二十笔实用成语 1104

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二十笔实用成语 1104

帖子 royl » 周三 9月 07, 2022 11:42 am

二十笔实用成语 1104

01. till kingdom come
定义: 无休无止地, 没完没了地, 永远地. (注: 例如It can be argued till kingdom come as to who is really at fault, 真正谁是谁非可以没完没了地争论下去)
例句: My wife and her sister will talk on the phone till kingdom come if nothing interrupts them! (如果没有人打扰她们的话, 我妻子和她姐姐就会在电话上永远地聊下去!)

02. till/until the cows come home
定义: 无休无止地, 没完没了地, 永远地.
例句: We could argue about this problem till the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything. (我们可以无休无止地争论这个问题, 但它对解决问题毫无帮助)

03. till/until then
定义: 直到那时, 在此之前; 道别, 再见.
例句: We should have the issue resolved by next week. Till then, don't breathe a word about it to a soul. (我们应该能够在下周之前把这个问题解决掉. 在此之前, 别向任何人吐露一字)

04. till/until you're blue in the face
定义: 说到口干舌燥, 精疲力竭, 脸色发青.
例句: You can train a flea till you're blue in the face, but he won't learn. (你可以训练一只跳蚤直到你口干舌燥, 精疲力竭, 但他还是学不会)

05. till/until/when hell freezes over
定义: 太阳打西边出来, 永远也不会发生地; 永远地, 永远也不会停下来. (注: 西方传说的地狱就是赤热的炼狱, 当然不可能冷却结冰)
例句: They said they'd go on searching till hell freezes over, but I'm sure they'll give up soon. (他们说他们永远不会停止搜寻, 但我相信他们很快地就会放弃)

06. tilt at windmills, to
定义: 对付不存在或无法解决的问题. (注: 意指像唐吉诃德战风车一般地浪费时间与精力)
例句: I've wasted too much of my life tilting at windmills. I'm not going to fight this issue. (我已经浪费了太多的生命对付那些根本解决不了的问题. 我不打算在这个问题上继续缠斗下去)

07. tilt at, to
定义: 猛攻, 对付; 手握武器冲向或刺向; 倾斜一定角度; 努力击败或克服.
例句: The bull tilted at me from the other side of the pen, but luckily, I was able to leap over the fence before it reached me. (公牛从围栏的另一边向我倾斜, 但还好我能够在它撞翻我之前跳过栅栏)

08. tilt in one's favor, to
定义: 趋向于对某人有利.
例句: My legal victory was largely the result of imbalances in linguistic ability and cultural familiarity between parties, tilted in my favor. (我的诉讼胜利很大程度上是两造语言能力和文化熟悉程度不平衡的结果, 情况对我有利. 注: 这句话乃是指此人因为是本国人或本地人, 占着语言和文化的优势才赢得这场诉讼)

09. time after time
定义: 一次又一次地, 屡次地, 重复地.
例句: Why do you continue to trust Tom when he just lies to you time after time? (为什么汤姆一次又一次地跟你撒谎, 你还继续信任他?)

10. time and a half
定义: 加班费. (注: 意指员工一周超过四十小时或放公假还工作要给付的加班费, 即平时工资乘上1.5之意)
例句: I try to get as many Sunday shifts as I can so I can make time and a half. (我尽可能地接下星期天的轮班, 以便我可以多赚加班费)

11. time and (time) again
定义: 一次又一次地, 屡次地, 重复地.
例句: Time and again they have violated the rules, yet you have taken no action against them. (他们一次又一次地违反规则, 然而你却完全不采取任何制止他们的行动)

12. time and tide wait for no man
定义: [谚语]时不我予, 勿磋跎人生.
例句: You're going to end up stuck in the same dead-end job for your whole life, if you're not careful – time and tide wait for no man. (如果你不深谋远虑的话, 你将终生卡在同一个没前途的工作里 – 时不我予, 切勿磋跎人生. 注: 这里的careful应该解释为深思熟虑, 也就是circumspect, 更好的翻译应为深谋远虑)

13. time bomb, a
定义: 定时炸弹, 潜在危险, 潜在危机.
例句: Tom is anything but normal. He's a walking time bomb with a long, hidden history of violent behavior. (汤姆一点都不正常. 他是一个会行走的定时炸弹, 背负着劣迹累累, 不为人知的暴力历史)

14. time flies
定义: [谚语]光阴似箭, 岁月如梭, 时间飞逝.
例句: I can't believe your kid is about to graduate high school. Time sure flies! (我真不敢相信你的孩子即将高中毕业. 光阴似箭, 日子过得真快!)

15. time flies when you're having fun
定义: [俗语]快乐时光飞逝离去.
例句: Wow, it's midnight already? I feel like we just got here. Time flies when you're having fun! (哇, 已经半夜啦? 我觉得我们好像才刚到这里. 当你玩得开心的时候, 时光却飞逝而去!)

16. time for doing something
定义: 该到了做某事的时候了.
例句: After a restful sleep, it's time for having breakfast on the terrace of our house. (得到了一个休息充足的睡眠后, 该到了在我们家阳台上吃早餐的时候了)

17. time frame, a
定义: 准备要做某事的一段时间, 预估工作时段.
例句: What is your time frame for making a final decision? Is there anything else I can do to facilitate the process? (你做出最终决定将会在什么时间范围? 我能够做些什么来帮助这个过程顺利完成?)

18. time hangs heavy on one's hands
定义: 时间过得慢吞吞, 令人百般无聊.
例句: I always find that time hangs heavy on my hands at these corporate seminars, so I bring a lot of crossword puzzles with me. (在这些公司专题培训会上, 我总是觉得时间过得慢吞吞, 令人百般无聊, 所以我随身携带了很多填字游戏)

19. time has run out on
定义: 时间已消失殆尽; 已经过了时效.
例句: Even if you think the time has run out on your case, you still should contact a lawyer to see if your case falls within the Texas personal injury statute of limitations. (即使你认为你的案件已经过了时效, 你也应该联系律师, 看看你的案件是否符合德克萨斯州人身伤害诉讼时效法规)

20. time heals all wounds
定义: [谚语]时间可以抹平所有的伤痛, 时间是最好的疗伤药.
例句: I'm sure you will reconcile with Kathleen eventually. After all, time heals all wounds. (我确信你最终会和凯瑟琳和解的. 毕竟, 时间会抹平所有的伤痛)



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