二十笔实用成语 1113

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二十笔实用成语 1113

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 18, 2022 11:54 am

二十笔实用成语 1113

01. too big for one's boots/breeches/britches, be
定义: 过份自大或傲慢, 目中无人.
例句: Our new boss is too big for his breeches and needs someone to tell him to change his behavior. (我们的新上司过份骄傲自大, 需要有人告诫他收敛他的傲慢行为)

02. too broke to pay, be
定义: 太穷而付不起钱.
例句: The New York millennial had complained in past years that he was too broke to pay for his 8-year-old son's child support. (这名纽约Y世代男子过去几年一直抱怨说, 他太穷了, 无法支付他八岁儿子的子女抚养费. 注: 这里的millennial也称Y世代, Generation Y, 一般指1980年代和1990年代出生的人)
Y世代, Generation Y

03. too busy to pay attention, be
定义: 太忙无暇注意.
例句: We are too busy to pay attention to life. We live our lives as if we are going to live forever, failing to confront our mortality. (我们太忙了没时间关注人生. 我们过着自己的日子就好像我们将会永远活着, 却忘了面对我们的死亡)

04. too clever by half, be
定义: 过度卖弄小聪明, 自我感觉良好. (注: 意指精明过头, 机伶得令人厌烦)
例句: His many admirers describe him as clever; his enemies as too clever by half. (他众多的仰慕者形容他机灵敏捷; 他的敌人却认为他滑头耍小聪明)

05. too close for comfort, be
定义: 太接近令人不安; 距离问题太近而令人担忧不安; 竞争差距太接近令人担忧.
例句: That car nearly hit me! That was too close for comfort. (那辆车差点撞到我! 两部车太接近, 令人担忧)

06. too close to call, be
定义: 因双方实力太接近无法决定或者预测(谁是胜利者).
例句: This one is going to be too close to call. It's a photo finish! (这次比赛双方实力太接近, 无法决定谁是胜利者. 只有凭借照片来判定胜负!)

07. too close to home, be
定义: 由于距离太近, 太过敏感或涉及个人隐私而令人担忧不安.
例句: As a veteran, the war film I watched yesterday hit too close to home, making me remember many awful things. (身为一名老兵, 我昨天看的那部战争影片跟自己过去的战场经历太相似, 让我回想起了很多可怕的事情)

08. too ... for your own good, be
定义: ...过头反而对你不利的.
例句: I'm telling you, that kid is too smart for her own good. Whenever we try to establish a rule in the dorm, she becomes obsessed with finding loopholes in our logic. (我告诉你, 这孩子聪明过头反而对她不利. 每当我们试图制定一条宿舍规则时, 她就会一门心思地想要在我们的逻辑里面找漏洞)

09. too deep for me, be
定义: 对我来说(水)太深, 或太深奥令我无法了解.
例句: To be honest, I hated poetry, the metaphors were too deep for me to understand. (老实说, 我很讨厌诗文, 文内的隐喻太深奥令我没法理解)

10. too far-gone, be
定义: 太迟了, 快完了, 无法挽回地恶化; 醉得不省人事.
例句: I'm sorry, but your roof is too far gone. You guys are going to have to replace the whole thing. (很抱歉, 你的屋顶坏得太厉害没法修理. 你们非得要把整片屋顶换新才行)

11. too hot to handle, be
定义: 太棘手, 太困难, 不好对付或处理.
例句: The editor thought the story about the president's girlfriend was too hot to handle, so he refused to print it. (报社编辑觉得这则有关董事长女友的新闻太棘手了, 因此他拒绝发表它)

12. too late for that, be
定义: 太迟了, 为时已晚了, 无法挽回地恶化.
例句: You have had your chance to return the money, now it is too late for that. (你原本有的是机会把钱归还, 现在为时已晚)

13. too little, too late, be
定义: 杯水车薪; 太少了, 太迟了而无法有效弥补问题.
例句: Her efforts to improve her grade were too little, too late. (她为了提高成绩所做的努力不但太少, 也太迟了)

14. too many chiefs and not enough Indians
定义: 太多发号施令者及不足够实际工作者以致无法有效率.
例句: Everyone wants to be the brains of this project, but there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians! (每个人都想当这个项目的大脑, 但是发号施令的人太多, 实际工作的人太少!)

15. too many cooks spoil the broth/soup/stew
定义: 人多嘴杂反而不好办妥事.
例句: "We've got my boss, his boss, a freelance consultant, and the head of IT all involved in this project, and it's turning into a disaster!" "Well, too many cooks spoil the broth!" ("我的老板, 老板的老板, 临时外聘顾问和IT部门负责人都参与了这个项目, 现在是弄得一团糟." "嗯, 人多嘴杂反而把事办砸!")

16. too many irons in the fire
定义: 同时要做的事情太多.
例句: I turned down the consulting job; I felt that I already had too many irons in the fire. (我拒绝了那份咨询工作; 我觉得我已经有太多的事情要做)

17. too many to count
定义: 太多了, 数不胜数.
例句: When it comes to hand tools, I have too many to count. (说到手工工具, 我手边的手工具数都数不清)

18. too much
定义: 太有趣, 太滑稽, 太慷慨; 太多了, 太大了; 太糟糕, 太过份.
例句: "I got you a brand new pair of diamond earrings for your birthday." "Oh my gosh, Jimmy, this is just too much! I can't accept such an extravagant gift." ("我给妳买了一副崭新的钻石耳环作为你的生日礼物." "哦, 天哪, 吉米, 这太贵重了! 我不能接受这么奢华的礼物.")

19. too much for someone, be
定义: 对某人来说太利害, 太艰难, 太强大, 无法胜任, 太过份或无法忍受.
例句: Your boss's constant demands are just too much. You really need to resign. (你老板无时无刻的工作要求实在太过份了. 你确实有必要辞掉这份工作)

20. too much is not enough
定义: (付出或获得)再多也不够.
例句: Where love is concerned, too much is not enough. (就爱而言, 再多也是不够的)



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