二十笔实用成语 1116

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二十笔实用成语 1116

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 20, 2022 11:01 pm

二十笔实用成语 1116

01. touch a hot button, to
定义: 引发立即强烈反应; 触及情绪性或争议性的问题.
例句: Kelly touched a hot button, but has anyone bothered to ask, "Is there a thread of truth to what he said?" (凯利触及了一个具有争议性的问题, 但有没有人真心地想知道, "他说的话有一点道理吗?")

02. touch-and-go situation, a
定义: 不可预测的, 不稳定的, 不确定的, 一触即发的, 危险的状况.
例句: Our business had a pretty rocky start. It was a touch-and-go situation for a while there whether we'd even be able to keep going or not. (我们的业务起步很艰难. 无论我们是否能够继续前进, 有一段时间我们是处在一触即发的危险状况)

03. touch base, to
定义: 定期保持联络, 告知最新状况.
例句: I got the preliminaries from your husband's lawyer and I need to touch base with you about his accusations as soon as possible. (我从你丈夫的律师那里得到了初审的信息, 我需要尽快地与你联系, 跟你告知他的一些指控)

04. touch bottom, to
定义: 探底, 跌到谷底或最低点.
例句: I knew I had touched rock bottom when I missed my son's birthday party because I was so hung over. That's when I knew I needed to get help. (由于我醉得爬都爬不起来, 在我错过儿子生日派对的时候, 我知道我已经跌到人生的谷底了. 就在那个时刻, 我知道我需要寻求帮助)

05. touch for, to
定义: 跟某人借钱或请求接济.
例句: He touched me for a tenner. (他跟我讨了十块钱)

06. touch of, a
定义: 小量, 微量.
例句: "Are you all right? You sound quite ill." "I'm fine, just a touch of bronchitis." ("你还好吗? 你听起来病得很严重." "我还好, 只是得了轻微的支气管炎.")

07. touch off, to
定义: 引爆或点燃; 精确地描述; 触发或激起(冲突或暴乱).
例句: Our teacher is so high-strung that the slightest provocation touches him off. (我们的老师正在焦躁不堪, 哪怕是最轻微的挑衅都会引爆他的怒火)

08. touch on the raw, to
定义: 揭别人疮疤, 触及别人的敏感之处或伤痛之处.
例句: She touched him on the raw by criticizing his driving. (她批评他的驾驶技巧却触及了他的软弱痛处)

09. touch on/upon, to
定义: 轻略地提及或论及; 触及有关于(主题); 修补; 对...产生影响.
例句: Ms. Lee spoke on sales, then touched briefly on after-sale service. (李女士先讲授了销售, 然后简短地论及售后服务)

10. touch/hit a (raw) nerve, to
定义: 揭别人疮疤; 触及别人的敏感之处或伤痛之处.
例句: I could tell he was hitting a raw nerve when he brought up Jim's former employer and Jim went silent for a moment. (我看得出来, 当他提起吉姆的前雇主时, 他触及了吉姆的伤痛之处, 之后吉姆沉默了片刻)

11. touch someone/something with a barge pole, wouldn't
定义: [英国与澳洲]厌恶, 不屑, 不愿与...有关.
例句: Get that cocaine away from me, I wouldn't touch that junk with a barge pole! (把那些可卡因从我身边拿开, 我对那个垃圾看了就讨厌!)

12. touch up, to
定义: 完工前作最后修饰或小修改; 修补, 修缮小瑕疵或小损伤; 激发, 鞭策.
例句: I decided to have the body shop touch up several spots on my car where the paint was damaged. (我决定让车身修理厂修补我车上几处油漆被损坏的地方)
修补一小块被损坏的墙, 并补上油漆

13. touch wood, to
定义: [迷信语]希望心想事成; 希望不祥事别发生. (注: 意指如有人说他从不生病, 他突然想到这样说会给邪灵听到不好, 随后就会手指敲木头并且随口说, "Touch wood", 也就是百无禁忌, 希望别因犯忌生病)
例句: I've been driving for 36 years and have never been in an accident. Touch wood! (我已经开了三十六年的车了, 从来就没发生过事故. 敲敲木头, 百无禁忌!)
敲敲木头, 百无禁忌!

14. Touche
定义: [惊叹语]肯定别人的成功辩驳, 指控或口才; 击剑打点得分.
例句: "You don't have a driver's license? How lame." "Hey, at least I don't live in my parents' basement." "Touché." ("你居然还没有驾照? 够差劲了." "喂, 至少我没住在我爸妈的地下室里." "讲得好.")

15. touched by, be
定义: 受到感动; 产生感激, 同情或怜悯之心.
例句: We were all very touched by what you said at the funeral, Mike. (迈克, 你在葬礼上所说的话让我们都非常感动)

16. touched in the head, be
定义: 有点疯癫, 精神不正常; 感受深的.
例句: The loss of his children and wife in the accident left him a bit touched in the head. (在那件事故中失去了孩子和妻子, 造成他有点精神不正常)

17. touched to the quick, be
定义: 深受影响的; 感受深的.
例句: I was touched to the quick by this story and had trouble putting it down. (这本书中的故事深深地触动了我的心, 让我爱不释手)

18. touchy subject, a
定义: 敏感的, 易冒犯别人的话题.
例句: Usually, I'd try to avoid the touchy subject of politics, as I know that it will only lead to arguments or conflict among my friends and family. (通常, 我会尽量避免敏感的政治话题, 因为我知道这只会导致我的朋友之间和家人之间的争吵或冲突)

19. tough as leather, be (as)
定义: 意志坚强, 不易受人影响; 身强体壮, 不易受伤; 指食物难切, 硬得难吃.
例句: My grandmother is tough as leather – she lived through the Great Depression and raised four kids pretty much all on her own! (我祖母的意志坚韧不屈 – 她挺过了经济大萧条, 并且几乎独力地抚养了四个子女!)

20. tough as old boots, be (as)
定义: 意志坚强, 不易受人影响; 身强体壮, 不易受伤; 指食物难切, 硬得难吃.
例句: The meat was as tough as old boots. (这块肉硬得像旧靴子一样)



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