二十笔实用成语 1100

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二十笔实用成语 1100

帖子 royl » 周三 8月 31, 2022 6:28 am

二十笔实用成语 1100

01. throw in someone's face/teeth, to
定义: 与某人对质, 斥责某人; 粗暴地拒绝.
例句: My boss throws that awful presentation in my face anytime I ask for more responsibilities. (每当我要求承担更多工作的时候, 我的老板就会拿出我写的那份蹩脚报告来粗暴地拒绝我的请求)

02. throw in something, to
定义: 附赠另一件东西. (例如: 你如果买这台电脑, 我送你一套软件)
例句: When I bought my new glasses, they threw in a free pair of prescription sunglasses. (当我配了我的新眼镜时候, 他们附带赠送了一副带有度数的太阳眼镜给我)

03. throw in the sponge/towel, to
定义: 放弃; 束手无策; 认输.
例句: It's a bit early to throw in the towel. You've only just started the job. (现在辞职还言之过早. 你才刚刚开始这份工作)

04. throw in with, to
定义: 加入, 厮混, 投入, 入伙.
例句: You're bound to get into trouble with the law if you throw in with that shady bunch. (如果你和那帮见不得人的团伙厮混在一起, 你肯定会为非作歹, 触犯法律)

05. throw in, to
定义: 丢入, 扔进; 提出, 加入(想法或意见); (卖家)附赠某事或物不算钱或不加价; 投身, 参与; 更换汽车某档.
例句: The teacher always tries to throw pop-culture references in to try and make his lectures more interesting, but it's just tacky. (这名老师总是试图加入一些流行文化的参考资料试图让他的讲课更有趣味, 但这只会显出其庸俗的一面)

06. throw insults, to
定义: 说粗话, 羞辱别人.
例句: When you can't get what you want, you start throwing insults. (每次你得不到你想要的东西时, 你就开始辱骂)

07. throw light on, to
定义: 照明; 澄清, 说明, 透露; 解释清楚; 提供资料或线索.
例句: Martin, can you throw some light on the insolvency and bankruptcy code? (马丁, 你能解释一下无力偿还的破产和破产法规吗?)

08. throw modesty to the winds, to
定义: 将自我克制或端庄稳重抛到九霄云外, 表现出轻率急躁态度.
例句: I threw modesty to the wind and walked behind the nearest tree to remove my wet clothes. I put on my trunks and spread my shirt and pants out to dry. (我把端庄稳重抛在脑后, 走到最近的树后脱掉湿衣服. 我穿上运动短裤, 把衬衫和裤子摊开晾干)

09. throw money around, to
定义: 到处洒钱, 花在不需要用的东西上.
例句: This lady comes in the shop every Friday to throw her money around on anything she likes. (这位女士每周五都会来店里花钱买她喜欢的东西)

10. throw money at something, to
定义: 洒钱在问题上. (注: 意指以为钱可以解决问题)
例句: Poverty is not an issue we can solve simply by throwing money at it. We need several approaches. (贫穷不是一个我们只要向它砸钱就可以解决的问题. 我们需要多重的处理方式)

11. throw off the track, to
定义: 故意误导调查或怀疑对象的方向; 打乱某人的思路或处事的顺序.
例句: Don't let little things throw you off the track. (不要为一点小事就打乱了你的原定计划)

12. throw off, to
定义: 扔下, 挣脱束缚, 摆脱; 扔掉, 丢弃; 分散注意, 误导, 迷惑; 散发出; 不经意, 草率地做; 脱离正确方向; 犯错, 失误; 开始狩猎, 追踪; 说出, 发出挑衅言语.
例句: Her snide remarks in the middle of my presentation really threw me off. (她在我演讲过程中故意地发出冷嘲热讽, 着实地打乱了我的思绪)

13. throw on, to
定义: 扔在...的上面; 仓促地披上衣服; 强迫某人接受, 处理或承担责任; 将某人接受感情或性骚扰; 启动机器或打开某个开关; 摔出; 抛掷.
例句: Let me just throw on my coat and then we can get going. (先让我穿上我的大衣, 然后咱们就可以出发了)

14. throw one's hat in the ring, to
定义: 宣布参加竞争尤其争取政治席位.
例句: Even though Mr. Forbes knows he won't get enough votes to win party support, he still threw his hat in the ring. (尽管福布斯先生知道他不会获得足够的选票来赢得党内支持, 但他仍旧宣布参选)

15. throw one's weight around, to
定义: 运用自己地位与影响力; 盛气凌人, 对人施加压力; 炫耀自己影响力.
例句: I'm sick of Don coming into these meetings and throwing his weight around. Can't he just leave us to our own devices? (我厌烦了唐参加这些会议并且盛气凌人, 引起大家的反感. 难道他不能让我们自己不受干扰地开会吗?)

16. throw oneself at, to
定义: 全心投入某事业或志业; 使劲地试图引起某人的兴趣, 注意或喜爱.
例句: Be a little reserved, not so obvious. Don't throw yourself at him. (矜持点, 不要那么赤裸裸地表露出来. 别主动对他投怀送抱)

17. throw oneself at someone's head, to
定义: 使劲地试图引起某人的兴趣, 注意或喜爱.
例句: Naturally, Sean became more interested in me as soon as I stopped throwing myself at his head. (自然而然地, 当我不再对他投怀送抱之后, 肖恩便对我更加感兴趣了)

18. step/leap/jump (etc.) into the breach, to
定义: 挺身而出, 承受猛烈攻击; 临危受命, 承担重任.
例句: The cook at the hotel fell ill, so the manager's wife stepped into the breach. (饭店厨师病倒了, 经理夫人挺身而出, 接下了他的工作)

19. throw oneself into, to
定义: 跳入, 跳下; 仓促穿上衣服; 热心地投入某事业或志业.
例句: She threw herself into the project and helped immensely. (她全心全意地投入这个工作项目, 提供了极大的帮助)

20. throw open to, to
定义: 让某人能进入, 参与, 取得某物或某职位.
例句: We plan to throw open the position to applicants as early as next week. (我们计划最早在下个礼拜向申请人开放这个职位)



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