二十笔实用成语 1119

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二十笔实用成语 1119

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 25, 2022 12:10 am

二十笔实用成语 1119

01. trash bin/heap of history, the
定义: 历史的垃圾堆. (注: 意指沦为被后世人们所遗忘或忽视的历史人事物)
例句: These few ruins are all that remain of the once-proud civilization, now relegated to the trash heap of history. (这几处废墟是曾经引以为豪的文明所仅存的遗迹, 现在已沦为历史的垃圾堆)

02. trash talk
定义: 垃圾话, 挑衅对方的话, 羞辱话, 脏话等等. (注: 垃圾话是一种通常在体育比赛中两方所发出吓唬对方的侮辱性和挑衅话语. 这些话语大多是说着玩的, 也很少造成双方斗殴)
例句: He had to listen to a lot of trash talk from the other players. (他不得不听别队球员发出的许多侮辱性和挑衅话语)

03. trash the place, to
定义: 恶意破坏, 摧毁这个地方.
例句: The rock band only stayed at the AirBnb for two nights, but they trashed the place. (这支摇滚乐队只在爱彼迎住了两晚, 但他们肆意破坏了这个地方)

04. travel by, to
定义: 搭乘某一交通工具; 日间或夜间出行; 使用某种光源出行.
例句: In 1955, for the first time, more people in the United States traveled by air than by train. (1955年, 美国搭乘飞机旅行的人数首度超过搭乘火车旅行的人数)

05. travel light, to
定义: 轻车简从; 行装简单, 轻装旅游.
例句: I hate lugging around a big suitcase, so I always try to travel light. (我很不愿意拖着一只大手提箱到处走, 所以我总是尽量地轻装旅游)

06. the worm turns
定义: [谚语]欺人太甚遭反噬. (注: 原意为虫子逼急了也会反咬 – 意指即使是弱小, 顺从的人被过份欺压也会反击)
例句: Sweet little Timmy is going to snap at you if you keep bugging him – the worm turns eventually. (如果你不停地骚扰他的话, 可爱的小提米也会反击的 – 虫子逼急了也会反咬人)

07. tread on someone's toes, to
定义: 得罪某人, 伤害某人感情, 侵犯某人权益.
例句: Look, you're going to have to tread on a few peoples' toes if you want to get ahead in this business. (听我说, 如果你想在这个行业崭露头角, 你将必然会得罪人)

08. tread the boards, to
定义: 上舞台表演.
例句: I've been treading the boards for nearly 30 years, and while I haven't grown rich from it, I've always loved it. (我已经在舞台表演了将近30年, 虽然我没有从中致富, 但我一直很喜爱这个表演生涯)

09. tread water, to
定义: 为了在水中浮着不停踩水划水; 暂不重大改变; 勉强能够维持目前的状态.
例句: With all the expenses we have to deal with in the new house, it feels like we're just treading water between paychecks. (搬进了新屋子之后, 我们不得不应付这些所有的开销, 感觉就好像我们仅仅靠着薪水勉强度日)

10. treat oneself to, to
定义: 犒劳自己. (注: 在treat oneself之后请不要忘掉使用to)
例句: Today I stole some moments for myself. I got up and treated myself to day in the country. (我今天忙中偷闲. 起床之后便犒劳自己去乡间作一日游)

11. treat someone like (a piece of) dirt, to
定义: 视某人为粪土, 不把某人当人看.
例句: I'm not surprised that so many of your employees are quitting. You treat them like dirt! (对于你这么多员工的辞职, 我并不惊讶. 你没把他们当人看!)

12. treat someone like a dog, to
定义: 践踏某人, 不把某人当人看.
例句: I'm tired of you treating me like a dog, as if I don't even matter! (我受不了你对我的践踏, 好像我的尊严根本不重要!)

13. tree-hugger, a
定义: [贬意词]环境保护者, 不愿见到自然资源被浪费者.
例句: A bunch of tree-huggers tried to stop the construction of the nuclear power plant. (一群环境保护者试图阻止这座核电厂的建造)

14. trial and error, a
定义: 尝试错误法, 反复试验排除错误法.
例句: Sometimes trial and error is the only way to get something done. (有时候, 反复试验排除错误法是完成某事的唯一方法)

15. trial balloon, a
定义: 气象测试气球; 测试大众反应的建议.
例句: It was just a trial balloon, and it didn't work. (这只是一个测试大众反应的提议, 它没有被大家接受)

16. trial by fire, a
定义: 试炼, 严厉考验, 以严酷折磨测试一个人的耐力.
例句: I was thrown right in the middle of a huge project as soon as I was hired, so it was a bit of a trial by fire. (我一被录用就被投入了一个巨大的项目中, 所以这有点像对我的严厉考验)

17. trial run, a
定义: 试车, 运转测试, 考核运作性能及可接受程度.
例句: See if you can do a trial run on the laptop before you buy it from him. (在从他那儿购买之前, 看看你是否可以先试用一下这台笔记本电脑)

18. trials and tribulations, the
定义: 试炼, 苦难, 磨难. (注: 意指尤其是那些用来考验一个人的勇气, 耐力或决心的试炼)
例句: The movie is about the trials and tribulations of growing up. (这部电影所讲述的是成长期间所遇到的磨难)

19. trick into, to
定义: 诱使, 哄骗, 误导某人去做某事.
例句: I can't believe he tricked me into doing his work for him like this. I should have known better! (我不敢相信他就这样诱使我为他做他的工作. 我早该知道他的不良居心!)

20. trick of the trade, the
定义: 行业窍门, 行家绝技, 秘方, 秘诀.
例句: She's only been here a couple of months, so she's still learning the tricks of the trade. (她在这里才做了几个月, 所以她还在学习行业的窍门)



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