二十笔实用成语 1098

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二十笔实用成语 1098

帖子 royl » 周五 8月 26, 2022 8:52 pm

二十笔实用成语 1098

01. through no fault of their own
定义: 自己是无辜的; 自己没有犯错; 并非经由他本身过失造成的.
例句: These renter families, through no fault of their own, are being thrown out in the cold by greedy landlords looking to exploit the seller's housing market. (指望着趁这次有利于卖方的房地产市场出售房屋以谋高利, 贪婪的房东们将这些无辜的承租家庭赶出去以便处理自己的房屋)

02. through sheer force of will
定义: 全凭着坚毅不移的意志.
例句: Through her sheer force of will, she began to work toward paying her medical bills off one by one. Within a few years, she had paid off all of her debt. (全凭着她坚毅不移的意志, 她开始努力地逐一支付她的医疗费用. 几年之内, 她还清了所有的债务)

03. through someone's eyes
定义: 从某人的观点看.
例句: If you look at the issue through my eyes, you will have more sympathy for me. (如果你从我的观点来看这个问题, 你将会更同情我)

04. through the backdoor
定义: 非法, 鬼鬼祟祟, 来路不明, 可疑的, 偷偷摸摸地.
例句: Most of the campaign money came through the backdoor. (大部分这些竞选资金都是来路不明的可疑捐款)

05. through the ceiling
定义: 升得很快. (注: 意指怒火或价格暴升)
例句: Sales went through the ceiling and pharmacists began reporting shortages of the drug. (销售额迅速大幅飙升, 药剂师们开始报告药品短缺的问题)

06. through the wringer
定义: 历尽艰难, 痛苦和折磨.
例句: Between my mother's bout with cancer, Jenny losing her job, and the bank threatening to foreclose on the house, our family has really been put through the wringer this year. (在我母亲得了癌症, 珍妮失去工作和银行威胁要收回房屋三重问题同时发生的当儿, 今年我们家确实受尽艰辛和折磨)

07. down through
定义: 在很长一段时间内; 长时间来.
例句: Oh, problems like this have been happening down through the ages. We'll find a solution though. (哦, 这样的问题长久以来都一直在发生. 不过我们会找到解决方案)

08. through thick and thin
定义: 不顾一切困难继续支持某人; 风雨同舟, 不离不弃.
例句: She's always been there for me through thick and thin, so I can't turn my back on her now. (她一直守在我身边, 对我不离不弃, 所以我现在不能背弃她)

09. through/by force of circumstance(s)
定义: 碍于情势, 逼不得已. (注: 意指由于非自己能控制的情势所逼, 并非是自己真心选择所做的事情)
例句: The survivors ate plants and insects through force of circumstance. (逼不得已, 幸存者只好靠吃植物和昆虫求生)

10. throughout one's/his life
定义: 终其一生.
例句: Tom's early life was beset by ill health; his eyesight and hearing were poor throughout his life. (汤姆早年的健康状况不佳; 他终其一生的视力和听力都很差)

11. throughout the day
定义: 整天, 全天.
例句: Keeping curtains and shades closed throughout the day will prevent the sun from overheating a room. (全天保持窗帘和百叶窗的关闭可以防止太阳将房间晒热)

12. throw ... on the scrap heap, to
定义: 将...废弃或抛弃.
例句: Fred's worked here for 30 years and they just throw him on the scrap heap like that? That isn't fair. (弗雷德在这里工作了三十年了, 他们就这样子把他甩掉吗? 这是不公平的)

13. throw a curve ball, to
定义: 耍人一记, 抛出棘手难题让某人措手不及.
例句: Just when you think you have it all under control, life throws you a curve ball. (就在你认为一切尽在掌握之中的时候, 人生却抛给了你一个棘手难题)

14. throw a fit, to
定义: 非常不痛快或大发脾气.
例句: My mom's going to throw a fit when she sees what happened to the car! (要是我妈妈看到这部汽车所发生的事情时, 她肯定会大发脾气!)

15. throw a game, to
定义: 故意输, 故意造成你队输给对方.
例句: They said that John threw his last game of pool, but I think he's too honest to do that. (有人说约翰故意地输了他最后一场台球给对方, 但我认为他是个老实人, 不会做那种事)

16. throw a hissy fit, to
定义: 哭闹, 发脾气, 撒泼耍赖.
例句: She threw a hissy fit when I told her she couldn't go with us. (当我告诉她不能跟我们一起去的时候, 她就大哭大闹一场)

17. throw a kiss, to
定义: 抛飞吻.
例句: My wife waved and threw a kiss at me. I smiled and threw a kiss back at her too. (我的妻子向我挥了挥手, 抛了一个飞吻. 我也笑着回了她一记飞吻)

18. throw a lifeline to (someone), to
定义: 解救某人; 向为某人提供解决某问题或某危机的协助或方法.
例句: The 12-month grace period is the IRS throwing a lifeline to companies and individuals whose taxes are in arrears. (这个十二个月宽限期是美国国税局为拖欠税款的公司和个人提供了一条解除危机的生路)

19. throw a (monkey) wrench in/into the works, to
定义: 破坏计划或活动, 横加阻挠, 令其无法达成.
例句: It'll really throw a monkey wrench into the works if the board decides not to increase our funding for this project. (如果董事会决定不增加对这个项目的资金投入, 这真的会使这个项目无法完成)

20. throw a party, to
定义: 举办派对.
例句: We're throwing a party for Bill's retirement next week. (我们下个礼拜要为比尔的退休举办一场派对)



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