二十笔实用成语 1101

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二十笔实用成语 1101

帖子 royl » 周五 9月 02, 2022 9:45 am

二十笔实用成语 1101

01. throw out the baby with the bathwater, to
定义: 不论青红皂白一起抛弃. (注: 意指冲动地将宝贵东西与不喜欢的东西一起扔弃)
例句: I know you don't approve of that one item in the bill but we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bath water by voting the bill down. (我知道你不赞成法案中的那一项, 但我们不应该不分青红皂白地否决整套法案)

02. throw out, to
定义: 驱除出一个地方, 办公室或一个工作; 抛弃废物; 表达, 说出; 驳斥或拒绝考虑; 出现, 公布, 展示; 抛在后面, 拉大距离; 发出, 释放出; 发出, 投射出, 伸出; 造成混乱或仓皇失措; 造成突出, 造成明显; [棒球术语]投球造成对方球员出局.
例句: The judge threw the case out due to a lack of evidence. (由于缺乏证据, 法官驳回了此案)

03. throw over, to
定义: 扔掷于之上或太高; 扔掷越过某物; 拒绝, 放弃; 造成某事无效或被驳回; 与某人分手; 翻覆某物; 背弃某人.
例句: The mobsters threw him over the side of the bridge. (这群暴徒把他扔到桥下)

04. throw overboard, to
定义: 丢弃于海中或船外, 抛弃, 弃于一旁.
例句: In a major corporate shake-up, most of the company's upper-level management was thrown overboard at the end of the fiscal year. (在一次重大的公司人事改组中, 公司大部分高层管理人员在财政年度结束时都被开除了)

05. throw someone a bone, to
定义: 施舍一点小惠; 象征性地或不情愿地给某人一点点让步.
例句: My younger brother is always pleading for me to help out his career, so I threw him a bone and got him a small gig. (我弟弟总是恳求我给他的职业生涯施予援手, 因此我施了一点小惠, 给他找了一份小工作)

06. throw someone for a loss, to
定义: 耍人一记, 抛出棘手难题让某人措手不及.
例句: It really threw us for a loss when Olivia announced that she was leaving the company. (当奥莉维亚宣布她要离开公司的时候, 这着实令我们措手不及)

07. throw someone in at the deep end, to
定义: 耍人一记, 抛出棘手难题让某人措手不及.
例句: I had never worked in sales before, but my boss threw me in at the deep end, and fortunately I learned fast. (我以前从来没有做过销售工作, 但我的老板却抛出了这份棘手工作让我措手不及, 还好我学得快)

08. throw someone off balance, to
定义: 出其不意使某人失去平衡, 站不稳; 令某人措手不及.
例句: That dog threw me off balance when he knocked into my legs. (当那只狗撞上我腿的时候, 他令我出其不意地失去平衡, 差一点摔倒)

09. throw someone out, to
定义: 将某人赶走或赶出去.
例句: I was so angry with him that I threw him out. (我气不过, 把他赶出去)

10. throw someone over for someone else, to
定义: 移情别恋, 离弃某人去跟别人(交往).
例句: Sarah threw Jason over for Larry. (莎拉移情别恋, 离弃了杰森爱上了赖瑞)

11. throw someone to the dogs/lions/wolves, to
定义: 明哲保身, 置身事外; 弃使某人受批评, 攻击或惩罚而不顾.
例句: Our manager never hesitates to throw an underling to the dogs when something goes wrong in the office. (当办公室出了纰漏的时候, 我们的经理会毫不犹豫地让其下属去顶罪以明哲保身)

12. throw someone together, to
定义: 临时将人聚在一起.
例句: We were all thrown together by the circumstances, so we knew we had to do our best to get along. (我们都是在这种情况下巧聚在一起, 因此我们了解到我们必须尽力地融洽相处)

13. throw someone under the bus, to
定义: 利用某人以达到不可告人的目的; 嫁祸于某人, 弃某人于困境不顾.
例句: Tommy was caught with the marijuana in his backpack, but he threw me under the bus and said it belonged to me. (汤米被发现背包藏有大麻, 但他却嫁祸于我, 说大麻是我的. 注: 这里的Tommy was caught就是: 汤米被发现的意思; My teacher caught me cheating on a test就是: 我的老师发现我考试作弊)

14. throw something back in someone's face, to
定义: 粗暴地拒绝某人; 愤而拒绝某人的劝告或帮助.
例句: I tried to say sorry for what I did, but she just threw my apology back in my face. (我试图为我的所作所为道歉, 但她却愤而拒绝接受我的道歉)

15. throw something into the pot, to
定义: 提出想法或建议来讨论或列入考虑.
例句: It wasn't my best idea, but I thought it was at least worth throwing in the pot. (这虽然不是我最好的主意, 但我认为它至少值得被列入考虑)

16. throw something together, to
定义: 七拼八凑, 仓促地做好某事或物.
例句: We didn't have much time last night so we threw together a quick meal and then went to the football game. (昨晚我们的时间仓促, 所以我们七拼八凑地整出了一顿快餐, 然后就赶着去看足球赛)

17. throw the book at someone, to
定义: 严厉地指控, 斥责, 定罪或惩罚某人.
例句: The judge threatened to throw the book at me if I didn't stop insulting the police officer. (法官威胁我要严厉地惩罚我如果我不停止侮辱这名警察的话)

18. throw the bull, to
定义: 闲聊, 闲扯.
例句: I spent most of the morning throwing the bull around with my friend in the accounting department. (我早上大部分时间都在和我的会计部朋友闲聊)

19. throw the first stone, to
定义: 毫不迟疑指责, 批评或惩罚别人. (注: 出自新约圣经, 耶稣告诉要以石头打死某通奸妇人的群众, "你们中间谁是没有罪的, 谁就可以先拿石头打她")
例句: OK, fine, I'll throw the first stone – her cooking is terrible! (好吧, 好吧, 由我来发出第一个批评 – 她烧的菜真难吃!)

20. throw up one's hands/arms, to
定义: 放弃, 束手无策, 认输, 表示绝望.
例句: I'm ready to throw up my hands after trying to train this unruly puppy for days. (尝试了训练这只不听教导的小狗几天之后, 我准备认输放弃了)



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