二十筆實用成語 1112

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二十筆實用成語 1112

帖子 royl » 周六 9月 17, 2022 12:10 am

二十筆實用成語 1112

01. Today's special is grilled salmon. I'll be back to take your order in a minute.
定義: [餐廳用語](服務員)今天的特餐是燒烤鮭魚. 我稍後會回來接受你們的點菜.

02. today's the day
定義: 就是今天, 時機成熟了, 沒有比今天還更好的時機.
例句: If you've been waiting for the perfect fishing conditions, today's the day. (如果你一直在等待完美的釣魚天氣狀況, 今天就是了)

03. toe the line/mark, to
定義: 遵循法規; 服從教條, 指揮或命令.
例句: He has to toe the company line to keep his job. (他必須服從公司的管理才能保住他的工作)

04. togged out/up, be/get
定義: 亮麗體面地盛裝.
例句: We all got togged up for the Mayor's Charity Lunch. (我們都盛裝出席了市長的慈善午餐)

05. together with
定義: 再加上, 與...一起.
例句: My headache, together with my fever, are making me feel pretty lousy. (我的頭痛再加上我的發燒, 弄得我很痛苦)

06. to-ings and fro-ings
定義: 來回往返, 來來去去; 搖擺不定, 猶豫不決, 見異思遷.
例句: To solve this problem, you need to commit to one plan of attack and stop all this toing and froing. (要解決這個問題, 你非得要決定好一個妥善處理方案, 別再猶豫不決, 見異思遷)

07. toke up, to
定義: [俚語]吞雲吐霧地吸大麻煙.
例句: Hey, it's no skin off my teeth if you want to spend your free time toking up, but I have no interest in it whatsoever. (嘿, 如果你想以吞雲吐霧吸大麻煙來打發時間, 我也不在乎, 但我對它沒有一點興趣)

08. token gesture, a
定義: 象徵性姿態.
例句: I know that the $200 they gave me at the end of my three-month internship was just a token gesture, but I really needed the money by that point! (我知道他們在三個月的實習期結束時給我的兩百塊美元只是一個像徵性的姿態, 但我當時確實需要這筆錢!)

09. toll-free call, a
定義: 免費長途電話.
例句: I have VoIP service for home phone. I log into my account first to see how many minutes were used and then proceed to make a toll-free call to my sister. (我家電話使用的是VoIP 服務. 我每次都先登錄我的帳戶查看使用了多少分鐘, 然後便撥打免費長途電話給我姐姐)

10. tomorrow is another day
定義: 明天又是新的一天.
例句: I'm so frustrated with how things went. Oh well, no sense dwelling on it. Tomorrow's another day. (對於不順遂的進展, 我非常沮喪. 哎呀, 算了, 沒必要老是糾結這個問題. 明天又是新的一天)

11. tomorrow or whenever
定義: 明天或隨便哪一天. (注: 意指在預約安排時間, 明天之後比較空閒)
例句: We're ready to close for the day. You have to leave. You can come tomorrow, or whenever. (我們準備要打烊了. 你必須離開. 你可以明天或隨便哪一天再來吧)

12. tone down, to
定義: 減少, 減輕; 轉為溫和, 平和或柔和.
例句: You should really tone down the angry rhetoric in the article, or people won't take it seriously. (你真的應該淡化文章中的憤怒言論, 否則人們不會認真看待這篇文章)

13. tone up, to
定義: 增加生動, 趨於強硬, 增強; 更紮實, 健壯.
例句: Walking to work has toned up my legs. (走路上班使我的雙腿變得更結實了)

14. tongue hangs out, one's
定義: 迫不及待, 極其渴望.
例句: He stared at the all-you-can-eat buffet with his tongue hanging out. (他饑渴難耐地盯著那些不限量吃到飽的自助餐食物)

15. tongue in cheek, with
定義: 半開玩笑地, 別當真; 只是一個玩笑, 別當真.
例句: I think people are taking all this more seriously than we intended. It was supposed to be tongue in cheek. (我覺得人們對這整件事的認真程度超過了我們的預料. 它本應是個玩笑罷了)

16. tongue twister, a
定義: 繞口令.
例句: The doctor said the condition is called aceruloplasminemia. Quite a tongue twister, huh? (醫生說這個身體狀況叫做原血漿銅藍蛋白缺乏症. 真是個繞口令, 是不是?)

17. tons of ...
定義: 很多..., 一大堆的...
例句: We bought tons of fried chicken, so help yourself. (我們買了很多炸雞, 所以請自便)

18. tonsil hockey
定義: [俚語]熱吻, 舌吻.
例句: There's this area behind the school where lots of couples go to play tonsil hockey. (學校後面有個地方有很多情侶們在那兒熱吻)

19. too ... for words
定義: 極...(形容詞)而辭窮, 太...(形容詞)而無法以言語形容.
例句: The bride was too beautiful for words. Her gown, her makeup, her hair – just stunning. (這位新娘美得無法以言語形容. 她的禮服, 她的妝容, 她的頭髮 – 簡直令人驚為天人)

20. too bad!
定義: 很遺憾, 太可惜! (注: 請注意這句也可能具有不同情之意像"你倒楣認命吧!")
例句: "But I'm going to a party this weekend, and everyone's going to be there!" "Well it's just too bad! You didn't clean your room like I asked, so now you're grounded." ("可是這個週末我要去參加一個派對, 大家都會去!" "唉, 你就認命吧! 你沒有按照我的要求清理你的房間, 所以現在你被禁足了.")



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