二十笔实用成语 1117

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二十笔实用成语 1117

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 22, 2022 2:51 pm

二十笔实用成语 1117

01. tough (it) out, to
定义: 熬过艰难, 度过难关, 排除万难.
例句: I'm amazed you toughed it out and went to school with such a high fever. (我很惊讶你居然熬过病痛的折磨, 还发着高烧去上学)

02. tough bananas/tarts!
定义: [惊叹语]算你倒楣! 你自认倒楣吧!
例句: "Today, I had to walk to school!" "Well, tough bananas!" ("今天, 我不得不步行去学校!" "唉, 算你倒楣!")

03. tough break, a
定义: 霉运, 不顺利; 算你倒楣.
例句: John's had some tough breaks lately, between losing his job and getting in that horrible car accident just two weeks later. (约翰最近很不顺利, 先是失业再来是两周后发生的可怕车祸)

04. tough call, a
定义: 左右为难; 很难决定的事情.
例句: Part of being the leader of a company is making tough calls when times get hard. (在困难时期做出艰难的决定乃是作为公司领导人责任的一部分)

05. tough cookie, a
定义: 意志坚强的人, 不好惹的人.
例句: Don't get Shirley upset. She is a tough cookie. (别惹雪莉. 她可是一个不好惹的人)

06. tough customer, a
定义: 意志坚强的人, 不好惹的人.
例句: She had a difficult childhood, but it made her into a tough customer later in life. (她有一个艰苦的童年, 然而这使她在日后成为一个意志坚强的人)

07. tough going, be
定义: 很艰难, 不好做的.
例句: It was tough going for the first few miles, but the trail became much easier as we got farther into the forest. (前几英哩走得很吃力, 但随着我们深入森林, 路径变得更加容易行走)

08. tough love, the
定义: 严教的爱. (注: 意指父母以严厉管教和纪律来促使小孩负责任, 并且明白这是真爱与关怀)
例句: That boy's parents let him do whatever he wants, but he's in for some tough love when he gets to his grandmother's house. She's kind but strict! (那个男孩的父母把他宠坏了, 他想要做什么就做什么, 但当他去了他祖母家的时候, 他注定会碰上严教的爱. 她虽然仁慈但管教森严!)

09. tough luck, a
定义: 碰到不顺利; 自认倒楣.
例句: Tough luck, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. (你自认倒楣吧, 这是没办法的事)

10. tough on someone, be
定义: 刁难某人; 对某人严厉, 强硬; 要求高.
例句: I know you think we're too tough on you, but we want you to reach your full potential. (我知道你认为我们对你管得太严厉了, 但我们希望你能够将你最大的潜能充分地发挥出来)

11. tough shit/titties
定义: [粗俗语]活该! 算你倒楣! (注: 意指别人虽遇到歹运但你根本不同情)
例句: "Ugh, I feel so horrible this morning." "Tough shit! If you want to drink yourself silly, then that's the price you pay." ("呃, 今天早上我感觉好难受." "活该! 如果你想要喝得烂醉如泥的话, 那就是你要付出的代价.")

12. tough sledding, a
定义: 一段艰难, 动荡或麻烦的时期; 不好做的事, 推展不易, 进展缓慢.
例句: Even some of the wealthier areas of the country must brace for tough sledding as fresh austerity measure come into effect on the heels of the bailout. (即使是该国一些较富裕的地区也必须为这段艰难时期做好准备, 因为新的财政紧缩措施将会在救市脱困行动之后立即生效)

13. tough times
定义: 难关, 艰难时刻.
例句: When Sue gave birth to twins and Dave lost his job, they got through tough times together. (在苏生下双胞胎, 然后戴夫又失去工作的这段时间, 他们携手度过了难关)

14. tough times call for tough measures
定义: [谚语]乱世用重典, 非常时期要用非常手段.
例句: Tough times call for tough measures. About 3 months in the pandemic, people have adopted various techniques to tide over the effects of lockdowns. (非常时期要用非常手段. 在流行病大约三个月的时间里, 人们使用了各种手法来渡过居家隔离所造成的不良影响)

15. toughen up, to
定义: 变得更加坚定, 不妥协, 坚忍, 有韧性, 意志坚强; 心智和体魄变为更坚强.
例句: I know you think I'm hard on you, but I'm just trying to toughen you up before you go off into the real world on your own. (我知道你认为我对你很苛刻, 但我只是想在你独立自主进入现实社会之前心智和体魄变为更加坚韧. 注: 意指具有了坚韧的心智和体魄才能经得起社会的残酷考验)

16. tourist trap, a
定义: 敲竹杠的旅馆, 餐馆, 商店; 以不光彩, 不光明正大方式经营旅游生意的黑店.
例句: There was one dining option: the dreaded tourist trap restaurant with a scenic vista. (有一个用餐选择: 去那家可以观赏优美风景的餐厅, 它也是一家可怕的敲旅客竹杠的黑店)

17. tower/pillar of strength, a
定义: 患难可依靠之人, 顶梁柱; 患难与共的伙伴.
例句: My wife has been a tower of strength while I work on my book. (当我写书时, 我的妻子一直是个可以患难与共的精神支柱)

18. toy with, to
定义: 考虑一个想法或计划; 玩弄, 逗弄, 糊弄; 漫不经心地对待, 把某事务当儿戏.
例句: Quit toying with me, Karen. I know that you're involved in this dirty deal! (别糊弄我了, 凯伦. 我知道你也参与了这笔肮脏的勾当!)

19. toy with the notion/idea, to
定义: 初步地, 非正式地考虑这个想法. (注: 意指尚未郑重地思考这个想法)
例句: I've been toying with the idea of starting my own business. (我一直在思考自己创业的这个想法)

20. track down, to
定义: 追捕, 寻获, 找到.
例句: My son really wants this toy, so I was wondering if you could help me track it down. (我儿子真的很想要这个玩具, 所以我想知道你是否可以帮我找到它)



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