学问题: 逃学三次你就被开除)

14. three-ring circus, a
定义: 三场表演同时举行的马戏团; 混乱不堪, 令人眼花撩乱, 有趣味的事件.
例句: Without the boss around, the business quickly devolved into a three-ring circus. (老板一离开, 公司很快就陷入了混乱不堪的状态)

15. three-time loser, a
定义: (由于人生不顺遂, 无能, 或者自甘堕落)人生输家.
例句: I don't know why I ever married a three-time loser like you! (我不知道我为什么会嫁给像你这样的人生输家!)

16. thrilled to bits/death/pieces, be
定义: 爽透了, 无比地兴奋.
例句: He was thrilled to pieces about his newborn baby. (看到他刚出生的婴儿, 他无比地兴奋)

17. thrills and spills
定义: 充满了兴奋, 刺激和危险.
例句: Millions tune in to watch the thrills and spills of stock car racing. (数以百万计的人都在收看充满了危险刺激的原厂跑车比赛. 注: stock car racing原本是由汽车工厂流水线所生产的车辆比赛, 但后来变成将原厂车依法规修改成跑车的比赛)

18. thrive on, to
定义: 茁壮, 繁荣, 由于某环境或因素的刺激而发挥出最大潜力.
例句: I actually thrive on stress. (其实我越受到压抑反而会爆发出最大潜力)

19. thrive under pressure, to
定义: 越战越勇, 在压力下成长壮大.
例句: This involves developing a set of stress management skills so that you will be able to thrive under pressure. (这涉及到发展出一套面对压力的处理技巧, 以便你能够在压力下茁壮成长)

20. through and through
定义: 彻彻底底.
例句: I know Elizabeth through and through, and I really doubt that she's mad at you. (我彻底了解伊丽莎白的为人, 而且我相当怀疑她在生你的气)



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