二十笔实用成语 1105

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二十笔实用成语 1105

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 08, 2022 5:32 pm

二十笔实用成语 1105

01. time is a/the great healer
定义: [谚语](主要在英国)时间可以抚平伤痛, 时间是最好的疗伤药.
例句: You may think your heart is broken and you can never possibly love again, but time is a great healer. (你可能认为你伤心欲绝, 永远不会再爱了, 但时间是一个最好的疗伤药, 可以抚平你的伤痛)

02. time is money
定义: [谚语]时间就是财富. (注: 意指时间很宝贵)
例句: Come on, come on, time is money. Tell me what you want already! (快点, 快点, 时间就是金钱. 快告诉我你要什么!)

03. time is of the essence
定义: 时间极为重要.
例句: The doctors need to operate right now; if they hope to save her, time is of the essence. (医生需要马上动手术; 如果他们希望救活她, 时间至关重要)

04. time is on my side
定义: 时间站在我这边. (注: 意指我可以从容地做事或整暇以待)
例句: The good news is that time is on our side. We still have three weeks until we have to submit our proposal. (好消息是, 时间站在我们这边. 我们还有三个星期的时间才必须交出我们的提案)

05. time is ripe, the
定义: 时机成熟. (注: 意指正是时候去做某件事)
例句: With prices so low, the time is ripe to buy up real estate in the city. (房价如此之低, 在市内买房的时机已经成熟)

06. time is up; time's up
定义: 时间到了, 结束了.
例句: OK, everyone, time's up. Please put your pencils down and hand up your tests. (好了, 大家, 时间到了. 请放下你的铅笔, 把你的试卷传递上来)

07. time marches on
定义: 时光流逝, 时光不等人, 时光不回头.
例句: There was so much I wanted to do with my life, but time just marched on without me. (我这一生有很多想做的事, 但时不我与, 就这样流逝了)

08. time off
定义: 休息; 不上班, 不上学或暂停其他的工作.
例句: I'm looking forward to some time off from my studies over the break to catch up with family and friends. (我期待在课间休息一段时间, 跟家人和朋友团聚)

09. time on one's hands
定义: 闲着无事可做.
例句: I have some time on my hands this weekend, so I can finally take a look at your car. (这个周末我闲着没事做, 所以我终于可以检查一下你的车子, 看看有什么问题)

10. time runs out, the/one's
定义: 时间耗尽, 没时间; 生命结束.
例句: The time ran out before I could complete the exam. (在我作答完所有试题之前, 考试已经结束了)

11. time stands still, the
定义: 时光仿佛静止下来.
例句: I saw the car coming straight toward me, and for a moment time stood still. (当我看着这辆汽车径直地朝我开过来的时候, 时光仿佛静止下来)

12. time to go
定义: 该走了; 该出发了; 该离开了.
例句: I knew it was time to go when my boss implied that I was there to fill a quota rather than for my professional strength. (当我的老板暗示我之所以被录用是为了填补一份就业名额而不是为了我专业实力的时候, 我知道我该离开了. 注: 有些国家或地区有保障残障人士或少数民族的就业配额制度)

13. time warp, a
定义: 时光隧道; 表现出复古或旧时代特征或美学的人, 地点或事物; 时间异常现象. (注: 意指时间进行中出现异常现象, 例如时间中断或时间悬浮)
例句: The restaurant is a true time warp, delivering an authentic 1950s diner experience to its customers. (这家餐厅真的是处让人回复到过去时代的所在, 它为顾客提供了传统的1950年代用餐体验)

14. time was (when)
定义: 以前, 过去, 曾经.
例句: This city has gone to the dogs. Time was, a person could walk down the street at night and not be afraid of getting mugged. (这座城市已经荒废不堪. 在过去, 一个人可以夜晚在街上行走而不怕被抢劫)

15. time's a-wasting
定义: 在浪费时间; 时间不多了; 时间不早了.
例句: How come you're still in bed? Time's a-wasting! (你怎么还赖在床上? 时间不早啦!)

16. timing is everything
定义: 时机注定一切成败.
例句: You shouldn't start a new business during an economic recession. Timing is everything. (你不应该在经济衰退的期间创业. 时机注定一切成败)

17. timing is right, the
定义: 时机成熟, 时机适当.
例句: The timing is right to buy a house now that the real estate prices are low at the moment. (鉴于当下的房地产价格低廉, 现在正是买房的好时机)

18. tin ear, a
定义: [俚语]耳背, 听觉不敏; 不欣赏音乐, 对音符高低不敏感; 无法识别语言中的微妙之处.
例句: I think I had better not sing along with you. I have a tin ear and would ruin your performance. (我想我还是最好不要跟你一起唱歌. 我抓不准音调高低, 弄不好会毁了你的表演)

19. tinfoil hat, a
定义: [俚语]偏执狂, 妄想狂; 深信阴谋论. (注: 在美国有些人认为头罩铝箔纸可以档住美国政府洗脑电波)
例句: Man, you need to take your tinfoil hat off and spend some time away from the Internet for a while. (老弟, 你需要摘掉你的阴谋论帽子, 远离互联网一阵子)

20. tinker with, to
定义: 外行充内行地尝试修理, 摆弄, 折腾; 测试或使用某物以更加地了解它.
例句: I've been tinkering with the washing machine all afternoon, but nothing I do seems to fix it. (整个下午我都在尝试修理这台洗衣机, 但不论我怎么折腾都似乎没法修好它)



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