二十笔实用成语 1108

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二十笔实用成语 1108

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 13, 2022 5:32 am

二十笔实用成语 1108

01. to good/great/fine/outstanding effect
定义: 充分利用, 造成良好效果.
例句: The director uses humor to good effect, adding some much-needed levity to the stark drama of the story. (这名导演巧妙地运用幽默达到了很好的效果, 为故事的凄凉剧情添增了一些急需的轻松活泼气氛)

02. to hand
定义: 立即可用; 易于取得; 手中持有, 手边有; 伸手可及.
例句: I don't have my daily planner to hand at the moment. Can I ring you back and make an appointment? (我现在手边没有日程安排簿. 我可不可以回头打个电话跟你预约吗?)

03. to hell and back
定义: 历经千辛万苦; 不辞千辛万苦.
例句: Judy would go to hell and back to help you win that contest. She's your best friend. (茱迪会不辞千辛万苦帮助你赢得这场比赛. 她是你最铁杆的朋友)

04. to hell and gone
定义: 遥不可及, 离得很远; 彻底毁坏或丢失; 彻底摧毁; 永远, 没完没了.
例句: We had to drive to hell and gone to find some place where we could stay for the night. (我们不得不开到很远的地方去寻找可以过夜的去处)

05. to hell with someone/something
定义: [不雅语]去他的; 我才不管某人, 事或物.
例句: To hell with him! It's not like I'm going to miss him. (我才不甩他! 我跟他又没交情)

06. to hell with that
定义: [不雅语]去它的; 我才不甩它.
例句: I've heard stories like that before, and I don't believe any of them. To hell with that! (我以前听过这样的故事, 我一个都不信. 去它的!)

07. to high heaven
定义: 极度地, 非常地.
例句: The kids were laughing and screaming to high heaven. (这些孩子们大笑尖叫响彻云霄)

08. to little/no purpose
定义: 无力扭转颓势, 毫无效果, 徒劳无功.
例句: My art degree has been put to little purpose, as I ended up getting a job as an accounts manager for a financial firm. (我的文科学位对我毫无用处, 因为我最终在一家金融公司找到了一份客户经理的工作)

09. to little/no avail
定义: 无力扭转颓势, 毫无效果, 徒劳无功.
例句: We tried to persuade her not to resign, but to no avail. (我们试图说服她不要辞职, 但还是失败了)

10. to little/no effect, to
定义: 徒劳无功地, 白费努力地, 毫无效果.
例句: We warned them not to invest their money in such a foolish scheme, but to no effect. (我们警告他们不要把钱投资在这种愚蠢的骗局上, 但努力都白费了)

11. To make a case, you have to do your homework.
[成语句型]想要提出有效论证或充分理由, 你必须做好你的研究工作.

12. to make matters worse
定义: 更糟的是. (注: 有些屋漏偏逢连夜雨的意味)
例句: I heard that Julie is being let go from her job, and to make matters worse, she hasn't been there long enough to qualify for severance pay! (我听说茱莉正要被解雇了, 更糟糕的是, 她在那儿工作的时间还不够长, 没有资格取得遣散费)

13. to me, as a ...
定义: 对我作为一个...来说.
例句: To me, as a foreign visitor, it's a singularly wonderful country. I often daydream of spending the rest of my life there. (作为一个外国游客, 对我来说, 这是一个非常美妙的国家. 我经常幻想在那里度过余生)

14. To me, that's all it matters.
[成语句型]对我来说这是最重要的; 对我来说这就是我想要的.

15. to my mind
定义: 依我的想法, 依我之见, 依我看来.
例句: Oh sure, to Dad's mind, every band is too loud! (哦, 那是肯定的, 依老爸看来, 每个歌唱团都吵得要命!)

16. to my surprise
定义: 令我吃惊的是.
例句: To my surprise, he agreed. (令我吃惊的是, 他居然同意了)

17. to my way of thinking
定义: 依我的想法, 依我之见, 我认为.
例句: To his way of thinking, mobile phones should be banned on public transport. (依他的想法, 公共交通工具上应该禁止使用手机)

18. to name but a few
定义: 仅列举几项, 不一一赘述.
例句: We have a huge range of exotic teas: assam, pu-erh, yerba mate, to name but a few. (我们拥有种类繁多具有异国风味的茶品: 阿萨姆茶, 普洱茶, 马黛茶, 仅列举几项)

19. to no end
定义: 非常地, 无止境地; 徒劳无功地, 白费努力地, 毫无效果.
例句: I'm an editor, so it irritates me to no end when people use "their" or "there" when they should be using "they're." (我是一名编辑, 因此每当人们使用"他们的"或"那里"而他们本应使用"他们是"的时候, 这便激起我无比的恼火)

20. to one's chagrin
定义: 令人窘迫地, 令人懊恼地, 令人丧气地.
例句: She had gained five pounds over the winter, much to her chagrin. (整个冬天她体重增加了五磅, 这令她很懊恼)



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